SUSE-RU-2020:0498-1: moderate: Recommended update for aws-cli, python-boto3, python-botocore, python-s3transfer, python-aws-sam-translator, python-cfn-lint, python-nose2, python-parameterized

sle-updates at sle-updates at
Wed Feb 26 13:12:37 MST 2020

   SUSE Recommended Update: Recommended update for aws-cli, python-boto3, python-botocore, python-s3transfer, python-aws-sam-translator, python-cfn-lint, python-nose2, python-parameterized

Announcement ID:    SUSE-RU-2020:0498-1
Rating:             moderate
References:         #1122669 #1136184 #1146853 #1146854 #1159018 
Affected Products:
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Python2 15-SP1
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Packagehub Subpackages 15-SP1
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15-SP1
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15-SP1

   An update that has 5 recommended fixes can now be installed.


   This update for aws-cli, python-aws-sam-translator, python-cfn-lint,
   python-nose2, python-parameterized, python-boto3, python-botocore,
   python-s3transfer fixes the following issues:

   python-aws-sam-translator was updated to 1.11.0 (bsc#1159018, jsc#PM-1507):

   Upgrade to 1.11.0:

     * Add ReservedConcurrentExecutions to globals
     * Fix ElasticsearchHttpPostPolicy resource reference
     * Support using AWS::Region in Ref and Sub
     * Documentation and examples updates
     * Add VersionDescription property to Serverless::Function
     * Update ServerlessRepoReadWriteAccessPolicy
     * Add additional template validation

   Upgrade to 1.10.0:

     * Add GSIs to DynamoDBReadPolicy and DynamoDBCrudPolicy
     * Add DynamoDBReconfigurePolicy
     * Add CostExplorerReadOnlyPolicy and OrganizationsListAccountsPolicy
     * Add EKSDescribePolicy
     * Add SESBulkTemplatedCrudPolicy
     * Add FilterLogEventsPolicy
     * Add SSMParameterReadPolicy
     * Add SESEmailTemplateCrudPolicy
     * Add s3:PutObjectAcl to S3CrudPolicy
     * Add allow_credentials CORS option
     * Add support for AccessLogSetting and CanarySetting Serverless::Api
     * Add support for X-Ray in Serverless::Api
     * Add support for MinimumCompressionSize in Serverless::Api
     * Add Auth to Serverless::Api globals
     * Remove trailing slashes from APIGW permissions
     * Add SNS FilterPolicy and an example application
     * Add Enabled property to Serverless::Function event sources
     * Add support for PermissionsBoundary in Serverless::Function
     * Fix boto3 client initialization
     * Add PublicAccessBlockConfiguration property to S3 bucket resource
     * Make PAY_PER_REQUEST default mode for Serverless::SimpleTable
     * Add limited support for resolving intrinsics in
     * SAM now uses Flake8
     * Add example application for S3 Events written in Go
     * Updated several example applications

   python-cfn-lint was added in version 0.21.4:

   - Add upstream patch to fix EOL dates for lambda runtimes
   - Add upstream patch to fix test_config_expand_paths test

   - Rename to python-cfn-lint.  This package has a python API, which is
     required by python-moto.

   Update to version 0.21.4:

     + Features
       * Include more resource types in W3037
     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Add Resource Type `AWS::CDK::Metadata`
     + Fixes
       * Uncap requests dependency in
       * Check Join functions have lists in the correct sections
       * Pass a parameter value for AutoPublishAlias when doing a Transform
       * Show usage examples when displaying the help

   Update to version 0.21.3

     + Fixes
       * Support dumping strings for datetime objects when doing a Transform

   Update to version 0.21.2

     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Update CloudFormation specs to 3.3.0
       * Update instance types from pricing API as of 2019.05.23

   Update to version 0.21.1

     + Features
       * Add `Info` logging capability and set the default logging to `NotSet`
     + Fixes
       * Only do rule logging (start/stop/time) when the rule is going to be
       * Update rule E1019 to allow `Fn::Transform` inside a `Fn::Sub`
       * Update rule W2001 to not break when `Fn::Transform` inside a
       * Update rule E2503 to allow conditions to be used and to not default
         to `network` load balancer when an object is used for the Load
         Balancer type

