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<p>Grand Morning Vincent,</p>
<p>I ran a migration from SP1 to SP2 this morning and a /etc/issues told me "snapshot5"<br>
<p>The Gnome terminal still gives issues, Firefox runs but a number of items start but will not close.</p>
<p>I'm not sure I picked up any new code ?</p>
<p>I'll have another look later today.</p>
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<div id="x_divRplyFwdMsg" dir="ltr"><font style="font-size:11pt" face="Calibri, sans-serif" color="#000000"><b>From:</b> sle-beta <sle-beta-bounces@lists.suse.com> on behalf of Vincent Moutoussamy <vmoutoussamy@suse.com><br>
<b>Sent:</b> 19 February 2020 12:10<br>
<b>To:</b> Beta-Mailingliste, SUSE Linux<br>
<b>Subject:</b> [sle-beta] SLE 15 SP2 Updates in Beta Online Channels</font>
<div> </div>
<font size="2"><span style="font-size:10pt;">
<div class="PlainText">Hi, <br>
One of the biggest changes to our SLE Public Beta Program with SLE 15 SP2 was to<br>
reduce the number of Public Pre-release images to 3: One Beta, One Release Candidate<br>
and One Gold Master Candidate, along with providing more updates through our Beta<br>
Online Channels! (cf <a href="https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https://www.suse.com/betaprogram/sle-beta/%23themes&c=E%2C10%2Ccll%2Bd6Oy/QCaaywxHk5H83FbO8fXLE1jXyLDdUY/IBKQbIboWHOQ/haPxzPxB5zCEjdJ9ink2aIQee9M&typo=1&know=0" id="LPlnk923064" previewremoved="true">
That being said, as of today, there is already updates in our Online Channels that you<br>
should consider to install in your system. <br>
As an example, here are some available updates but not all of them:<br>
• nodejs12: 12.15.0<br>
• npm12: 12.15.0<br>
• s390-tools: 2.11.0-2.1<br>
• grub2: 2.0.4<br>
• openssh: 8.1p1<br>
• salt: 2019.2.3<br>
• crmsh: 4.2.0<br>
• libvirt: 6.0.0-3.3<br>
To get access to our Beta Online Channels, you have to use a Beta Registration Codes,<br>
your regular Registration Codes will not work! More information at:<br>
<a href="https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https://www.suse.com/betaprogram/sle-beta/%23faq-reg&c=E%2C10%2C8n7bu5SnTghLmvJIA/2sFcZ1F1S74FjZRzXnl3n1wyywncmFRns3%2BOIDR9Z1zL/XftPXbQcrohXOeCxA&typo=1&know=0" id="LPlnk707134" previewremoved="true">https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https://www.suse.com/betaprogram/sle-beta/%23faq-reg&c=E%2C10%2C8n7bu5SnTghLmvJIA/2sFcZ1F1S74FjZRzXnl3n1wyywncmFRns3%2BOIDR9Z1zL/XftPXbQcrohXOeCxA&typo=1&know=0</a><br>
After activating your Beta Registration Code on <a href="https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https://scc.suse.com&c=E%2C10%2C90pv7KVVJf1QsF98h1FZ7Yt4CmUjjbYRNTIEQjUitVQ1LcOS7Njy7kxNtVnnCfxv6QqBlZEqQ0sOy1Ie&typo=1&know=0" id="LPlnk744766" previewremoved="true">
https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https://scc.suse.com&c=E%2C10%2C90pv7KVVJf1QsF98h1FZ7Yt4CmUjjbYRNTIEQjUitVQ1LcOS7Njy7kxNtVnnCfxv6QqBlZEqQ0sOy1Ie&typo=1&know=0</a> and registering your
system with SUSEConnect or YaST, you will be able to list (zypper list-updates) and apply<br>
our updates (zypper update). <br>
As always, do not hesitate to ask any questions here in the mailing list, or contact us<br>
privately at beta-programs@lists.suse.com<br>
Have a nice day,<br>
PS: Did you know that zypper has command aliases? for instance “zypper lu” for<br>
list-updates and “zypper up” for update?<br>
Vincent Moutoussamy<br>
SUSE Beta Program, JeOS and SDK Project Manager<br>
sle-beta mailing list<br>
Check the mailing list archives or Unsubscribe at <a href="https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http://lists.suse.com/mailman/listinfo/sle-beta&c=E%2C10%2CHvdsMNa8eboGtiEtrMw6ZDldAgJ4he0AWKz9QgJD6O7i9ZYNivu8IcQysIbURuZ9seRF6J86LHdKgcuU&typo=1&know=0" id="LPlnk712892" previewremoved="true">