[caasp-beta] SUSE CaaSP 1.0 Beta 2 video and Mailing List tips

SUSE Beta Program beta-programs at lists.suse.com
Wed Apr 12 09:42:21 MDT 2017

==SUSE CaaSP 1.0 Beta 2 video and Mailing List tips

=Installation video

We are glad to share an installation video showing how easy it is to install and
configure a SUSE Container as a Service Platform 1.0 Beta 2 Cluster.
You can check it out directly via https://youtu.be/hJf6FqNQhJ4 or on our SUSE
CaaSP Beta web page[1].

=Mailing List Tips

Here are some general tips about our caasp-beta mailing lists:

- If you recently joined the caasp-beta mailing list, consider to look at the
collection of prior postings, by visiting our caasp-beta Archives[2].
- If you don't want to have your Inbox filled with caasp-beta emails, we highly
recommend you to set up a mailing rule to move them into a dedicated caasp-beta
email folder.
    - You can make a rule based on the caasp-beta at lists.suse.com recipient or on
    the [caasp-beta] header subject automatically add to any post on the mailing
    - New beta release announcement will always have the [ANNOUNCE] header

- Don't be afraid to post your finding on the caasp-beta Mailing List before
opening a bug report
- Don't be afraid to ask any question regarding SUSE Container as a Service
Platform 1.0.

Your SUSE Linux Enterprise Team

Please refer to our dedicated SUSE CaaSP Beta webpage[3] for any general
information. Do not hesitate to ask any technical questions to our public
mailing list caasp-beta at lists.suse.com[4]

However if you have any question regarding SUSE Beta Program itself,
or if you have a special or private inquiry please reach us at
beta-programs at lists.suse.com
You received this email because you're signed up to get updates from us.
Sent an email to beta-programs at lists.suse.com if you would like to unsubscribe.

	Your SUSE CaaSP Team

[1] https://www.suse.com/betaprogram/caasp-beta/#media
[2] http://lists.suse.com/pipermail/caasp-beta/
[3] https://www.suse.com/betaprogram/caasp-beta/
[4] http://lists.suse.com/mailman/listinfo/caasp-beta
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