[sle-beta] Migration ..SLES12 SP4 to SP5 - Bug 1148492
Waite, Dick (External)
Dick.Waite at softwareag.com
Thu Sep 5 23:59:45 MDT 2019
Grand Sunny Friday,
A week today, the wonderful Friday 13th RC1 is due to be released. At the moment I have not been able to run any Beta-4 ... Will RC1 run with "migration" ?
Beta-2 and Beta-3 migrated without any issues, has something "BIG" gone in between a Beta ? Nah nobody puts "BIG" items into Beta's...
From: Wei Gao [wegao at suse.com]
Sent: 30 August 2019 10:59
To: Waite, Dick (External); 'sle-beta at lists.suse.com'; Lemon Li; Marita Werner
Cc: Jiri Srain
Subject: RE: Migration ..SLES12 SP4 to SP5 - Bug 1148492
Hello Dick
Thanks a lot for your detail testing report.
Now we can reproduce your issue(reach beta3 instead of beta4) and will continue investigate, since we couldn't reproduce this issue with offline migration scenario.
Will contact you if we need more information from you.
Gao Wei
-----Original Message-----
From: Waite, Dick (External) <Dick.Waite at softwareag.com>
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2019 12:18 PM
To: 'sle-beta at lists.suse.com' <sle-beta at lists.suse.com>; Lemon Li <leli at suse.com>; Marita Werner <MaWerner at suse.com>; Wei Gao <wegao at suse.com>
Cc: Jiri Srain <jsrain at suse.com>
Subject: RE: Migration ..SLES12 SP4 to SP5 - Bug 1148492
Grand New Friday,
I'm available if you want any more testing this morning...
From: Waite, Dick (External)
Sent: 29 August 2019 06:59
To: Lemon Li; 'sle-beta at lists.suse.com'; Marita Werner; Wei Gao
Cc: jsrain at suse.com
Subject: RE: Migration ..SLES12 SP4 to SP5 - Bug 1148492
I went back to my SLES 12 SP-4 GA snapshot and started the machine. I used SUSEConnect --rollback to update the SCC and -- list-ext and --status-text to check all looked Okay.
I used this time Yasy2 online update. It ran the screens and ran the update. After a re-ipl I had a working SLES12 SP-5 Beta-3 enviroment.
Now I understand both zypper and Yast use the same low level enviroments, both maybe both failing to update to Beta-4 does in some way help.
I have added the earlier conds log to the bug report.
Have a good day,
From: Waite, Dick (External)
Sent: 29 August 2019 06:04
To: Lemon Li; 'sle-beta at lists.suse.com'; Marita Werner; Wei Gao
Subject: RE: Migration ..SLES12 SP4 to SP5
Grand New Day,
Cons-log attached. I ran again and this time ran a zypper --rollback to try and make sure the SCC was Okay. I did note that a zypper lu and lp did show there were new updates since I make my snapshot, *BUT* when you run the zypper migration --query it's says ther are *NO* updates... Odd what ?
Anyway I still get a running SLES12 SP-5 Beta-3 at the end. I ro run a shutdown -r now and check it's still Beta-3.
Maybe next it's not just a --rollback but a --cleanup but that is a RPITA...
Wishing you a very good day. I'll add the cons-log to the bug report later or maybe you can ;o)
From: Waite, Dick (External)
Sent: 29 August 2019 04:15
To: Lemon Li; 'sle-beta at lists.suse.com'; Marita Werner; Wei Gao
Subject: RE: Migration ..SLES12 SP4 to SP5
Grand Morning,
I have tried to migrate 7 machines, these are VMware machines used to QE our applications. The migration does seem to run well but when completed I have a Beta-3 version, which does run well and runs our tests, but iI wanted a Beta-4...
Let me know if you want me to run again with debug options.
From: Lemon Li [leli at suse.com]
Sent: 29 August 2019 03:26
To: Waite, Dick (External); 'sle-beta at lists.suse.com'; Marita Werner; Wei Gao
Subject: Re: Migration ..SLES12 SP4 to SP5
Hi Marita and Dick,
We will do some investigation include manual test to analyze this issue, and will send the test report later.
Anyway, I found a bug filed on SLE15SP1 may be the same issue, bsc#1116825.
