SUSE-SU-2025:1024-1: important: Security update for tomcat10
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Wed Mar 26 12:30:21 UTC 2025
# Security update for tomcat10
Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2025:1024-1
Release Date: 2025-03-26T11:29:29Z
Rating: important
* bsc#1239302
* bsc#1239676
* CVE-2024-56337
* CVE-2025-24813
CVSS scores:
* CVE-2024-56337 ( SUSE ): 8.1 CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
* CVE-2024-56337 ( NVD ): 9.8 CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
* CVE-2025-24813 ( SUSE ): 9.2
* CVE-2025-24813 ( SUSE ): 8.1 CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
* CVE-2025-24813 ( NVD ): 9.8 CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
* CVE-2025-24813 ( NVD ): 9.8 CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
Affected Products:
* openSUSE Leap 15.6
* SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP5
* SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing ESPOS 15 SP5
* SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing LTSS 15 SP5
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 LTSS
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP5
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP6
* Web and Scripting Module 15-SP6
An update that solves two vulnerabilities can now be installed.
## Description:
This update for tomcat10 fixes the following issues:
* CVE-2025-24813: Fixed potential RCE and/or information disclosure/corruption
with partial PUT (bsc#1239302)
Other fixes:
* Update to Tomcat 10.1.39
* Fixes:
* launch with java 17 (bsc#1239676)
* Catalina
* Fix: 69602: Fix regression in releases from 12-2024 that were too strict and rejected weak etags in the If-Range header with a 400 response. Instead will consider it as a failed match since strong etags are required for If-Range. (remm)
* Fix: When looking up class loader resources by resource name, the resource name should not start with '/'. If the resource name does start with '/', Tomcat is lenient and looks it up as if the '/' was not present. When the web application class loader was configured with external repositories and names starting with '/' were used for lookups, it was possible that cached 'not found' results could effectively hide lookup results using the correct resource name. (markt)
* Fix: Enable the JNDIRealm to validate credentials provided to HttpServletRequest.login(String username, String password) when the realm is configured to use GSSAPI authentication. (markt)
* Fix: Fix a bug in the JRE compatibility detection that incorrectly identified Java 19 and Java 20 as supporting Java 21 features. (markt)
* Fix: Improve the checks for exposure to and protection against CVE-2024-56337 so that reflection is not used unless required. The checks for whether the file system is case sensitive or not have been removed. (markt)
* Add: Add support for logging the connection ID (as returned by ServletRequest.getServletConnection().getConnectionId()) with the AccessLogValve and ExtendedAccessLogValve. Based on pull request #814 by Dmole. (markt)
* Fix: Avoid scenarios where temporary files used for partial PUT would not be deleted. (remm)
* Fix: 69576: Avoid possible failure initializing JreCompat due to uncaught exception introduced for the check for CVE-2024-56337. (remm)
* Cluster
* Add: 69598: Add detection of service account token changes to the KubernetesMembershipProvider implementation and reload the token if it changes. Based on a patch by Miroslav Jezbera. (markt)
* Coyote
* Fix: 69575: Avoid using compression if a response is already compressed using compress, deflate or zstd. (remm)
* Update: Use Transfer-Encoding for compression rather than Content-Encoding if the client submits a TE header containing gzip. (remm)
* Fix: Fix a race condition in the handling of HTTP/2 stream reset that could cause unexpected 500 responses. (markt)
* Other
* Add: Add makensis as an option for building the Installer for Windows on non-Windows platforms. (rjung/markt)
* Update: Update Byte Buddy to 1.17.1. (markt)
* Update: Update Checkstyle to 10.21.3. (markt)
* Update: Update SpotBugs to 4.9.1. (markt)
* Update: Update JSign to 7.1. (markt)
* Add: Improvements to French translations. (remm)
* Add: Improvements to Japanese translations by tak7iji. (markt)
* Add: Add org.apache.juli.JsonFormatter to format log as one line JSON documents. (remm)
* Update to Tomcat 10.1.35
* Catalina
* Update: Add tableName configuration on the DataSourcePropertyStore that may be used by the WebDAV Servlet. (remm)
* Update: Improve HTTP If headers processing according to RFC 9110. Based on pull request #796 by Chenjp. (remm/markt)
* Update: Allow readOnly attribute configuration on the Resources element and allow configure the readOnly attribute value of the main resources. The attribute value will also be used by the default and WebDAV Servlets. (remm)
* Fix: 69285: Optimise the creation of the parameter map for included requests. Based on sample code and test cases provided by John Engebretson. (markt)
* Fix: 69527: Avoid rare cases where a cached resource could be set with 0 content length, or could be evicted immediately. (remm)
* Fix: Fix possible edge cases (such as HTTP/1.0) with trying to detect requests without body for WebDAV LOCK and PROPFIND. (remm)
* Fix: 69528: Add multi-release JAR support for the bloom archiveIndexStrategy of the Resources. (remm)
* Fix: Improve checks for WEB-INF and META-INF in the WebDAV servlet. Based on a patch submitted by Chenjp. (remm)
* Fix: Remove unused session to client map from CrawlerSessionManagerValve. Submitted by Brian Matzon. (remm)
* Add: Add a check to ensure that, if one or more web applications are potentially vulnerable to CVE-2024-56337, the JVM has been configured to protect against the vulnerability and to configure the JVM correctly if not. Where one or more web applications are potentially vulnerable to CVE-2024-56337 and the JVM cannot be correctly configured or it cannot be confirmed that the JVM has been correctly configured, prevent the impacted web applications from starting. (markt)
* Fix: When using the WebDAV servlet with serveSubpathOnly set to true, ensure that the destination for any requested WebDAV operation is also restricted to the sub-path. (markt)
* Fix: Generate an appropriate Allow HTTP header when the Default servlet returns a 405 (method not allowed) response in response to a DELETE request because the target resource cannot be deleted. Pull request #802 provided by Chenjp. (markt)
* Code: Refactor creation of RequestDispatcher instances so that the processing of the provided path is consistent with normal request processing. (markt)
* Add: Add encodedReverseSolidusHandling and encodedSolidusHandling attributes to Context to provide control over the handling of the path used to created a RequestDispatcher. (markt)
