[caasp-beta] caasp-beta

Alejandro Bonilla abonilla at suse.com
Sat Apr 1 11:59:21 MDT 2017

Hi Rushi,

I think the autoyast expects all nodes IP/DNS proper resolution. I did not use that in my first install because I don't have a setup with proper DNS...

I deployed successfully and quite quickly by

- Created 4 VMs

- Each booted by DVD1
- - One was named admin for the Dashboard installer. I changed the 'linux' hostname at the 'Network' section as one would with yast lan under Hostname while on the installer. Used the Dashboard role, if I recall correctly the name of that role.
- - Did the same with master, worker1, worker2 and set them all as the worker role. Specified the admin IP as the controller.

- before installing the master and worker nodes, I finished the admin install and waited for it to boot up, it takes 10 seconds after the login prompt for the web Interface to be available.

- Finished the master, workers install, they quickly showed up in the Dashboard, selected master as the, well... master.

Deployment finished in less than 5 minutes.

On my laptop:
Downloaded kubeconfig, then installed
kubernetes-client and kubernetes-common (I used them from software.opensuse.org, but there may be a more official installer.)

Edit kubeconfig to ensure the master address is correct, vs a non-resolvable DN entry.

mkdir ~/.kube
cp kubeconfig ~/.kube/config

Use kubectl :-)

On Mar 31, 2017 11:22 PM, "Ns, Rushi" <rushi.ns at sap.com> wrote:

Here is my  beta test results.

I setup total  5 systems (1 controller, 1 master, 3 workers)

1)    Setup controller works fast and very quick too.

2)    Bootstrap nodes with autoyast worked and as well  manual install by selecting nodes by specifying the controller IP worked.

3)    Install cluster with selection ran several hours and I see the following

Any other tools to see whats happening other than kubelet commands I used here.

lvcaasadmin:/var/lib # kubelet list

I0401 03:58:17.465609    8571 feature_gate.go:189] feature gates: map[]

W0401 03:58:17.465761    8571 server.go:400] No API client: no api servers specified

I0401 03:58:17.465852    8571 docker.go:356] Connecting to docker on unix:///var/run/docker.sock

I0401 03:58:17.465893    8571 docker.go:376] Start docker client with request timeout=2m0s

E0401 03:58:17.467067    8571 cni.go:163] error updating cni config: No networks found in /etc/cni/net.d

I0401 03:58:17.475120    8571 manager.go:143] cAdvisor running in container: "/user.slice"

W0401 03:58:17.481167    8571 manager.go:151] unable to connect to Rkt api service: rkt: cannot tcp Dial rkt api service: dial tcp [::1]:15441: getsockopt: connection refused

I0401 03:58:17.487164    8571 fs.go:117] Filesystem partitions: map[/dev/sda2:{mountpoint:/var/lib/docker/btrfs major:0 minor:34 fsType:btrfs blockSize:0}]

I0401 03:58:17.489428    8571 manager.go:198] Machine: {NumCores:4 CpuFrequency:2297339 MemoryCapacity:33553862656 MachineID:026dbed750d34678baa318a927beb43c SystemUUID:4212E894-D404-BC7E-12C1-104406FAC1AF BootID:4fca4f86-b8df-40aa-9a52-9f32d82a65c6 Filesystems:[{Device:/dev/sda2 Capacity:105219358720 Type:vfs Inodes:0 HasInodes:true}] DiskMap:map[2:0:{Name:fd0 Major:2 Minor:0 Size:4096 Scheduler:cfq} 8:0:{Name:sda Major:8 Minor:0 Size:107374182400 Scheduler:cfq}] NetworkDevices:[{Name:eth0 MacAddress:00:50:56:92:78:da Speed:10000 Mtu:1500}] Topology:[{Id:0 Memory:33553862656 Cores:[{Id:0 Threads:[0] Caches:[]} {Id:1 Threads:[1] Caches:[]}] Caches:[{Size:41943040 Type:Unified Level:3}]} {Id:1 Memory:0 Cores:[{Id:0 Threads:[2] Caches:[]} {Id:1 Threads:[3] Caches:[]}] Caches:[{Size:41943040 Type:Unified Level:3}]}] CloudProvider:Unknown InstanceType:Unknown InstanceID:None}

