SUSE-RU-2020:1629-1: moderate: Recommended update for terraform-provider-aws

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Tue Jun 16 13:14:23 MDT 2020

   SUSE Recommended Update: Recommended update for terraform-provider-aws

Announcement ID:    SUSE-RU-2020:1629-1
Rating:             moderate
References:         #1170264 
Affected Products:
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1

   An update that has one recommended fix can now be installed.


   This update for terraform-provider-aws fixes the following issues:

   - Add symlink required by terraform execution
   - Update to version 2.59.0: (bsc#1170264)
     * v2.59.0
     * add CHANGELOG entry for PR #12935, PR #11657
     * update expected ID example for ssm_maintenance_window_target
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12777, #12775, #12793, #12734, #12867, #12967,
       #12890, #12936, #12715
     * resource/aws_waf_xss_match_set: Add plan-time validation for
       xss_match_tuples configuration block arguments (#12777)
     * resource/aws_waf_ipset: Add plan-time validation for
       ip_set_descriptors configuration block arguments (#12775)
     * resource/aws_wafregional_web_acl: Add plan-time validation to various
       arguments (#12793)
     * add CHANGELOG entry for PR #12933
     * resource/aws_rds_cluster: Support aurora-mysql and aurora-postgres
       Global Clusters (#12867)
     * provider: Support af-south-1 (Cape Town) in various data sources
     * docs/provider: Fix formatting of code block in Contributing Guide
     * add changelog entry for PR #12929
     * add changelog entry for PR #12948
     * Update
     * entry for adding import support network_acl_rule
     * update import id expected value formatting
     * add import note
     * fix tag list + expand test
     * resource/aws_route: Allow using compressed IPV6 CIDR (#12890)
     * data-source/aws_launch_template: Prevent type error with
       network_interfaces associate_public_ip_address (#12936)
     * docs/resource/aws_acm_certificate_validation: Use explicit zone_id
       attribute references (#12885)
     * docs/provider: Change "mapping" to "map" (when referring to the data
       structure) (#12908)
     * docs/resource/aws_iam_role_policy: Explicitly call out inline policy
     * updates to add in resource attribute checks
     * Update module aws/aws-sdk-go to v1.30.12 (#12715)
     * resource/aws_codepipeline: Add stage action namespace argument (#11910)
     * docs/provider: Correct ELB, S3 and Elastic Beanstalk links for new AWS
       regions in Contributing Guide (#12946)
     * update comments in test
     * add support for importing aws_volume_attachment resouce
     * add support for importing aws_ssm_maintenance_window_target resource
     * add support for importing aws_ssm_activation resource
     * code review updates and doc update
     * run linters
     * change delimiter and namespace attribute name
     * add vpc-related example/docs
     * add support for importing aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace
     * move linux wording
     * docs/provider: make website-lint-fix
     * add support for importing aws_default_etwork_acl resources
     * Fix typo in CHANGELOG
     * rename example resource
     * formatting with linter
     * update documentation for acl_rule importing
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12884, #11783, #12898, #9461, #10542, #12902,
       #9391, #9232, #12620, #12452
     * resource/aws_appsync_graphql_api: Add `log_config` configuration block
       `exclude_verbose_content` argument (#12884)
     * add support for importing aws_network_acl_rule resources
     * resource/aws_ssm_maintanance_window_target: Add plan-time validation
       to `resource_type` argument (#11783)
     * tests/resource/aws_glue_security_configuration: Keep empty string test
     * Do not send kms_arn in glue security configuration if mode is SSES3
     * resource/aws_iam_user: Ensure `force_destroy` removes signing
       certificates (#10542)
     * docs/resource/aws_dms_endpoint: Add missing aurora-postgresql to
       engine_name valid values (#12899)
     * resource/aws_lambda_alias: Suppress differences for equivalent
       function_name name and ARN (#12902)
     * .github/workflows/issues: Try removing curly braces from JSON to
       prevent error
     * r/aws_acm_certificate: Add test sweeper.
     * r/aws_apigatewayv2_api: Add test sweeper dependency on
     * Removes "magic string" error code from error conditionals
     * Updates ARN test missed by linter
     * r/aws_apigatewayv2_vpc_link: Move waiter logic into its own package.
     * Add aws_apigatewayv2_vpc_link resource.
     * Fix lint warning.
     * Fix broken documentation links.
     * r/aws_apigatewayv2_api_mapping: Create ACM certificate outside of
       Terraform configuration.
