[Deepsea-users] Teuthology is not for unit testing

Nathan Cutler ncutler at suse.cz
Fri Dec 2 15:51:56 MST 2016

Sorry I was not subscribed until just now.

Let me say I heartily agree with the general direction of Ricardo's 
proposal, i.e. that automated PR validation testing is desirable/needed.

Jan makes a good point that any meaningful testing of DeepSea requires 
that a Ceph cluster be deployed.

Right now, DeepSea expects that cluster to be on a certain minimum 
number of nodes?

I know it's possible to run a Ceph cluster on a single node. Can DeepSea 
do that kind of deployment right now? If not, what kind of modifications 
would be needed?

(The ability to deploy one- and two-node clusters would be useful for 
DeepSea to have, since many teuthology test cases are designed to run on 
such minimal configurations.)

If the whole thing could run on a single VM, that (in my mind) would 
satisfy the definition of a unit test suite.

When Jenkins is triggered on a PR, it would create a VM in OpenStack, 
git clone the branch/SHA1, run the test suite, get the result, and then 
destroy the VM. The Jenkins machine could also be a VM in OpenStack.

Teuthology could be used as well, but not without significant 
modifications. In my mind, unit testing should be kept as simple and 
light-weight as possible. Teuthology does not fit into that mould.

Nathan Cutler
Software Engineer Distributed Storage
SUSE LINUX, s.r.o.
Tel.: +420 284 084 037

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