   Update to version 0.21.0

     + Features
       * New rule E3038 to check if a Serverless resource includes the
         appropriate Transform
       * New rule E2531 to validate a Lambda's runtime against the deprecated
       * New rule W2531 to validate a Lambda's runtime against the EOL dates
       * Update rule E2541 to include updates to Code Pipeline capabilities
       * Update rule E2503 to include checking of values for load balancer
     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Update CloudFormation specs to 3.2.0
       * Update instance types from pricing API as of 2019.05.20
     + Fixes
       * Include setuptools in requires

   Update to version 0.20.3

     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Update instance types from pricing API as of 2019.05.16
     + Fixes
       * Update E7001 to allow float/doubles for mapping values
       * Update W1020 to check pre-transformed Fn::Sub(s) to determine if a
         Sub is needed
       * Pin requests to be below or equal to 2.21.0 to prevent issues with

   Update to version 0.20.2

     + Features
       * Add support for List<String> Parameter types
     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Add allowed values for AWS::EC2 EIP, FlowLog, CustomerGateway,
         DHCPOptions, EC2Fleet
       * Create new property type for Security Group IDs or Names
       * Add new Lambda runtime environment for NodeJs 10.x
       * Move AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service Health checks from Only One to
       * Update Glue Crawler Role to take an ARN or a name
       * Remove PrimitiveType from MaintenanceWindowTarget Targets
       * Add Min/Max values for Load Balancer Ports to be between 1-65535
     + Fixes
       * Include License file in the pypi package to help with downstream
       * Filter out dynamic references from rule E3031 and E3030
       * Convert Python linting and Code Coverage from Python 3.6 to 3.7

   Update to version 0.20.1

     + Fixes
       * Update rule E8003 to support more functions inside a Fn::Equals

   Update to version 0.20.0

     + Features
       * Allow a rule's exception to be defined in a resource's metadata
       * Add rule configuration capabilities
       * Update rule E3012 to allow for non strict property checking
       * Add rule E8003 to test Fn::Equals structure and syntax
       * Add rule E8004 to test Fn::And structure and syntax
       * Add rule E8005 to test Fn::Not structure and syntax
       * Add rule E8006 to test Fn::Or structure and syntax
       * Include Path to error in the JSON output
       * Update documentation to describe how to install cfn-lint from brew
     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Update CloudFormation specs to version 3.0.0
       * Add new region ap-east-1
       * Add list min/max and string min/max for CloudWatch Alarm Actions
       * Add allowed values for EC2::LaunchTemplate
       * Add allowed values for EC2::Host
       * Update allowed values for Amazon MQ to include 5.15.9
       * Add AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinition to GreenGrass supported
       * Add AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointService to all regions
       * Update AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition ExecutionRoleArn to be a IAM Role ARN
       * Patch spec files for SSM MaintenanceWindow to look for Target and
         not Targets
       * Update ManagedPolicyArns list size to be 20 which is the hard
         limit.  10 is the soft limit.
     + Fixes
       * Fix rule E3033 to check the string size when the string is inside a
       * Fix an issue in which AWS::NotificationARNs was not a list
       * Add AWS::EC2::Volume to rule W3010
       * Fix an issue with W2001 where SAM translate would remove the Ref to
         a parameter causing this error to falsely trigger
       * Fix rule W3010 to not error when the availability zone is 'all'

   Update to version 0.19.1

     + Fixes
       * Fix core Condition processing to support direct Condition in another
       * Fix the W2030 to check numbers against string allowed values

