[sles-beta] Problems with XFS over Logical Volume

Lars Marowsky-Bree lmb at suse.com
Thu Jul 24 02:37:53 MDT 2014

On 2014-07-23T16:01:39, Bonazzoli Giandomenico - Technogym SPA <gbonazzoli at technogym.com> wrote:

> I think that very is a huge hole in SLES 12 beta10 using XFS over a logical volume:
> This is the vmstat that shows performance problems, and it happens also that the server need to bee rebooted because after some minutes the file system hangs.

What disks are you using? Are you writing to the same disk you're
reading from? USB, iSCSI, ...?

> P.S. : The "terrible" load is generated by a simple gzip -d edwh.dmp.gz

How big is that file? How does it perform if you instead write the
output to "nowhere" (gzip -dc edwu.dmp.gz >/dev/null)?


Architect Storage/HA
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