[caasp-beta] Q: How to get more output from skuba?

egov-devops egov-devops at akdb.de
Mon Jul 22 07:10:58 MDT 2019


I'm still stuck at joining my second master "master2", after initially bootstrapping master1, successfully and an supposedly running cluster.
caasp-admin:~/caasp4b4 # skuba cluster status
** This is a BETA release and NOT intended for production usage. **
caasp-master1   SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1   4.12.14-197.10-default   v1.15.0           cri-o://1.15.0      no            no

Is there a way to get more debug output from skuba? Yes, I've already set -v 9, see my command bleow...

I still get the error:
caasp-admin:~/caasp4b4 # skuba node join -v 9 --role master --user sles --sudo --target caasp-master2 2
>&1 | tee out.m2.txt
** This is a BETA release and NOT intended for production usage. **
I0722 15:03:19.034550    8926 loader.go:359] Config loaded from file:  admin.conf
I0722 15:03:19.035579    8926 round_trippers.go:419] curl -k -v -XGET  -H "Accept: application/json, */*" -H "User
-Agent: skuba/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/fd919f4" ''
I0722 15:03:19.047282    8926 round_trippers.go:438] GET 404 No
t Found in 11 milliseconds
I0722 15:03:19.047359    8926 round_trippers.go:444] Response Headers:
I0722 15:03:19.047388    8926 round_trippers.go:447]     Content-Type: application/json
I0722 15:03:19.047415    8926 round_trippers.go:447]     Content-Length: 196
I0722 15:03:19.047444    8926 round_trippers.go:447]     Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 13:03:30 GMT
I0722 15:03:19.047510    8926 request.go:947] Response Body: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"sta
tus":"Failure","message":"nodes \"caasp-master2\" not found","reason":"NotFound","details":{"name":"caasp-master2"
[join] applying states to new node
I0722 15:03:19.047945    8926 states.go:35] === applying state kubernetes.join.upload-secrets ===
I0722 15:03:19.047981    8926 deployments.go:50] uploading local file "pki/ca.crt" to remote file "/etc/kubernetes
I0722 15:03:19.048080    8926 files.go:29] uploading to remote file "/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt" with contents
[join] failed to apply join to node failed to apply state kubernetes.join.upload-secrets: Process exited with status 1
F0722 15:03:19.318024    8926 join.go:50] error joining node caasp-master2: failed to apply state kubernetes.join.upload-secrets: Process exited with status 1

So how to debug, what the problem is?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Alexander Schießl
Team DevOps
Geschäftsfeld eGovernment

Telefon +49 800 2553222-65
egov-devops at adkb.de<mailto:egov-devops at adkb.de>

AKDB * Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts * Hauptverwaltung München
Hansastr. 12 - 16 * 80686 München * www.akdb.de<http://www.akdb.de/>

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