     * Renamed resource to 'aws_apigatewayv2_api_mapping'.
     * Add 'aws_api_gateway_v2_api_mapping' resource.
     * Cleanup after v2.58.0 release
     * v2.58.0
     * .github/workflows/issues: Remove extra closing parenthesis
     * .github/workflows/issues: Add curly braces in JSON
     * .github/workflows/issues: Try using fromJSON() to prevent errors
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12620
     * .github/workflows/issues: Ignore collaborators for needs-triage issue
       labeling (#12857)
     * Adds checks for nil results to prevent panics
     * Removes extraneous API call when updating root EBS volume
     * Test that route_settings are removed when empty.
     * Rename resource to 'aws_apigatewayv2_stage'.
     * tests/service/rds: Remove rds-ca-2015 from CA Certificate Identifier
       testing (#12855)
     * Add 'aws_api_gateway2_stage' resource.
     * service/servicediscovery: Refactor waiter logic into separate package,
       add test sweepers (#12765)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #9245
     * Change after review.
     * Update CHANGELOG for #9373
     * Update CHANGELOG for #8633 and #11792
     * resource/aws_dms_endpoint: Finish initial elasticsearch implementation
       and refactor schema/testing
     * Add deployment status waiter.
     * Rename resource to 'aws_apigatewayv2_deployment'.
     * Add 'aws_api_gateway2_deployment' resource.
     * Rename resource to 'aws_apigatewayv2_route_response'.
     * Add 'aws_api_gateway2_route_response' resource.
     * resource/aws_dms_endpoint: Minor adjustments to finish kinesis
       implementation and back out mongodb changes from #8633
     * Update CHANGELOG for #8881
     * Update CHANGELOG for #7170
     * resource/aws_dms_event_subscription: Finish initial implementation
     * docs/resource/aws_ram_resource_share: Fix typo (#12827)
     * Rename aws_apigatewayv2_integration_response resource source files to
       match standard naming convention.
     * Add note to documentation on inability to import API Gateway managed
       resources created as part of API quick create.
     * tests/resource/aws_backup_plan: Remove unused
     * Fix and enable tfproviderlint S023 check (#12781)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #10705
     * resource/aws_cognito_identity_provider: Address PR #10705 feedback
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11923
     * resource/aws_backup_plan: Finish initial copy_action implementation
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12269
     * data-source/aws_regions: Finish initial implementation
     * data-source/aws_regions: Apply suggestions from code review
     * docs/resource/aws_pinpoint_email_channel: Fix description (#12824)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #9365
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12819
     * resource/aws_ec2_client_vpn_endpoint: Allow two
       `authentication_options`  configuration blocks (#12819)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12342
     * resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Finish up initial Global Table Version
       2019.11.21 implementation
     * deps: Vendor (#12797)
     * Fixes tests
     * fmt updates
     * Apply suggestions from code review
     * docs/data-source/aws_route_tables: Update ids attribute type (#12802)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12800
     * resource/aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy: Ensure plan-time validation for
       times argument only allows 24 hour format (#12800)
     * provider: Fix and enable tfproviderlint S024 check: ForceNew is
       extraneous in data source schema attributes  (#12778)
     * tests(staticcheck): fix failing tests (#12782)
     * add extra line to indicate issue may exist in linux
     * add glob to provider pr labeller
     * tests/resource/aws_ecs_task_definition: Add sweeper (#12760)
     * Cleanup after v2.57.0 release
     * v2.57.0
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12735
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12738
     * r/aws_apigatewayv2_route: Add support for JWT authorizers.
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12401
     * resource/aws_rds_global_cluster: Add aurora-postgresql to engine
       argument plan-time validation (#12401)
     * 'aws_api_gateway2_route' -> 'aws_apigatewayv2_route'.
     * Add 'aws_api_gateway_v2_route' resource.
     * 'aws_api_gateway2_integration_response' ->
     * Add 'aws_api_gateway_v2_integration_response' resource.
