[sle-beta] Upgrade Beta3
Waite, Dick (External)
Dick.Waite at softwareag.com
Sun Nov 26 23:54:49 MST 2017
...and can the Workstation Ext. be updated/migrated in the off-line mode ?
From: Waite, Dick (External)
Sent: 27 November 2017 07:52
To: Jiri Srain; sle-beta at lists.suse.com
Subject: RE: [sle-beta] Upgrade Beta3
Many Thanks Jiri,
I'm happy with the off-line, any idea why the SDK of SLES12-SP-3 seems to give issues ?
From: sle-beta-bounces at lists.suse.com [sle-beta-bounces at lists.suse.com] on behalf of Jiri Srain [jsrain at suse.cz]
Sent: 27 November 2017 07:32
To: sle-beta at lists.suse.com
Subject: Re: [sle-beta] Upgrade Beta3
there are two ways to upgrade SLES12 to SLES15 planned:
1. Using the repos from SCC. In this case, system needs to be registered
and the new repositories are delivered form SCC. This is not yet
implemented with Beta3
2. Fully off-line (meaning no SCC, does not matter whether you use the
modules media or their local HTTP mirror), where you need to select
needed modules manually; however, this requires the system not to be
registered, because otherwise it ends up with mix of SLES12 and SLES15
repositories. You can re-register the system after upgrade, though.
On 25.11.2017 02:33, Waite, Dick (External) wrote:
> I had a glass of Irish...
> SUSEConnect --cleanup to remove all registration trace.
> shutdown -r now
> upgrade
> as the words say, it's a big bumpy but along this track you do get into
> upgrade mode... Seems if the system knows it's registered it pop's off
> home...
> More in the morning, I'll let this update tonight.
> __R
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Waite, Dick (External)
> *Sent:* 25 November 2017 01:55
> *To:* 'sle-beta at lists.suse.com'
> *Cc:* 'Vincent Moutoussamy'
> *Subject:* Upgrade Beta3
> Grand Night,
> A new install ran Okay.
> I tried an offline migration using the installer and package:
> Finds the old version Okay then pops off to the SCC and you then get a
> "No migration product found". I tried with out a network and then I get
> an internal error.
> Need to stop it asking home about an update....
> Migration from SLE 12 to SLE 15
> With Beta 3, we are still not in an ideal state for the support of the
> different migration scenarios from SLE 12 to SLE 15. You can try it but
> it is not expected to be smooth! Nevertheless do not hesitate to share
> your findings if you face any issues, but keep in mind that we are
> working on it.
> * *Offline migration:* With Beta 3, it is possible by using the
> *SLE-15-Installer* and *SLE-15-Packages* isos.
> __R
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