   Update to version 0.19.0

     + Features
       * Add NS and PTR Route53 record checking to rule E3020
       * New rule E3050 to check if a Ref to IAM Role has a Role path of '/'
       * New rule E3037 to look for duplicates in a list that doesn't support
       * New rule I3037 to look for duplicates in a list when duplicates are
     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Add Min/Max values to AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
       * Add Max JSON size to AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy PolicyDocument
       * Add allowed values for AWS::EC2 SpotFleet, TransitGateway,
         NetworkAcl NetworkInterface, PlacementGroup, and Volume
       * Add Min/max values to AWS::Budgets::Budget.Notification Threshold
       * Update RDS Instance types by database engine and license definitions
         using the pricing API
       * Update AWS::CodeBuild::Project ServiceRole to support Role Name or
       * Update AWS::ECS::Service Role to support Role Name or ARN
     + Fixes
       * Update E3025 to support the new structure of data in the RDS
         instance type json
       * Update E2540 to remove all nested conditions from the object
       * Update E3030 to not do strict type checking
       * Update E3020 to support conditions nested in the record sets
       * Update E3008 to better handle CloudFormation sub stacks with
         different GetAtt formats

   Update to version 0.18.1

     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Update CloudFormation Specs to 2.30.0
       * Fix IAM Regex Path to support more character types
       * Update AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment.ComputeResources InstanceRole
         to reference an InstanceProfile or GetAtt the InstanceProfile Arn
       * Allow VPC IDs to Ref a Parameter of type String
     + Fixes
       * Fix E3502 to check the size of the property instead of the parent

   Update to version 0.18.0

     + Features
       * New rule E3032 to check the size of lists
       * New rule E3502 to check JSON Object Size using definitions in the
         spec file
       * New rule E3033 to test the minimum and maximum length of a string
       * New rule E3034 to validate the min and max of a number
       * Remove Ebs Iops check from E2504 and use rule E3034 instead
       * Remove rule E2509 and use rule E3033 instead
       * Remove rule E2508 as it replaced by E3032 and E3502
       * Update rule E2503 to check that there are at least two 2 Subnets or
         SubnetMappings for ALBs
       * SAM requirement upped to minimal version of 1.10.0
     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Extend specs to include: > `ListMin` and `ListMax` for the minimum
         and maximum size of a list > `JsonMax` to check the max size of a
         JSON Object > `StringMin` and `StringMax` to check the minimum and
         maximum length of a String > `NumberMin` and `NumberMax` to check
         the minimum and maximum value of a Number, Float, Long
       * Update State and ExecutionRoleArn to be required on
       * Add AllowedValues for PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod for
       * Add AllowedValues for the AWS::GuardDuty Resources
       * Add AllowedValues for AWS::EC2 VPC and VPN Resources
       * Switch IAM Instance Profiles for certain resources to the type that
         only takes the name
       * Add regex pattern for IAM Instance Profile when a name (not Arn) is
       * Add regex pattern for IAM Paths
       * Add Regex pattern for IAM Role Arn
       * Update OnlyOne spec to require require at least one of Subnets or
         SubnetMappings with ELB v2
     + Fixes
       * Fix serverless transform to use DefinitionBody when Auth is in the
         API definition
       * Fix rule W2030 to not error when checking SSM or List Parameters

   Update to version 0.17.1

     + Features
       * Update rule E2503 to make sure NLBs don't have a Security Group
     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Add all the allowed values of the `AWS::Glue` Resources
       * Update OnlyOne check for `AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm` to only
         `MetricName` or `Metrics`
       * Update Exclusive check for `AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm` for properties
         mixed with `Metrics` and `Statistic`
       * Update CloudFormation specs to 2.29.0
       * Fix type with MariaDB in the AllowedValues
       * Update pricing information for data available on 2018.3.29
     + Fixes
       * Fix rule E1029 to not look for a sub is needed when looking for iot
         strings in policies
       * Fix rule E2541 to allow for ActionId Versions of length 1-9 and
         meets regex `[0-9A-Za-z_-]+`
       * Fix rule E2532 to allow for `Parameters` inside a `Pass` action
       * Fix an issue when getting the location of an error in which numbers
         are causing an attribute error