     * Add message to highlight ulimit option which can prevent issues with
       AT runs
     * Fix missing side navigation links. (#12746)
     * resource/aws_network_acl: Ensure tags are handled on creation
     * resource/aws_vpc_peering_connection_accepter: Do not overwrite
       incoming ResourceData on creation
     * Update CHANGELOG for #8912
     * resource/aws_kms_key: Prevent eventual consistency related errors on
     * Update CHANGELOG for #8949
     * Update CHANGELOG for #9228
     * service/ec2: Switch tagging during resource creation to
       keyvaluetags.CreateEc2Tags implementation
     * internal/keyvaluetags: Initial tagging function generator for handling
       tagging of new resources
     * Updates AWS Config acceptance tests to use ARN testing check functions
     * Updates CloudFront acceptance tests to use ARN testing check functions
     * internal/keyvaluetags: Move all generator customization functions into
       shared service_generation_customizations.go
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12712
     * service/lambda: Support for .NET Core 3.1 (#12712)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11568
     * resource/aws_egress_only_internet_gateway: Finish tags implementation
       and fix errors
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11683
     * resource/aws_cloudhsm_v2_cluster: Support tag-on-create (#11683)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12295
     * resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Add tags argument, support more
       plan-time validations, refactor testing (#12295)
     * Updates App Autoscaling acceptance tests to use ARN testing check
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12700
     * tests/resource/aws_db_instance: Add covering acceptance testing for
       db_subnet_group_name and replicate_source_db arguments
     * Updates API Gateway acceptance tests to use ARN testing check functions
     * Use 'testAccCheckResourceAttrEquivalentJSON'.
     * Updates ECS acceptance tests to use ARN testing check functions
     * Updates ECR acceptance tests to use ARN testing check functions
     * 'aws_api_gateway2_model' -> 'aws_apigatewayv2_model'.
     * Add 'aws_api_gateway_v2_model' resource.
     * Updates ACM acceptance tests to use ARN testing check functions
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12586
     * provider: Update preview ignore tags handling to configuration block
       and shared struct type (#12586)
     * Update module aws/aws-sdk-go to v1.30.5 (#12706)
     * Update aws/resource_aws_db_instance.go
     * Update module hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk to v1.9.0 (#12531)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12650
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12650
     * resource/aws_docdb_cluster: Add deletion_protection argument (#12650)
     * Update module aws/aws-sdk-go to v1.30.4 (#12414)
     * docs/resource/aws_ssm_maintenance_window_task: Fix example value for
       `notification_type` (#12705)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #10350
     * resource/aws_redshift_snapshot_copy_grant: Finish import implementation
     * Update CHANGELOG for #4568
     * resource/aws_lb_target_group: Ensure unconfigured health checks for
       Network LB do not trigger recreation and add covering acceptance
     * Adds `device_name` to `data-source/aws_instance`
     * Adds EBS root volume delete-on-termination modification
     * resource/aws_lb_target_group: go fmt after fixing merge conflict
     * Adds EBS root volume type and IOPS modification
     * Fix for creating an RDS read replica in shared subnets.
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11232
     * tests/resource/aws_appautoscaling_policy: Ensure covering acceptance
       testing for DynamoDB index policy
     * Update CHANGELOG for #6468
     * New Data Source: aws_cloudfront_distribution (#6468)
     * service/elastictranscoder: Refactor out SetMap usage (#12641)
     * docs/resource/aws_cloudtrail: Fix broken link to Cloudtrail Data
       Events (#12687)
     * docs/resource/aws_launch_template: fix documentation for EBS block
       kms_key_id property (#12672)
     * docs/resource/aws_neptune_cluster: Fix attribute name typo
       deletion_protection (#12649)
     * enable s20 lint check and fix issues
     * Adds test for retrieving computed root EBS device values
     * Cleanup after v2.56.0 release
     * v2.56.0
     * Updates documentation
     * Stops waiting for volume update when state is `optimizing`, since the
       volume is useable in that state
     * Updates root volume resize to work when multiple EBS volumes are
     * Uses AWS SDK provided functions for value dereference
     * Consolidates EC2 instance retrieval
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12549
     * service/sagemaker: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12462)
     * resource/aws_s3_bucket: Fix lint error (#12626)
     * Updates to current framework
     * Improve code quality and fix tests as requested
     * resource_aws_instance: Modify root volume size without instance
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12614
     * resource/aws_s3_bucket: Prevent various panics with empty
       configuration blocks (#12614)
     * Removes nested resource testing in favour of `ImportStateVerify` and
       adds missing CodePipeline precheck
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12389
     * resource/aws_elastic_transcoder_preset: Remove stringptr and refactor
       tests (#12581)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12596
     * resource/aws_volume_attachment: Do not swallow error when detaching
       volume (#12596)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12575
     * resource/aws_elastic_transcoder_preset: Remove `getStringPtr` calls,
       refactor tests, validate role argument (#12575)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12560
     * resource/aws_kms_grant: Remove resource from Terraform state instead
       of error if removed outside Terraform (#12560)
     * tests/resource/aws_codebuild_project: Fix typo in error message
       testing for buildspec
     * resource/aws_codebuild_project: Fix typo of buildspec (#12590)
     * resource/aws_codestarnotifications_notification_rule: Remove
       deprecated (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12469)
     * resource/aws_lb_listener: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12468)
     * resource/aws_api_gateway_stage: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12467)