On 8/28/19 6:47 PM, Waite, Dick (External) wrote:
> As an FYI
> These machines did Migrate from SP-4 GA to SP-5 Beta-2 and Beta-3 with no issues, it's like there is a flag still set to beta-3 that should now be Beta-4...
> I'm on a customer site at 14;30 for a couple of hours but can be available later this afternoon for debug sessions.
> Gee it's hot....
> __R
> ________________________________________
> From: Waite, Dick (External)
> Sent: 28 August 2019 12:39
> To: Marita Werner; 'sle-beta at lists.suse.com'; Wei Gao; Lemon Li
> Subject: RE: Migration ..SLES12 SP4 to SP5
> Grand Day Marita,
> Many Thanks for the quick service.
> My update / migration :
> start the sles12 SP-4 GA machine:
> zypper up ## check for new updates, if you get issues here it means a SUSEConnect --rollback might be needed. a SUSEConnect --rollback --query would be a grand command....
> shutdown -h now ## after shutdown take a VMware snapshot of SLES12
> SP-4 GA updated
> Start the machine:
> SUSEConnect --list-status ### Are look tidy ?
> SUSEConnect --list-ext ### Looking Okay ?
> zypper migration --query ### looking good ??
> zypper migration -q ### drop the -q if required
> ## Give a "1" when required
> ## Have a coffee
> ## after run
> cat /etc/os-release
> cat /etc/issue
> grip betaversion /etc/products.d/*
> shutdown -r now
> cat /etc/os-release ; cat /etc/issue
> I expect there are spelling issues but that has been working for a few
> years.... I agree the --rollback could be an issue but if a zypper up
> runs Okay then I don't run --rollback. I have seen more isse when a
> --rollback is run when it's not needed than the other way around. a
> --rollback --query would be very helpful ;o)
> I ran another while putting these words and it's still Beta-3
> Very open to an thoughts and can you try this etc etc...
> __R
> ________________________________________
> From: Marita Werner [MaWerner at suse.com]
> Sent: 28 August 2019 11:33
> To: Waite, Dick (External); 'sle-beta at lists.suse.com'; Wei Gao; Lemon
> Li
> Subject: AW: Migration ..SLES12 SP4 to SP5
> Hello Dick,
> we from QA have run quite some migration tests successfully. Let me add Wei Gao and Lemon, maybe they can help you.
> Best regards,
> Marita
> --
> Marita Werner, QA SLE Project Manager
> Phone +49 911 74053-222
> SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
> Maxfeldstr. 5
> 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
> (HRB 247165, AG München)
> Geschäftsführer: Felix Imendörffer
> ________________________________________
> Von: sle-beta <sle-beta-bounces at lists.suse.com> im Auftrag von Waite,
> Dick (External) <Dick.Waite at softwareag.com>
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. August 2019 11:16
> An: 'sle-beta at lists.suse.com'
> Betreff: [sle-beta] Migration ..SLES12 SP4 to SP5
> Grand Sunny Morning,
> To the grand chaps who are Migrators ...
> I have tried to migrate a number of machines from SLES12 SP-4 to SP-5.. This worked grand for Beta-2 and Beta-3 but for Beta-4 I run the migrate and end up with another Beta-3.
> Vincent has told me twice that Beta-4 was available from the 22nd but not that I see.
> Have anyone out there run a migrate and ended up with a Beta-4 ? This
> is open to any SUSE QE chaps too ;o)
> __R
> Software AG - Sitz/Registered office: Uhlandstraße 12, 64297
> Darmstadt, Germany - Registergericht/Commercial register: Darmstadt
> HRB 1562 - Vorstand/Management Board: Sanjay Brahmawar
> (Vorsitzender/Chairman), Dr. Elke Frank, John Schweitzer, Dr. Stefan
> Sigg, Arnd Zinnhardt; - Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender/Chairman of the
> Supervisory Board: Dr. Andreas Bereczky - http://www.softwareag.com
Best Regards,<br><br>
Software AG – Sitz/Registered office: Uhlandstraße 12, 64297 Darmstadt, Germany – Registergericht/Commercial register: Darmstadt HRB 1562 - Vorstand/Management Board: Sanjay Brahmawar (Vorsitzender/Chairman), Dr. Elke Frank, John Schweitzer, Dr. Stefan Sigg, Arnd Zinnhardt; - Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Andreas Bereczky - http://www.softwareag.com
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