   Update to version 0.17.0

     + Features
       * Add new rule E3026 to validate Redis cluster settings including
         AutomaticFailoverEnabled and NumCacheClusters.  Status: Released
       * Add new rule W3037 to validate IAM resource policies.  Status:
       * Add new parameter `-e/--include-experimental` to allow for new rules
         in that aren't ready to be fully released
     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Update Spec files to 2.28.0
       * Add all the allowed values of the AWS::Redshift::* Resources
       * Add all the allowed values of the AWS::Neptune::* Resources
       * Patch spec to make
   AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.LambdaFunctionAssociation.LambdaFunctionARN r
       * Patch spec to make AWS::DynamoDB::Table AttributeDefinitions required
     + Fixes
       * Remove extra blank lines when there is no errors in the output
       * Add exception to rule E1029 to have exceptions for EMR
       * Update rule E1029 to allow for literals in a Sub
       * Remove sub checks from rule E3031 as it won't match in all cases of
         an allowed pattern regex check
       * Correct typos for errors in rule W1001
       * Switch from parsing a template as Yaml to Json when finding an
         escape character
       * Fix an issue with SAM related to transforming templates with
         Serverless Application and Lambda Layers
       * Fix an issue with rule E2541 when non strings were used for Stage

   Update to version 0.16.0

     + Features
       * Add rule E3031 to look for regex patterns based on the patched spec
       * Remove regex checks from rule E2509
       * Add parameter `ignore-templates` to allow the ignoring of templates
         when doing bulk linting
     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Update Spec files to 2.26.0
       * Add all the allowed values of the AWS::DirectoryService::* Resources
       * Add all the allowed values of the AWS::DynamoDB::* Resources
       * Added AWS::Route53Resolver resources to the Spec Patches of
       * Patch the spec file with regex patterns
       * Add all the allowed values of the AWS::DocDb::* Resources
     + Fixes
       * Update rule E2504 to have '20000' as the max value
       * Update rule E1016 to not allow ImportValue inside of Conditions
       * Update rule E2508 to check conditions when providing limit checks on
         managed policies
       * Convert unicode to strings when in Py 3.4/3.5 and updating specs
       * Convert from `awslabs` to `aws-cloudformation` organization
       * Remove suppression of logging that was removed from samtranslator
         >1.7.0 and incompatibility with samtranslator 1.10.0

   Update to version 0.15.0

     + Features
       * Add scaffolding for arbitrary Match attributes, adding attributes
         for Type checks
       * Add rule E3024 to validate that ProvisionedThroughput is not
         specified with BillingMode PAY_PER_REQUEST
     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Update Spec files to 2.24.0
       * Update OnlyOne spec to have BlockDeviceMapping to include NoDevice
         with Ebs and VirtualName
       * Add all the allowed values of the AWS::CloudFront::* Resources
       * Add all the allowed values of the AWS::DAX::* Resources
     + Fixes
       * Update config parsing to use the builtin Yaml decoder
       * Add condition support for Inclusive E2521, Exclusive E2520, and
         AtLeastOne E2522 rules
       * Update rule E1029 to better check Resource strings inside IAM
       * Improve the line/column information of a Match with array support

   Update to version 0.14.1

     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Update CloudFormation Specs to version 2.23.0
       * Add allowed values for AWS::Config::* resources
       * Add allowed values for AWS::ServiceDiscovery::* resources
       * Fix allowed values for Apache MQ
     + Fixes
       * Update rule E3008 to not error when using a list from a custom
       * Support simple types in the CloudFormation spec
       * Add tests for the formatters

   Update to version 0.14.0

     + Features
       * Add rule E3035 to check the values of DeletionPolicy
       * Add rule E3036 to check the values of UpdateReplacePolicy
       * Add rule E2014 to check that there are no REFs in the Parameter
       * Update rule E2503 to support TLS on NLBs
     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Update CloudFormation spec to version 2.22.0
       * Add allowed values for AWS::Cognito::* resources
     + Fixes
       * Update rule E3002 to allow GetAtts to Custom Resources under a

   Update to version 0.13.2

     + Features
       * Introducing the cfn-lint logo!
       * Update SAM dependency version
     + Fixes
       * Fix CloudWatchAlarmComparisonOperator allowed values.
       * Fix typo resoruce_type_spec in several files
       * Better support for nested And, Or, and Not when processing Conditions

