[caasp-beta] CAASP v4 beta 3

Alejandro Bonilla abonilla at suse.com
Thu May 30 20:15:23 MDT 2019

I deployed yesterday on NUCs and it worked easily.

Install SLES with btrfs, no separate home sir, no swap.
Register against SCC, Containers Module and CaaSP Product.

Install the pattern as documented, install the packages on all nodes as documented in the section after the VMware chapter, ssh-keygen then ssh-copy-id to all nodes, then do the ssh-agent magic and follow the documentation.

Having said that, I succeeded with two deployments yesterday but folks where having problems today - perhaps images changed!?


On May 29, 2019 7:12 AM, "Le Bihan Stéphane (AMUNDI-ITS)" <stephane.lebihan at amundi.com> wrote:

Hello all,

I am disappointed to see that the CAASP v4 beta version is only available for VMware and Suse Openstack cloud 8.

We plan to migrate to version 4 for the network segregation part and have a better provision for the CEPHfs SES and we would like to validate everything we already have on CAASP v3.

Do you have a release date for KVM / bare-metal?


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