[caasp-beta] How-To: LoadBalancer - Access to Dashboard as Example

Alejandro Bonilla abonilla at suse.com
Wed Apr 12 10:20:32 MDT 2017

Hi Beta Testers -

(Before you proceed, please refer to my previous e-mail, "A few How-To guides coming your way”)


If you’ve deployed Beta 2 and then created a sample deployment, you’ll notice that a LoadBalancer would be nice in order to access containers easily.

Clearly, doing this to access the Kubernetes Dashboard (or any other service) isn’t that nice...

	kubectl describe pods kubernetes-dashboard --namespace=kube-system | grep Node
	kubectl describe svc kubernetes-dashboard --namespace=kube-system | grep Node

(Mix the IP+Port) = Dashboard URL

So, I’ve just tried using a (known, good for testing) LB that is available.


Let’s give this LoadBalancer a try, and let’s use the (upstream) Kubernetes Dashboard as an example App.

1. Deploy the Kubernetes Dashboard.

	kubectl create -f https://rawgit.com/kubernetes/dashboard/master/src/deploy/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml

2. Fetch the necessary files to deploy the LoadBalancer

	git clone https://github.com/hpcloud/kubernetes-service-loadbalancer.git

3. Enter the work directory

	cd kubernetes-service-loadbalancer

4. Edit the ReplicationController section and change the VIP_ALLOCATION_START and VIP_ALLOCATION_END values. (Using an IP range to expose the App - In the same network as the master/workers)

	vi examples/kube-loadbalancer-rc.yaml

5. And deploy the LB Controller we’ve just modified

	kubectl create -f examples/kube-loadbalancer-rc.yaml

6. Get the worker node names and give them the type=loadbalancer label

	kubectl get nodes
	kubectl label node worker1 type=loadbalancer
	kubectl label node worker2 type=loadbalancer

7. Create a configmap file to use the kube-LoadBalancer to expose the Kubernetes Dashboard and the content below (or use attached)

	vi examples/dashboard-configmap.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    name: configmap-dashboard-svc
        app: loadbalancer
  namespace: "kube-system"
  target-service-name: "kubernetes-dashboard"

8. Deploy the configmap

	kubectl create -f examples/dashboard-configmap.yaml

9. Get the Dashboard IP via the bind-ip

	kubectl get configmap configmap-dashboard-svc -o yaml

10. curl or use a Browser to open the bind-ip.

Please let me know if something went wrong… or right…


Alejandro Bonilla
Technical Strategist – North America
abonilla at suse.com

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