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<div style="direction: ltr;font-family: Tahoma;color: #000000;font-size: 10pt;">Grand Lazy Sunday,<br>
The PDF file SUSE put out with Beta7 is grand, Pub-Date 2018-02-08..<br>
Page 21 section 1.2 Installing without Registration... Maybe should also have, Update install without Registration is similar to a New Install but not quite as these next pages.<br>
I'm sure there are still out there some lost souls who run a new install, well the next few lines are not for them ;o) This is for the vast majority of Linux users who already have a grand running system .... ;o) ;o) ;o)<br>
Page 23 secion 1.2.2 Shows a screenshot of what a new install will see, it's what to press to skip the registration and allow you to run off-line. But the good Update crowd do not see this picture, and maybe as myself think I have walked off the green brick
road... No your still on the path to happiness, but you get a different screen shot which is not shown in the PDF. So keep going and you will rejoin the PDF again.<br>
As shown you have to tick some boxes. Most describe themselves and there are very good words on what they all do.<br>
I had issues with that well know bad boy on the block, "Web Scripting", I don't seem to be able to get that clean, as seen in the attached screen shots.
But one is rewarded at the end with a sort of grand running Beta7. I'm sure I should have ticked another box, but I didn't see one I liked.<br>
rjw02-15-0-0:~ # zypper ve<br>
Loading repository data...<br>
Reading installed packages...<br>
6 Problems:<br>
Problem: nothing provides product(sle-module-server-applications) >= 15 needed by product:sle-module-web-scripting-15-0.x86_64<br>
Problem: nothing provides python2-pyparsing >= 2.2.0 needed by python2-packaging-16.8-1.10.noarch<br>
Problem: nothing provides product(sle-module-server-applications) >= 15 needed by product:sle-module-web-scripting-15-0.x86_64<br>
Problem: nothing provides python2-pyparsing >= 2.2.0 needed by python2-packaging-16.8-1.10.noarch<br>
Problem: nothing provides python2-pyparsing >= 2.2.0 needed by python2-packaging-16.8-1.10.noarch<br>
Problem: nothing provides python2-pyparsing >= 2.2.0 needed by python2-packaging-16.8-1.10.noarch<br>
Problem: nothing provides product(sle-module-server-applications) >= 15 needed by product:sle-module-web-scripting-15-0.x86_64<br>
Solution 1: deinstallation of product:sle-module-web-scripting-15-0.x86_64<br>
Solution 2: break sle-module-web-scripting-release-15-67.1.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies<br>
Choose from above solutions by number or skip, retry or cancel [1/2/s/r/c] (c): c<br>
rjw02-15-0-0:~ # <br>
This was run on VMware, so from my point of view one can use Beta7 for Update on a VMware environment.
One last point, to run an off-line Update one has to be "Off-Line". Some times a SUSEConnect --cleanup will be enough, sometimes it's like pulling rhinoceros teeth...<br>
I have found, on SLES12 the following 80% of the time works to de-Register a SLE client from a SMT server....<br>
SUSEConnect --cleanup<br>
2018-02-18 08:25:24 rm -f /etc/SUSEConnect<br>
2018-02-18 08:25:53 rm -rf /etc/zypp/credentials.d/*<br>
2018-02-18 08:26:07 rm -rf /etc/zypp/repos.d/*<br>
2018-02-18 08:26:18 rm -rf /etc/zypp/services.d/*<br>
Sometimes I have had clients that just hang in there, I move on to another machine I need to test Beta7 on and hope Beta-n will have some more pulling power ;o)<br>
I hope the above helps help some of the Update's, the new Installers can look forward to the day they do have a working tuned system, which just needs an UPDATE to continue it's good work.<br>
I have not been able to get an on-line Update to run on Beta7, there is an open bug report on this.<br>
Have a very good week.<br>
__R <br>
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