[caasp-beta] Q: Any skuba bootstrap error with kubeadmn known?

Roger Klorese roger.klorese at suse.com
Mon Jul 15 05:57:54 MDT 2019

Looks to me from the message that the DNS server, not the registry, was unreachable...

Roger B.A. Klorese
Senior Product Manager
705 5th Ave S, Suite 1000
Seattle WA 98104
(P)+1 206.217.7432
(M)+1 425.444.5493
roger.klorese at suse.com
Schedule a meeting: https://doodle.com/RogerKlorese
GPG Key: D567 F186 A6AE D244 067E  95E4 E67D 019F 0670 D9CC

From: egov-devops <egov-devops at akdb.de>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 4:50 AM
To: caasp-beta at lists.suse.com
Cc: Roger Klorese
Subject: AW: [caasp-beta] Q: Any skuba bootstrap error with kubeadmn known?

Howdy list members, Howdy Roger.

Many thanks to Roger for his obvious tip, I couldn’t see it, cause I’m so so so frustrated with my progress of my caasp 4 beta installation. ;-/

Roger‘s tip worked as advertised. Now I know my problem, but I couldn’t find a solution, yet. It seems that my changed kubeadm-init.conf is reset before it is copied to the caasp-master1. Hence my own image repository (, which I changed (as mentioned in CaaSP-CAP-POC-Setup-Guide.pdf) beforehand, is reverted to registry.suse.com. Which in our airgap sitiuation is not available. Hence, the bootstrap fails.

Output of skuba with –v 5:
I0715 13:15:55.634379   26691 deployments.go:50] uploading local file "kubeadm-init.conf" to remote file "/tmp/kubeadm-init.conf"

I0715 13:15:55.634476   26691 files.go:29] uploading to remote file "/tmp/kubeadm-init.conf" with contents

I0715 13:15:55.779811   26691 ssh.go:167] running command: "sudo sh -c 'kubeadm init --config /tmp/kubeadm-init.conf --skip-token-print '"

I0715 13:15:55.874646   26691 ssh.go:190] stdout | [init] Using Kubernetes version: v1.14.1

I0715 13:15:55.874743   26691 ssh.go:190] stdout | [preflight] Running pre-flight checks

I0715 13:15:55.940883   26691 ssh.go:190] stderr |   [WARNING Hostname]: hostname "master1" could not be reached

I0715 13:15:55.940915   26691 ssh.go:190] stderr |   [WARNING Hostname]: hostname "master1": lookup master1 on no such host

I0715 13:15:56.090490   26691 ssh.go:190] stdout | [preflight] Pulling images required for setting up a Kubernetes cluster

I0715 13:15:56.090516   26691 ssh.go:190] stdout | [preflight] This might take a minute or two, depending on the speed of your internet connection

I0715 13:15:56.090522   26691 ssh.go:190] stdout | [preflight] You can also perform this action in beforehand using 'kubeadm config images pull'

I0715 13:15:56.236126   26691 ssh.go:190] stderr | error execution phase preflight: [preflight] Some fatal errors occurred:

I0715 13:15:56.236152   26691 ssh.go:190] stderr |   [ERROR ImagePull]: failed to pull image registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/hyperkube:v1.14.1: output: time="2019-07-15T13:16:03+02:00" level=fatal msg="pulling image failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = pinging docker registry returned: Get https://registry.suse.com/v2/: dial tcp: lookup registry.suse.com on no such host"

I0715 13:15:56.236162   26691 ssh.go:190] stderr | , error: exit status 1

I0715 13:15:56.236172   26691 ssh.go:190] stderr |   [ERROR ImagePull]: failed to pull image registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/pause:3.1: output: time="2019-07-15T13:16:03+02:00" level=fatal msg="pulling image failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = pinging docker registry returned: Get https://registry.suse.com/v2/: dial tcp: lookup registry.suse.com on no such host"

I0715 13:15:56.236177   26691 ssh.go:190] stderr | , error: exit status 1

I0715 13:15:56.236183   26691 ssh.go:190] stderr |   [ERROR ImagePull]: failed to pull image registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/etcd:3.3.11: output: time="2019-07-15T13:16:03+02:00" level=fatal msg="pulling image failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = pinging docker registry returned: Get https://registry.suse.com/v2/: dial tcp: lookup registry.suse.com on no such host"

I0715 13:15:56.236189   26691 ssh.go:190] stderr | , error: exit status 1

I0715 13:15:56.236198   26691 ssh.go:190] stderr |   [ERROR ImagePull]: failed to pull image registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/coredns:1.2.6: output: time="2019-07-15T13:16:03+02:00" level=fatal msg="pulling image failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = pinging docker registry returned: Get https://registry.suse.com/v2/: dial tcp: lookup registry.suse.com on no such host"

I0715 13:15:56.236204   26691 ssh.go:190] stderr | , error: exit status 1

I0715 13:15:56.236210   26691 ssh.go:190] stderr | [preflight] If you know what you are doing, you can make a check non-fatal with `--ignore-preflight-errors=...`

I0715 13:15:56.238552   26691 ssh.go:167] running command: "sudo sh -c 'rm /tmp/kubeadm-init.conf'"

F0715 13:15:56.321598   26691 bootstrap.go:48] error bootstraping node: failed to apply state kubeadm.init: Process exited with status 1

The registry is available and working:
caasp-master1:/tmp # curl --insecure

  "repositories": [






















































































Does anyone have an idea how to keep the changed kubeadm-init.conf, hence my replaced registry entries, intact?

