[caasp-beta] CaaS 1.0 beta2 Installer issues with hostnames

Hari Mahadevan hari at mahadevan.net
Tue Apr 18 23:28:46 MDT 2017

Using 3 VMware VM’s 1xAdmin, 1xMaster, 1xWorker

Installed each VM individually booting from the iso image, using static IP
address, gateway and DNS for each.

After build the CaaS installer comes up with an incorrect/wierd hostname
for each system

Admin: ppklablinux30.localdomain

Master: ppklablinux31.localdomain

Worker: null-0050568c7c69

Across many other install attempts the “null-{mac_address}” hostname seems
to get used consistently.

Invoking bootstrapping process from the admin website by choosing the
Master runs never completes and keeps spinning … logs on the master has
name resolution failure using the incorrect hostnames

Admin: /var/log/messages:

2017-04-18T14:20:46.546707+00:00 ppklablinux30 hyperkube[2882]: E0418
14:20:46.546668    2882 reflector.go:188]
pkg/kubelet/config/apiserver.go:44: Failed to list *api.Pod: Get
dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

Master: /var/log/messages:

2017-04-18T14:20:43.569939+00:00 ppklablinux31 etcd[3937]: setting maximum
number of CPUs to 1, total number of available CPUs is 1

2017-04-18T14:20:43.570085+00:00 ppklablinux31 etcd[3937]: the server is
already initialized as member before, starting as etcd member...

2017-04-18T14:20:43.570230+00:00 ppklablinux31 etcd[3937]: peerTLS: cert =
/etc/pki/minion.crt, key = /etc/pki/minion.key, ca =
/etc/pki/trust/anchors/SUSE_CaaSP_CA.crt, trusted-ca =
/etc/pki/trust/anchors/SUSE_CaaSP_CA.crt, client-cert-auth = false

2017-04-18T14:20:43.573012+00:00 ppklablinux31 etcd[3937]: listening for
peers on

2017-04-18T14:20:43.573192+00:00 ppklablinux31 etcd[3937]: The scheme of
client url is HTTP while peer key/cert files are
presented. Ignored key/cert files.

2017-04-18T14:20:43.573372+00:00 ppklablinux31 etcd[3937]: listening for
client requests on

2017-04-18T14:20:43.589824+00:00 ppklablinux31 etcd[3937]: failed resolving
host ppklablinux31.localdomain:2380 (lookup ppklablinux31.localdomain on no such host); retrying in 1s

Thoughts/suggestions to fix the hostname issue?

Hari Mahadevan
914 564 2224 (c)
hari at mahadevan.net
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