I0401 03:58:17.490209    8571 manager.go:204] Version: {KernelVersion:4.4.52-1-default ContainerOsVersion:SUSE Container as a Service Platform 1.0 DockerVersion:1.12.6 CadvisorVersion: CadvisorRevision:}

I0401 03:58:17.491582    8571 cadvisor_linux.go:152] Failed to register cAdvisor on port 4194, retrying. Error: listen tcp :4194: bind: address already in use

W0401 03:58:17.494066    8571 container_manager_linux.go:205] Running with swap on is not supported, please disable swap! This will be a fatal error by default starting in K8s v1.6! In the meantime, you can opt-in to making this a fatal error by enabling --experimental-fail-swap-on.

W0401 03:58:17.494326    8571 server.go:669] No api server defined - no events will be sent to API server.

W0401 03:58:17.497638    8571 kubelet_network.go:69] Hairpin mode set to "promiscuous-bridge" but kubenet is not enabled, falling back to "hairpin-veth"

I0401 03:58:17.497694    8571 kubelet.go:477] Hairpin mode set to "hairpin-veth"

I0401 03:58:17.504274    8571 docker_manager.go:256] Setting dockerRoot to /var/lib/docker

I0401 03:58:17.504311    8571 docker_manager.go:259] Setting cgroupDriver to cgroupfs

I0401 03:58:17.506297    8571 server.go:770] Started kubelet v1.5.3

W0401 03:58:17.506331    8571 kubelet.go:1224] No api server defined - no node status update will be sent.

E0401 03:58:17.506400    8571 server.go:481] Starting health server failed: listen tcp bind: address already in use

E0401 03:58:17.506382    8571 kubelet.go:1145] Image garbage collection failed: unable to find data for container /

I0401 03:58:17.506527    8571 server.go:123] Starting to listen on

I0401 03:58:17.506647    8571 kubelet_node_status.go:204] Setting node annotation to enable volume controller attach/detach

F0401 03:58:17.509424    8571 server.go:148] listen tcp bind: address already in use

[cid:image001.png at 01D2AA5C.820478D0]

[cid:image002.png at 01D2AA5C.820478D0]

from messages I see the following.

event.go:208] Unable to write event: 'Post dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused' (may retry after sleeping)

2017-04-01T04:01:57.375925+00:00 lvcaasadmin hyperkube[2651]: E0401 04:01:57.375830    2651 reflector.go:188] pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go:378: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

2017-04-01T04:01:57.443964+00:00 lvcaasadmin hyperkube[2651]: E0401 04:01:57.443871    2651 reflector.go:188] pkg/kubelet/config/apiserver.go:44: Failed to list *api.Pod: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

2017-04-01T04:01:57.444895+00:00 lvcaasadmin hyperkube[2651]: E0401 04:01:57.444801    2651 reflector.go:188] pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go:386: Failed to list *api.Node: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

2017-04-01T04:01:58.376648+00:00 lvcaasadmin hyperkube[2651]: E0401 04:01:58.376550    2651 reflector.go:188] pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go:378: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

2017-04-01T04:01:58.444697+00:00 lvcaasadmin hyperkube[2651]: E0401 04:01:58.444601    2651 reflector.go:188] pkg/kubelet/config/apiserver.go:44: Failed to list *api.Pod: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

2017-04-01T04:01:58.446107+00:00 lvcaasadmin hyperkube[2651]: E0401 04:01:58.446008    2651 reflector.go:188] pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go:386: Failed to list *api.Node: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

2017-04-01T04:01:59.377433+00:00 lvcaasadmin hyperkube[2651]: E0401 04:01:59.377325    2651 reflector.go:188] pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go:378: Failed to list *api.Service: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

2017-04-01T04:01:59.445470+00:00 lvcaasadmin hyperkube[2651]: E0401 04:01:59.445336    2651 reflector.go:188] pkg/kubelet/config/apiserver.go:44: F

Best Regards,



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