     * resource/aws_lambda_function: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12466)
     * service/ec2: Remove deprecated (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial()
       and (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12465)
     * resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12464)
     * resource/aws_directory_service_directory: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12463)
     * service/redshift: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12461)
     * service/route53resolver: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12460)
     * service/elb: Remove deprecated (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial()
       and (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12459)
     * service/docdb: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12457)
     * Consolidates artifact stores into a single argument
     * Typo fix
     * Change naming according to #9950
     * Switch to filter for more flexibility
     * Add data source "aws_regions"
     * Adds tests for converting CodePipeline actions from single- to
     * Adds tests for updating cross-region CodePipeline actions
     * Properly hashes artifact stores
     * Adds test for changing artifact store location
     * service/rds: Remove deprecated (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial()
       and (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12477)
     * Removes "foo" and "bar"
     * (docs) show AWS recommended EFS volume mount options (#12576)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12559
     * service/directconnect: Support 2Gbps and 5Gbps values in plan-time
       validation for bandwidth argument (#12559)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11991
     * resource/aws_kms_grant: Support resource import (#11991)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12492
     * service/ec2: Add hibernation_options to aws_launch_template resource
       and data source (#12492)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11885
     * resource/aws_codedeploy_deployment_group: Fix
       blue_green_deployment_config updates for ECS (#11885)
     * tests/service/rds: Sweeper and randomization of Database Snapshots
     * resource/aws_opsworks_rds_db_instance: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12476)
     * resource/aws_route53_zone: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12475)
     * resource/aws_qldb_ledger: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12474)
     * resource/aws_globalaccelerator_accelerator: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12472)
     * resource/aws_elasticache_parameter_group: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12471)
     * resource/aws_licensemanager_license_configuration: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).SetPartial() (#12470)
     * Handles creation and import of cross-region CodePipeline actions
     * Removes redundant CodePipelineExists test from CodePipleline webhook
     * Fixes rebase errors and adds `depends_on` for IAM policy attachments
     * Cleanup after v2.55.0 release
     * v2.55.0
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12305
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12079
     * resource/aws_neptune_cluster_instance: Add missing
       configuring-log-exports as allowed pending state (#12079)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12491
     * service/ec2: Support metadata_options in aws_instance and
       aws_launch_template resources/data sources (#12491)
     * tests/data-source/aws_vpc_endpoint_service: Fix EC2 policy check
     * provider: Updates to verify hashibot behaviors and increase stale
       handling per run (#12556)
     * Removes unneeded test
     * Applies `terrafmt fmt`
     * Adds tests for adding and reordering `bootstrap_actions`
     * Corrects type of `bootstrap_action` from TypeSet to TypeList
     * resource/aws_ecs_task_definition: Remove pluralization from
       inference_accelerator configuration block argument
     * docs/provider: Run make website-lint-fix
     * resource/aws_ecs_task_definition: Add inference_accelerator
       configuration block (#11757)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12215
     * resource/aws_msk_cluster: Add logging_info configuration block
       (support CloudWatch, Firehose, and S3 logging) (#12215)
     * docs/resource/aws_api_gateway_deployment: Fixed documentation example
     * Corrects error in destroy check
     * Fixes and test updates
     * [WIP] Test for multi region codepipeline.
     * Use expandAwsCodePipelineArtifactStore to expand artifactStores
     * One definition of the artifactStoreSchema
     * Add support for Codepipeline artifact_stores
     * Add Codepipeline action region support
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12483
     * resource/aws_flow_log: Add max_aggregation_interval argument (#12483)
     * Reorders parameters for composed configurations for cleaner formatting
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12516
     * data-source/aws_ec2_transit_gateway_dx_gateway_attachement: Add filter
       and tags arguments (#12516)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12530
     * resource/aws_storagegateway_nfs_file_share: Implement path attribute
     * provider: Switch stale handling from hashibot to official GitHub
       Action (#12542)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12415
     * data-source/aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpn_attachment: Add filter and
       tags arguments (#12415)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12404 to account for tags argument
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12404
     * data-source/aws_vpc_endpoint_service: Add filter argument (#12404)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12403
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12416
     * data-source/aws_prefix_list: Add filter argument (#12416)
     * docs/data-source/aws_launch_template: Add missing tags argument
     * tests/provider: Bulk update aws_availability_zones data sources in
       test configurations to exclude Local Zones (#12517)
     * docs/resource/aws_cognito_user_pool: Update the resource definition
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12447
     * plan only test for change revert
     * resource/aws_db_instance: Use expandStringSet and add testing for
       snapshot_identifier with db_subnet_group_name
     * Removes extra attributes.
