[caasp-beta] Dex AD group membership not showing

JenTing Hsiao jenting.hsiao at suse.com
Wed Aug 7 23:46:50 MDT 2019

Hi Ian,
  Image version both are correct!
  The gangway manifest is generated when executes `skuba cluster init`, I am not sure when you upgrade from Beta4 to Beta5, did you redeploy the whole cluster?


Donaldson, Ian <Ian.Donaldson at ngic.com<mailto:Ian.Donaldson at ngic.com>> 於 2019年8月8日 週四 下午1:23寫道:
I have installed Beta 5, but perhaps it didn’t install correctly over Beta 4. What version of  caasp-dex and gangway images should there be?

I show:
image: registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/caasp-dex:2.16.0<http://registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/caasp-dex:2.16.0>
image: registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/gangway:3.1.0<http://registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/gangway:3.1.0>

Ian Donaldson
Unix Systems Administrator
Office: 336-435-3983
ian.donaldson at NGIC.com
[cid:image001.png at 01CF32FA.7C387000]

From: JenTing Hsiao <jenting.hsiao at suse.com<mailto:jenting.hsiao at suse.com>>
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 1:09 AM
To: Donaldson, Ian <Ian.Donaldson at NGIC.COM<mailto:Ian.Donaldson at NGIC.COM>>
Cc: caasp-beta at lists.suse.com<mailto:caasp-beta at lists.suse.com>
Subject: Re: [caasp-beta] Dex AD group membership not showing

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Hi Ian,
    Thanks for your reporting. The group scope was added at Beta 5.


Donaldson, Ian <Ian.Donaldson at ngic.com<mailto:Ian.Donaldson at ngic.com>> 於 2019年8月8日 週四 上午2:13寫道:
The issue was not with Dex. The issue is that gangway by default doesn’t have the group scope included! This should really be added to the default yaml shipped by SUSE. I can imagine most companies being required to leverage existing ldap groups for RBAC rules in K8s.

I found that this is missing from gangway, and prevents group from even being searched.

Gangway yaml requires:
    scopes: ["openid", "profile", "email", "offline_access", "groups"]

Once I added the scope line (it wasn’t there by default) with groups, the group search was executed. I was then able to modify dex for our correct search filter.

        usernamePrompt: User Name
          baseDN:  OU=NGIC,DC=NGIC,DC=COM
          filter: "(objectClass=person)"
          username: sAMAccountName
          idAttr: sAMAccountName
          emailAttr: mail
          nameAttr: DN
          baseDN: OU=NGIC,DC=NGIC,DC=COM
          filter: "(objectCategory=group)"
          userAttr: DN
          groupAttr: member
          nameAttr: sAMAccountName

Ian Donaldson
Unix Systems Administrator
Office: 336-435-3983
ian.donaldson at NGIC.com<mailto:ian.donaldson at NGIC.com>
[cid:image001.png at 01CF32FA.7C387000]

From: Donaldson, Ian
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2019 11:58 AM
To: 'caasp-beta at lists.suse.com<mailto:caasp-beta at lists.suse.com>' <caasp-beta at lists.suse.com<mailto:caasp-beta at lists.suse.com>>
Subject: Dex AD group membership not showing

How do I get dex to pull down groups for a user? Our company uses Active Directory for ldap, whch I am able to authenticate a user against ok, but I never see any group info in the logs, which we need for tying RBAC to...

2019-08-01T16:41:02.971260002-04:00 stderr F time="2019-08-01T20:41:02Z" level=info msg="performing ldap search OU=NGIC,DC=NGIC,DC=COM sub (&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=i807154))"
2019-08-01T16:41:02.991102943-04:00 stderr F time="2019-08-01T20:41:02Z" level=info msg="username \"i807154\" mapped to entry CN=Donaldson\, Ian,OU=Permanent,OU=Users,OU=Winston-Salem,OU=Sites,OU=NGIC,DC=NGIC,DC=COM"
2019-08-01T16:41:03.026028235-04:00 stderr F time="2019-08-01T20:41:03Z" level=info msg="login successful: connector \"AD\", username=\"Donaldson, Ian\", email=\"Ian.Donaldson at NGIC.COM<mailto:Ian.Donaldson at NGIC.COM>\", groups=[]"
[CL test] root at plctapconwc001:/var/log/containers #

Here is my config:
  # This is a sample with LDAP as connector.
   # Requires a update to fulfill your environment.
   - type: ldap
     id: AD
     name: AD
       host: adldap.ngic.com:389<http://adldap.ngic.com:389>
       insecureNoSSL: true
       insecureSkipVerify: true
       startTLS: true
       bindDN: "CN=my bind account"
       bindPW: 'password'
       usernamePrompt: User Name
         baseDN:  OU=NGIC,DC=NGIC,DC=COM
         filter: "(objectClass=person)"
         username: sAMAccountName
         #idAttr: DN
         #emailAttr: sAMAccountName
         #nameAttr: cn
         idAttr: DN
         emailAttr: mail
         nameAttr: cn
         baseDN: OU=NGIC,DC=NGIC,DC=COM
         filter: "(objectClass=group)"
         #userAttr: distinguishedName
         #groupAttr: member
         #nameAttr: sAMAccountName
         #      username: userPrincipalName
         userAttr: DN
         groupAttr: member
         nameAttr: cn

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