   Update to version 0.13.1

     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Add allowed values for AWS::CloudTrail::Trail resources
       * Patch spec to have AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType Version
     + Fixes
       * Fix conditions logic to use AllowedValues when REFing a Parameter
         that has AllowedValues specified

   Update to version 0.13.0

     + Features
       * New rule W1011 to check if a FindInMap is using the correct map name
         and keys
       * New rule W1001 to check if a Ref/GetAtt to a resource that exists
         when Conditions are used
       * Removed logic in E1011 and moved it to W1011 for validating keys
       * Add property relationships for
         AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy into Inclusive,
         Exclusive, and AtLeastOne
       * Update rule E2505 to check the netmask bit
       * Include the ability to update the CloudFormation Specs using the
         Pricing API
     + CloudFormation Specifications
       * Update to version 2.21.0
       * Add allowed values for AWS::Budgets::Budget
       * Add allowed values for AWS::CertificateManager resources
       * Add allowed values for AWS::CodePipeline resources
       * Add allowed values for AWS::CodeCommit resources
       * Add allowed values for EC2 InstanceTypes from pricing API
       * Add allowed values for RedShift InstanceTypes from pricing API
       * Add allowed values for MQ InstanceTypes from pricing API
       * Add allowed values for RDS InstanceTypes from pricing API
     + Fixes
       * Fixed README indentation issue with .pre-commit-config.yaml
       * Fixed rule E2541 to allow for multiple inputs/outputs in a CodeBuild
       * Fixed rule E3020 to allow for a period or no period at the end of a
         ACM registration record
       * Update rule E3001 to support UpdateReplacePolicy
       * Fix a cli issue where `--template` wouldn't be used when a
         .cfnlintrc was in the same folder
       * Update rule E3002 and E1024 to support packaging of
         AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion content

   - Initial build
     + Version 0.12.1

   Update to 0.9.1

    * the prof plugin now uses cProfile instead of hotshot for profiling
    * skipped tests now include the user's reason in junit XML's message field
    * the prettyassert plugin mishandled multi-line function definitions
    * Using a plugin's CLI flag when the plugin is already enabled via config
      no longer errors
    * nose2.plugins.prettyassert, enabled with --pretty-assert
    * Cleanup code for EOLed python versions
    * Dropped support for distutils.
    * Result reporter respects failure status set by other plugins
    * JUnit XML plugin now includes the skip reason in its output

   Upgrade to 0.8.0:

   - List of changes is too long to show here, see
     changes between 0.6.5 and 0.8.0

   Update to 0.7.0:

   * Added parameterized_class feature, for parameterizing entire test
     classes (many thanks to @TobyLL for their suggestions and help testing!)
   * Fix DeprecationWarning on `inspect.getargs` (thanks @brettdh;
   * Make sure that `setUp` and `tearDown` methods work correctly (#40)
   * Raise a ValueError when input is empty (thanks @danielbradburn;
   * Fix the order when number of cases exceeds 10 (thanks @ntflc;

   aws-cli was updated to version 1.16.223:

   For detailed changes see the changes entries:

   python-boto3 was updated to 1.9.213, python-botocore was updated to
   1.9.188, and python-s3transfer was updated to 1.12.74, fixing lots of bugs
   and adding features (bsc#1146853, bsc#1146854)

Patch Instructions:

   To install this SUSE Recommended Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods
   like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".

   Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Python2 15-SP1:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Python2-15-SP1-2020-498=1

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP1-2020-498=1

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Packagehub Subpackages 15-SP1:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Packagehub-Subpackages-15-SP1-2020-498=1

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15-SP1:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Development-Tools-OBS-15-SP1-2020-498=1

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15-SP1:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-SP1-2020-498=1

Package List:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Python2 15-SP1 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1 (noarch):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Packagehub Subpackages 15-SP1 (noarch):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15-SP1 (noarch):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15-SP1 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15-SP1 (noarch):



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