Best regards,

Alexander Schießl

Team DevOps

Geschäftsfeld eGovernment

Telefon +49 800 2553222-65

egov-devops at adkb.de<mailto:egov-devops at adkb.de>


AKDB · Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts · Hauptverwaltung

Hansastraße 12-16 · 80686 München · www.akdb.de<http://www.akdb.de/>

Von: Roger Klorese <roger.klorese at suse.com>
Gesendet: Freitag, 12. Juli 2019 10:37
An: egov-devops <egov-devops at akdb.de>; caasp-beta at lists.suse.com
Cc: Gergo Kovacs <gergo.kovacs at suse.com>
Betreff: Re: [caasp-beta] Q: Any skuba bootstrap error with kubeadmn known?

Often, the default terseness of skuba hides what can be very simple errors to handle from the underlying tools. Try running skuba vith "-v 5" and see if you get a more useful message. Once, I got this message because I missed a step; another time, it was because I had a typo in an option...

Roger B.A. Klorese

Senior Product Manager


705 5th Ave S, Suite 1000

Seattle WA 98104

(P)+1 206.217.7432

(M)+1 425.444.5493

roger.klorese at suse.com<mailto:roger.klorese at suse.com>

Schedule a meeting: https://doodle.com/RogerKlorese

GPG Key: D567 F186 A6AE D244 067E  95E4 E67D 019F 0670 D9CC


From: caasp-beta <caasp-beta-bounces at lists.suse.com<mailto:caasp-beta-bounces at lists.suse.com>> on behalf of egov-devops <egov-devops at akdb.de<mailto:egov-devops at akdb.de>>
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2019 1:16 AM
To: caasp-beta at lists.suse.com<mailto:caasp-beta at lists.suse.com>
Cc: Gergo Kovacs
Subject: [caasp-beta] Q: Any skuba bootstrap error with kubeadmn known?


I’m trying to bootstrap a caasp 4 beta 3 cluster (https://susedoc.github.io/doc-caasp/beta/caasp-deployment/single-html/#bootstrap). But I get an error:

„F0712 09:46:39.270173   13949 bootstrap.go:48] error bootstraping node: failed to apply state kubeadm.init: Process exited with status 1“

So far I have done:

1.  ssh-keygen; ssh-add; ssh-copy-id; ssh via sles from „admin“ sles server to master{1-3} and node{1-3} via user sles is working

2.      Own RMT Server with images as described in CaaSP-CAP-POC-Setup-Guide.pdf setup and working

3.  skuba cluster init --control-plane <LB IP/FQDN> my-cluster -> LB IP we use;

4.      Skipped kured ( and prometheus (4.1.3) changes

5.  cd my-cluster

6.  skuba node bootstrap --user sles --sudo --target <IP/FQDN> <NODE NAME> -> IP of master1; NAME master1

==> skuba node bootstrap --user sles --sudo --target master1

==> ** This is a BETA release and NOT intended for production usage. **

==> [bootstrap] updating init configuration with target information

==> [bootstrap] writing init configuration for node

==> [bootstrap] applying init configuration to node

==> F0712 09:46:39.270173   13949 bootstrap.go:48] error bootstraping node: failed to apply state kubeadm.init: Process exited with status 1

Master1 setup:

-   OS SLES 15 SP1

-   SUSEConnect stuff as described here (https://susedoc.github.io/doc-caasp/beta/caasp-deployment/single-html/#_preparation_of_the_vm_as_a_template)

-   SUSEConnect --list-extensions


    Basesystem Module 15 SP1 x86_64 (Activated)

    Deactivate with: SUSEConnect -d -p sle-module-basesystem/15.1/x86_64

        Containers Module 15 SP1 x86_64 (Activated)

        Deactivate with: SUSEConnect -d -p     /15.1/x86_64

            SUSE CaaS Platform 4.0 x86_64 (BETA) (Activated)

            Deactivate with: SUSEConnect -d -p caasp/4.0/x86_64

        Server Applications Module 15 SP1 x86_64 (Activated)

        Deactivate with: SUSEConnect -d -p sle-module-server-applications/15.1/x86_64

            Public Cloud Module 15 SP1 x86_64 (Activated)

            Deactivate with: SUSEConnect -d -p sle-module-public-cloud/15.1/x86_64

-   sudo zypper in kubernetes-kubeadm kubernetes-kubelet kubernetes-client cri-o cni-plugins
Refreshing service 'SMT-http_smt_akdb_net'.

Retrieving repository 'SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP1-Updates' metadata .......................................[done]

Building repository 'SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP1-Updates' cache ............................................[done]

Retrieving repository 'SLE-Module-Containers15-SP1-Updates' metadata .......................................[done]

Building repository 'SLE-Module-Containers15-SP1-Updates' cache ............................................[done]

Retrieving repository 'SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP1-Updates' metadata ..............................[done]

Building repository 'SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP1-Updates' cache ...................................[done]

Loading repository data...

Reading installed packages...

'cni-plugins' is already installed.

No update candidate for 'cni-plugins-0.7.4-1.11.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.

'kubernetes-kubelet' is already installed.

No update candidate for 'kubernetes-kubelet-1.14.1-1.8.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.

'cri-o' is already installed.

No update candidate for 'cri-o-1.14.1-1.2.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.

'kubernetes-kubeadm' is already installed.

No update candidate for 'kubernetes-kubeadm-1.14.1-1.8.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.

'kubernetes-client' is already installed.

No update candidate for 'kubernetes-client-1.14.1-1.8.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.

Resolving package dependencies...

Nothing to do.

Any idea, what I did wrong? What can I check? What can I fix to make it work?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Alexander Schießl

Team DevOps

Geschäftsfeld eGovernment

Telefon +49 800 2553222-65

egov-devops at adkb.de<mailto:egov-devops at adkb.de>


AKDB · Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts · Hauptverwaltung

Hansastraße 12-16 · 80686 München · www.akdb.de<http://www.akdb.de/>

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