[sles-beta] Question regarding multipathd

Bjoern Lotz bjoern.lotz at suse.com
Tue Jul 8 03:06:21 MDT 2014

Hash: SHA1


I have Beta9 set up with LIO Target on one machine, two targets with
two paths each. I connect to those from another machine and they
appear as expected on the client (initiator) side.

However, after a reboot, multipathing does not work directly - only
after manually restarting multipathd with
systemctl restart multipathd
are the devices assembled to mpatha and mpathb.

(And only after entering systemctl restart multipathd again does the
raid1 on top of it get activated, but for now I would be glad if the
mpatha and mpathb devices would appear.)

Did anyone see this too and know what I have to tweak to make it work
directly after the system (initiator machine) reboots?

I guess it's some sort of a timing issue during the system start, but
I have not found a way to fix it. Any help is appreciated!

Kind regards,


- -- 
Dr. Björn Lotz, Instructional Designer, CISSP
SUSE Linux GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5, 90409 Nürnberg
Tel: +49 89 8639 9664  Mobil: +49 173 5876724
bjoern.lotz at suse.com       PGP-ID: 0xD437D363
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