* Fix: Handle a potential NullPointerException after an IOException occurs on a non-container thread during asynchronous processing. (markt)
* Fix: Enhance lifecycle of temporary files used by partial PUT. (remm)
* Coyote
* Fix: Don't log warnings for registered HTTP/2 settings that Tomcat does not support. These settings are now silently ignored. (markt)
* Fix: Avoid a rare NullPointerException when recycling the Http11InputBuffer. (markt)
* Fix: Lower the log level to debug for logging an invalid socket channel when processing poller events for the NIO Connector as this may occur in normal usage. (markt)
* Code: Clean-up references to the HTTP/2 stream once request processing has completed to aid GC and reduce the size of the HTTP/2 recycled request and response cache. (markt)
* Add: Add a new Connector configuration attribute, encodedReverseSolidusHandling, to control how %5c sequences in URLs are handled. The default behaviour is unchanged (decode) keeping in mind that the allowBackslash attribute determines how the decoded URI is processed. (markt)
* Fix: 69545: Improve CRLF skipping for the available method of the ChunkedInputFilter. (remm)
* Fix: Improve the performance of repeated calls to getHeader(). Pull request #813 provided by Adwait Kumar Singh. (markt)
* Fix: 69559: Ensure that the Java 24 warning regarding the use of sun.misc.Unsafe::invokeCleaner is only reported by the JRE when the code will be used. (markt)
* Jasper
* Fix: 69508: Correct a regression in the fix for 69382 that broke JSP include actions if both the page attribute and the body contained parameters. Pull request #803 provided by Chenjp. (markt)
* Fix: Update the identifier validation in the Expression Language parser to reflect that, as of Java 9, _ is also a Java keyword and may not be used as an identifier. (markt)
* Fix: 69521: Update the EL Parser to allow the full range of valid characters in an EL identifier as defined by the Java Language Specification. (markt)
* Fix: 69532: Optimise the creation of ExpressionFactory instances. Patch provided by John Engebretson. (markt)
* Web applications
* Add: Documentation. Expand the description of the security implications of setting mapperContextRootRedirectEnabled and/or mapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled to true. (markt)
* Fix: Documentation. Better document the default for the truststoreProvider attribute of a SSLHostConfig element. (markt)
* Other
* Update: Update to Commons Daemon 1.4.1. (markt)
* Update: Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Migration Tool for Jakarta EE to 1.0.9. (markt)
* Update: Update the internal fork of Commons Pool to 2.12.1. (markt)
* Update: Update Byte Buddy to 1.16.1. (markt)
* Update: Update UnboundID to 7.0.2. (markt)
* Update: Update Checkstyle to 10.21.2. (markt)
* Update: Update SpotBugs to 4.9.0. (markt)
* Add: Improvements to French translations. (remm)
* Add: Improvements to Chinese translations by leeyazhou. (markt)
* Add: Improvements to Japanese translations by tak7iji. (markt)
* Add: Improvements to Japanese translations by tak7iji. (markt)
## Patch Instructions:
To install this SUSE update use the SUSE recommended installation methods like
YaST online_update or "zypper patch".
Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:
* openSUSE Leap 15.6
zypper in -t patch openSUSE-SLE-15.6-2025-1024=1
* Web and Scripting Module 15-SP6
zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Web-Scripting-15-SP6-2025-1024=1
* SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing ESPOS 15 SP5
zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-HPC-15-SP5-ESPOS-2025-1024=1
* SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing LTSS 15 SP5
zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-HPC-15-SP5-LTSS-2025-1024=1
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 LTSS
zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLES-15-SP5-LTSS-2025-1024=1
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP5
zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLES_SAP-15-SP5-2025-1024=1
## Package List:
* openSUSE Leap 15.6 (noarch)
* tomcat10-el-5_0-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-admin-webapps-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-jsp-3_1-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-jsvc-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-servlet-6_0-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-lib-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-embed-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-docs-webapp-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-doc-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-webapps-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* Web and Scripting Module 15-SP6 (noarch)
* tomcat10-el-5_0-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-admin-webapps-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-jsp-3_1-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-servlet-6_0-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-lib-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-webapps-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing ESPOS 15 SP5 (noarch)
* tomcat10-el-5_0-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-admin-webapps-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-jsp-3_1-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-servlet-6_0-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-lib-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-webapps-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing LTSS 15 SP5 (noarch)
* tomcat10-el-5_0-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-admin-webapps-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-jsp-3_1-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-servlet-6_0-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-lib-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-webapps-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 LTSS (noarch)
* tomcat10-el-5_0-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-admin-webapps-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-jsp-3_1-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-servlet-6_0-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-lib-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-webapps-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP5 (noarch)
* tomcat10-el-5_0-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-admin-webapps-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-jsp-3_1-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-servlet-6_0-api-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-lib-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
* tomcat10-webapps-10.1.39-150200.5.36.1
## References:
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