     * Correcting possible values for encryption_option (#12510)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12254
     * resource/aws_athena_workgroup: Add force_destroy argument (#12254)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11843
     * resource/aws_mq_configuration: Remove extraneous call to ListTags
       during refresh and add ValidateFunc to engine_type (#11843)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11992
     * resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter: Support resource import
     * plan only test for change
     * Adds fix to filter out Local Zones from list of Availability Zones
     * Update resource_aws_route53_health_check_test.go
     * Adds functions to compose acceptance test configurations
     * Replaces `RandInt()` with `RandomWithPrefix()`
     * Removes unneeded `bootstrap_action` arguments from tests. Adds check
       to `TestAccAWSEMRCluster_security_config` to test
     * Refactors IAM roles and policies
     * Fixes linting error
     * Cleans up some formatting and adds some tests to actually test some
     * Use availability zone filter
   ( m
     * Remove 'tls_config' attribute. It doesn't seem to do anything right
     * r/aws_apigatewayv2_integration: Add 'payload_format_version' and
       'tls_config' attributes.
     * r/aws_apigatewayv2_integration: Don't import API Gateway managed
     * 'aws_api_gateway2_integration' -> 'aws_apigatewayv2_integration'.
     * Add 'aws_api_gateway_v2_integration' resource.
     * Adds fix to filter out Local Zones from list of Availability Zones
     * Corrects function name
     * Terraform formatting fixes
     * Corrects test for Elastic Beanstalk Platform ARN
     * Formatting fixes
     * Consolidates Elastic Beanstalk Environment deletion
     * Adds option to ignore error events when terminating Elastic Beanstalk
     * Formatting fixes
     * Updates Elastic Beanstalk Platform ARN to supported platform version
     * No longer stops sweepers for Elastic Beanstalk Applications and
       Environments on the first error
     * Update launch_template.html.markdown
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12400
     * service/ec2: Initial support for Local Zones (#12400)
     * Update module bflad/tfproviderlint to v0.14.0 (#12505)
     * Rename test.
     * r/aws_apigatewayv2_api: Add CORS configuration and quick start
     * Cleanup after v2.54.0 release
     * v2.54.0
     * service/neptune: Remove deprecated
       (helper/schema.ResourceData).Partial() and
     * docs/resource/aws_securityhub_standards_subscription: Add PCI standard
       examples and docs (#12090)
     * Update module bflad/tfproviderlint to v0.12.0 (#12456)
     * Moved VPC SGs from ModifyDB to RestoreDB API Call
     * Update CHANGELOG for #7252
     * resource/aws_vpc_dhcp_options_association: Minor testing and linting
     * Update CHANGELOG for #6975
     * New Resource: aws_securityhub_member (#6975)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11604
     * resource/aws_cognito_user_pool_client: Add
       prevent_user_existence_errors argument (#11604)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12317
     * resource/aws_cognito_user_pool: Add username_configuration
       configuration block (Support case insensitive usernames) (#12317)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11607
     * resource/aws_cognito_user_pool: Add email_configuration configuration
       block from_email_address argument (#11607)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11762
     * resource/aws_cognito_user_pool_client: Add analytics_configuration
       configuration block (Support Pinpoint analytics) (#11762)
     * Moves `replica` to `aws_dynamodb_table`.
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12350
     * resource/aws_api_gateway_rest_api: Ignore ordering differences for
       endpoint_configuration configuration block vpc_endpoint_ids argument
     * tests/resource/aws_launch_template: Add test for network interface
       ipv4 addresses (#12307)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12411
     * resource/aws_lambda_function: Add plan-time validation for handler
       argument (#12411)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12418
     * resource/aws_s3_bucket: Retry NoSuchBucket error when setting tags
       during resource creation (#12418)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12388
     * resource/aws_cognito_user_pool_client: Ignore ordering differences for
       callback_urls, logout_urls, and supported_identity_providers arguments
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12327
     * resource/aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy: Add 1 hour backup interval (#12327)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11667
     * service/opsworks: Layers tagging support (#11667)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11984
     * service/opsworks: Add Sensitive flag to private ssh_key properties
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12383
     * resource/aws_opsworks_application: Support resource import and add
       plan-time validations (#12383)
     * service/docdb: Add length checking to identifier value validation
     * 'aws_api_gateway2_domain_name' -> 'aws_apigatewayv2_domain_name'.
