[Deepsea-users] Strange behaviour with ceph.stage.configure

LOIC DEVULDER - U329683 loic.devulder at mpsa.com
Tue May 9 09:21:58 MDT 2017

Hi guys!

I have a strange behaviour on my ceph cluster, I try to "simply" execute the configure stage with DeepSea and I have the following error with the admin key:

ylal8620:~ # salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.configure
[WARNING ] Although 'dmidecode' was found in path, the current user cannot execute it. Grains output might not be accurate.
[WARNING ] Although 'dmidecode' was found in path, the current user cannot execute it. Grains output might not be accurate.
[CRITICAL] No suitable gitfs provider module is installed.
[WARNING ] Although 'dmidecode' was found in path, the current user cannot execute it. Grains output might not be accurate.
[WARNING ] Although 'dmidecode' was found in path, the current user cannot execute it. Grains output might not be accurate.
[ERROR   ] Run failed on minions: ylal8620.inetpsa.com
        Data failed to compile:
        Rendering SLS 'base:ceph.admin.key.default' failed: Jinja variable 'salt.utils.templates.AliasedLoader object' has no attribute 'keyring.secret'

  Name: push.proposal - Function: salt.runner - Result: Changed Started: - 17:13:31.858716 Duration: 481.519 ms
  Name: refresh_pillar1 - Function: salt.state - Result: Changed Started: - 17:13:32.340671 Duration: 624.121 ms
  Name: configure.cluster - Function: salt.runner - Result: Changed Started: - 17:13:32.965248 Duration: 902.821 ms
  Name: refresh_pillar2 - Function: salt.state - Result: Changed Started: - 17:13:33.868575 Duration: 636.625 ms
          ID: admin key
    Function: salt.state
      Result: False
     Comment: Run failed on minions: ylal8620.inetpsa.com
                      Data failed to compile:
                      Rendering SLS 'base:ceph.admin.key.default' failed: Jinja variable 'salt.utils.templates.AliasedLoader object' has no attribute 'keyring.secret'
     Started: 17:13:34.505359
    Duration: 521.657 ms

Summary for ylal8620.inetpsa.com_master
Succeeded: 4 (changed=4)
Failed:    1
Total states run:     5
Total run time:   3.167 s

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong... The same thing executes well on my test cluster.

I have searched for keyring.secret (I know that it's a Python function) and the Salt configuration seems to be ok:

ylal8620:~ # grep -r keyring.secret /srv/*
Binary file /srv/modules/runners/populate.pyc matches
/srv/modules/runners/populate.py:        Track cluster name, writer, root directory and a keyring secret
/srv/modules/runners/populate.py:        The master role can access all keyring secrets
/srv/salt/ceph/admin/key/default.sls:      secret: {{ salt['keyring.secret'](keyring_file) }}
/srv/salt/ceph/igw/key/default-shared.sls:      secret: {{ salt['keyring.secret'](keyring_file) }}
/srv/salt/ceph/igw/key/default.sls:      secret: {{ salt['keyring.secret'](keyring_file) }}
/srv/salt/ceph/mds/key/default-shared.sls:      secret: {{ salt['keyring.secret'](keyring_file) }}
/srv/salt/ceph/mds/key/default.sls:      secret: {{ salt['keyring.secret'](keyring_file) }}
/srv/salt/ceph/mon/key/default.sls:      mon_secret: {{ salt['keyring.secret'](keyring_file) }}
/srv/salt/ceph/mon/key/default.sls:      admin_secret: {{ salt['keyring.secret'](admin_keyring) }}
/srv/salt/ceph/openattic/key/default.sls:      secret: {{ salt['keyring.secret'](keyring_file) }}
/srv/salt/ceph/osd/key/default.sls:      secret: {{ salt['keyring.secret'](keyring_file) }}
/srv/salt/ceph/rgw/key/default-shared.sls:      secret: {{ salt['keyring.secret'](keyring_file) }}
/srv/salt/ceph/rgw/key/default.sls:      secret: {{ salt['keyring.secret'](keyring_file) }}
ylal8620:~ # cat /srv/salt/ceph/admin/key/default.sls

{# The mon creation needs this key as well #}
{# Named the file the same as other components, there is only one keyring #}
{% set keyring_file = "/srv/salt/ceph/admin/cache/ceph.client.admin.keyring" %}
{{ keyring_file }}:
    - source: 
      - salt://ceph/admin/files/keyring.j2
    - template: jinja
    - user: salt
    - group: salt
    - mode: 600
    - makedirs: True
    - context:
      secret: {{ salt['keyring.secret'](keyring_file) }}
    - fire_event: True

ylal8620:~ # cat /srv/salt/ceph/admin/cache/ceph.client.admin.keyring
	key = AQCk1plYAAAAABAAAUCiFWAcXJ3HCXizdojlag==
	caps mds = "allow *"
	caps mon = "allow *"
	caps osd = "allow *"
ylal8620:~ # cat /etc/ceph/ceph.c
ceph.client.admin.keyring      ceph.client.openattic.keyring  ceph.conf                      ceph.conf_new                  ceph.conf_old                  
ylal8620:~ # cat /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring 
	key = AQCk1plYAAAAABAAAUCiFWAcXJ3HCXizdojlag==
	caps mds = "allow *"
	caps mon = "allow *"
	caps osd = "allow *"
ylal8620:~ # ll /etc/ceph/
total 28
-rw------- 1 root      root      129 Feb  7 16:13 ceph.client.admin.keyring
-rw-rw---- 1 openattic openattic 111 Feb  7 17:43 ceph.client.openattic.keyring
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root      785 May  9 16:12 ceph.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root      785 Feb 15 09:41 ceph.conf_new
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root      336 Feb  9 14:05 ceph.conf_old
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root      root      658 Feb 14 14:47 osd_location.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root      root       92 Feb  4 01:22 rbdmap

If anyone have an idea, it would be great for me!

Regards / Cordialement,
PSA Groupe
Loïc Devulder (loic.devulder at mpsa.com)
Senior Linux System Engineer / HPC Specialist
Internal postal address: SX.BES.15
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