SUSE-RU-2018:2476-2: moderate: Recommended update for sapconf

sle-updates at sle-updates at
Thu Oct 18 11:24:59 MDT 2018

   SUSE Recommended Update: Recommended update for sapconf

Announcement ID:    SUSE-RU-2018:2476-2
Rating:             moderate
References:         #1070508 #1093315 #1093843 #1093844 #1096496 
Affected Products:
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-SP2-BCL

   An update that has 6 recommended fixes can now be installed.


   This update for sapconf provides the following fixes:

   - Correct the SAP Note references in the man pages and in the sysconfig
     file. (bsc#1096496)
   - Do not stop or disable uuidd.socket in sapconf as it is mandatory for
     every SAP application running. (bsc#1093843)
   - Remove hardcoded default value for VSZ_TMPFS_PERCENT. This allows an
     admin to exclude VSZ_TMPFS settings from the sysconfig file, so current
     system value will remain untouched. This value only got used in the
     previous version, if the variable VSZ_TMPFS_PERCENT was removed from the
     sapconf configuration file /etc/sysconfig/sapconf. If the value of the
     variable was only changed (increased or decreased) in the sapconf
     configuration file everything works fine. (bsc#1093844)
   - Consolidate all SAP ASE (Sybase) related configuration settings into the
     configuration file /etc/sysconfig/sapnote-1680803. (bsc#1070508)
   - Correct pattern search in /etc/sysconfig/sapnote-1557506 to get updating
     of /etc/sysconfig/sapconf to work. The problem only happens if
     /etc/sysconfig/sapnote-1557506 contains commented variable lines like
     '#PAGECACHE_LIMIT_MB=""' in addition to the uncommented line
     'PAGECACHE_LIMIT_MB="500"'. If only the uncommented lines exist,
     everything works correctly. (bsc#1093315)
   - Remove a misleading deprecation warning in sapconf. (bsc#1098352)

Patch Instructions:

   To install this SUSE Recommended Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods
   like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".

   Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-SP2-BCL:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-SERVER-12-SP2-BCL-2018-1742=1

Package List:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-SP2-BCL (noarch):



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