SUSE-RU-2020:1016-1: moderate: Recommended update for python-cachetools, python-google-api-python-client, python-google-auth, python-google-auth-httplib2

sle-updates at sle-updates at
Thu Apr 16 13:13:47 MDT 2020

   SUSE Recommended Update: Recommended update for python-cachetools, python-google-api-python-client, python-google-auth, python-google-auth-httplib2

Announcement ID:    SUSE-RU-2020:1016-1
Rating:             moderate
References:         #1088358 #1160933 
Affected Products:
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15

   An update that has two recommended fixes can now be


   This update for python-cachetools, python-google-api-python-client,
   python-google-auth, python-google-auth-httplib2 fixes the following issues:

   python-cachetools was updated to version 2.0.1:

   * Officially support Python 3.6.
   * Move documentation to RTD.
   * Documentation: Update import paths for key functions (courtesy of

   update to 2.0.0:

   - Drop support for deprecated features (breaking change).
   - Move key functions to separate package (breaking change).
   - Accept non-integer ``maxsize`` in ``Cache.__repr__()``.

   update to 1.1.6:

   - Reimplement ``LRUCache`` and ``TTLCache`` using
     ``collections.OrderedDict``.  Note that this will break pickle
     compatibility with previous versions.
   - Fix ``TTLCache`` not calling ``__missing__()`` of derived classes.
   - Handle ``ValueError`` in ``Cache.__missing__()`` for consistency with
     caching decorators.
   - Improve how ``TTLCache`` handles expired items.
   - Use ``Counter.most_common()`` for ``LFUCache.popitem()``.
   - Refactor ``Cache`` base class.  Note that this will break pickle
     compatibility with previous versions.
   - Clean up ``LRUCache`` and ``TTLCache`` implementations.
   - Refactor ``LRUCache`` and ``TTLCache`` implementations.  Note that this
     will break pickle compatibility with previous versions.
   - Document pending removal of deprecated features.
   - Minor documentation improvements.
   - Fix pickle tests.
   - Fix pickling of large ``LRUCache`` and ``TTLCache`` instances.
   - Improve key functions.
   - Improve documentation.
   - Improve unit test coverage.
   - Add ``@cached`` function decorator.
   - Add ``hashkey`` and ``typedkey`` fuctions.
   - Add `key` and `lock` arguments to ``@cachedmethod``.
   - Set ``__wrapped__`` attributes for Python versions < 3.2.
   - Move ``functools`` compatible decorators to ``cachetools.func``.
   - Deprecate ``@cachedmethod`` `typed` argument.
   - Deprecate `cache` attribute for ``@cachedmethod`` wrappers.
   - Deprecate `getsizeof` and `lock` arguments for `cachetools.func`

   python-google-api-python-client was updated to:

   - Upgrade to 1.7.4: just series of minor bugfixes

   Changes in python-google-auth was updated to 1.5.1:

   - Fix check for error text on Python 3.7. (#278)
   - Use new Auth URIs. (#281)
   - Add code-of-conduct document. (#270)
   - Fix some typos in (#268)
   - Warn when using user credentials from the Cloud SDK (#266)
   - Add compute engine-based IDTokenCredentials (#236)
   - Corrected some typos (#265)

   Update to 1.4.2:

   - Raise a helpful exception when trying to refresh credentials without a
     refresh token. (#262)
   - Fix links to README and CONTRIBUTING in docs/index.rst. (#260)
   - Fix a typo in (#256)
   - Use pytest instead of py.test per upstream recommendation, #dropthedot.
   - Fix typo on exemple of jwt usage (#245)

   New upstream release 1.4.1 (bsc#1088358)

   - Added a check for the cryptography version before attempting to use it.

   + From version 1.4.0
     - Added `cryptography`-based RSA signer and verifier.
     - Added `google.oauth2.service_account.IDTokenCredentials`.
     - Improved documentation around ID Tokens
   + From version 1.3.0
     - Added
     - Dropped direct pyasn1 dependency in favor of letting
       ``pyasn1-modules`` specify the right version.
     - ``default()`` now checks for the project ID environment var before
       warning about missing project ID.
     - Fixed the docstrings for ``has_scopes()`` and ``with_scopes()``.
     - Fixed example in docstring for ``ReadOnlyScoped``.
     - Made ``transport.requests`` use timeouts and retries to improve

   python-google-auth-httplib2 initially shipped:

   python-pytest-localserver was updated to 0.4.1:

   Update to version 0.3.6:

   + Add trove classifiers to make sure that package shows up on PyPI's
     Python 3 list.
   + Remove test method which rely on thread to be finished first.
   + OpenSSL is no longer necessary with werkzeug 0.10.
   + Tests now work under Python 3.3 \o/
   + Fix for Python 3.5 (fixes #13).
   + Add new Python version to classifiers.
   + Update repository url
   + Use @pytest.fixture to declare fixtures
   + Remove old-style test fixtures from tests and README, too.

Patch Instructions:

   To install this SUSE Recommended Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods
   like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".

   Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP1-2020-1016=1

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-2020-1016=1

Package List:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1 (noarch):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15 (noarch):



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