[sles-beta] [beta-programs] SLES 11 SP3 :: Samba

Marcus Kraft mkraft at suse.com
Tue Feb 19 06:34:09 MST 2013


SLE 11 SP3 has samba version 3.6.3. 

If other package versions are in interest, for a quick search, on each media (DVD1) there is a file INDEX.gz available with a listing of package path and version number, e.g: 

~> zgrep samba INDEX.gz 

If you have an installed system, with the installation repository still attached, 
you can use 'zypper' to search and query for more detailed information:

zypper se samba  

S | Name                | Zusammenfassung                                   | Typ       
i | samba               | A SMB/CIFS File, Print, and Authentication Server | Paket     
  | samba               | A SMB/CIFS File, Print, and Authentication Server | Quellpaket
i | samba-32bit         | A SMB/CIFS File, Print, and Authentication Server | Paket     
i | samba-client        | Samba Client Utilities                            | Paket     
i | samba-client-32bit  | Samba Client Utilities                            | Paket     
  | samba-doc           | Samba Documentation                               | Paket     
  | samba-doc           | Samba Documentation                               | Quellpaket
  | samba-krb-printing  | Wrapper binary for kerberized printing            | Paket     
  | samba-winbind       | Winbind Daemon and Tool                           | Paket     
  | samba-winbind-32bit | Winbind Daemon and Tool                           | Paket     
  | sblim-cmpi-samba    | Samba CIM provider                                | Paket     
  | sblim-cmpi-samba    | Samba CIM provider                                | Quellpaket
i | yast2-samba-client  | YaST2 - Samba Client Configuration                | Paket     
  | yast2-samba-client  | YaST2 - Samba Client Configuration                | Quellpaket
i | yast2-samba-server  | YaST2 - Samba Server Configuration                | Paket     
  | yast2-samba-server  | YaST2 - Samba Server Configuration                | Quellpaket

# zypper info samba                                                            
Repository: SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP3 11.3.3-
Name: samba
Version: 3.6.3-0.28.1

Regards Marcus

Am Dienstag 19 Februar 2013 13:41:14 schrieb Lawton Bonnevialle:
> Hi;
> One question: the new SLES11 SP3 will have Samba 4.x?

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards,

	Marcus Kraft

Marcus Kraft 
Senior Product Manager - SUSE Linux Enterprise
mkraft at suse.com
(P) +49 911 74053-171
(F) +49 911 74053-483

SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer,
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