SUSE-SU-2019:0505-1: moderate: Security update for amavisd-new

sle-security-updates at sle-security-updates at
Wed Feb 27 04:11:15 MST 2019

   SUSE Security Update: Security update for amavisd-new

Announcement ID:    SUSE-SU-2019:0505-1
Rating:             moderate
References:         #1123389 #987887 
Cross-References:   CVE-2016-1238
Affected Products:
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15

   An update that solves one vulnerability and has one errata
   is now available.


   This update for amavisd-new fixes the following issues:

   wmavisd-new was updated to version 2.11.1 (bsc#1123389):

   * removed a trailing dot element from @INC, as a workaround for a perl
     vulnerability CVE-2016-1238 (bsc#987887)
   * amavis-services: bumping up syslog level from LOG_NOTICE to LOG_ERR for
     a message "PID <pid> went away", and removed redundant newlines from
     some log messages
   * safe_decode() and safe_decode_utf8(): avoid warning messages "Use of
     uninitialized value in subroutine entry" in Encode::MIME::Header when
     the $check argument is undefined
   * @sa_userconf_maps has been extended to allow loading of per-recipient
     (or per-policy bank, or global) SpamAssassin configuration set from
     LDAP. For consistency with SQL a @sa_userconf_maps entry prefixed with
     'ldap:' will load SpamAssassin configuration set using the
     load_scoreonly_ldap() method;  a patch by Atanas Karashenski
   * add some Sanesecurity.Foxhole false positives to the default list
   * updated some comments

   Update amavis-milter to version 2.6.1:

   * Fixed bug when creating amavisd-new policy bank names

Patch Instructions:

   To install this SUSE Security Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods
   like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".

   Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-2019-505=1

Package List:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64):



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