     * Add 'aws_api_gateway_v2_domain_name' resource.
     * r/aws_apigatewayv2_authorizer: Add support for JWT.
     * 'aws_api_gateway2_authorizer' -> 'aws_apigatewayv2_authorizer'.
     * Add 'aws_api_gateway_v2_authorizer' resource.
     * docs/resource/aws_default_network_acl: Fix terraform 0.12 warning
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12008
     * resource/aws_kinesis_stream: Ensure kms_key_id argument in-place
       updates complete successfully (#12008)
     * docs/service/ec2: Clarify usage of 'service_name' and 'service'
       attributes for VPC Endpoints and VPC Endpoint Services (#11842)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11170
     * resource/aws_lambda_alias: Add ForceNew to function_name attribute
     * remove check
     * Update launch_template.html.markdown
     * docs/resource/aws_security_group_rule: restore "required" field in
       example (#12392)
     * add filter support - docs
     * rename tests
     * rename tests
     * add support for filtering launch templates
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12359
     * Update module aws/aws-sdk-go to v1.29.24 (#12359)
     * Update module hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk to v1.8.0 (#12357)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11257
     * service/elbv2: Add drop_invalid_header_fields attributes to aws_lb
       resource and datasource (#11257)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11845
     * resource/aws_backup_vault: Remove from state on AccessDeniedException
     * Update CHANGELOG for #10687
     * resource/aws_backup_selection: Automatically retry on additional IAM
       Role eventual consistency error (#10687)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12349
     * data-source/aws_iam_role: Add tags attribute (#12349)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12381
     * resource/aws_backup_plan: Support resource import (#12381)
     * docs/resource/aws_ssm_activation: Update example IAM Policy (#12385)
     * tests/provider: Add misspell for in docscheck Make target
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12347
     * resource/aws_nat_gateway: Support tag-on-create (#12347)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12375
     * resource/aws_inspector_assessment_template: Add tags argument and
       support resource import (#12375)
     * resource/aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment: make fmt (Go 1.14 support)
     * docs/resource/aws_kinesis_video_stream: Fix example HCL formatting
     * Spelling fixes for CHANGELOG (#12240)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #8291
     * New Resource: aws_kinesis_video_stream (#8291)
     * provider: Consistent service client naming for API Gateway v1 and SES
       services (#12372)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12283
     * resource/aws_ebs_snapshot_copy: Return API errors instead of panic if
       unable to read snapshot (#12283)
     * Cleanup after v2.53.0 release
     * v2.53.0
     * Update CHANGELOG for #8842
     * Tweaks documentation subcategory for API Gateway v2
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12358
     * resource/aws_cognito_user_pool: Support Software Token MFA
       Configuration (#12358)
     * Adds missing comma in hashibot config
     * provider: Enable automatic terrform formatting enforcement in CI for
       documentation (#12232)
     * Rename resource to 'aws_apigatewayv2_api'.
     * docs/resource/aws_lambda_function: Update to supported nodejs version
     * Lint fixes.
     * provider: Add AWSClient PartitionHostname() and RegionalHostname()
       receiver methods and AWSR001 linter (#12189)
     * Correct the dropdown section title.
     * Spell check.
     * Adds rest of Replica schema.
     * Use resourceAwsDynamoDbTable to drive main schema.
     * Basic support for HTTP APIs - No new attributes yet.
     * Changes `region` to `region_name`.
     * Uses flattenAwsDynamoDbTableResource.
     * Removes comments.
     * Uses resourceAwsDynamoDbTableUpdate.
     * Continue with sweep after any individual API fails deletion and
       capture all errors.
     * Uses resourceAwsDynamoDbTableCreate
     * Rename resource to 'aws_api_gatewayv2'.
     * Removes comments.
     * Adds support for DynamoDB v2019.11.21.
     * tests/provider: Enable tfproviderlint R002 check (#12033)
     * provider: Fix and enable tfproviderlint V002, V004, V007, and V008
     * provider: Fix and enable tfproviderlint S031, S032, and S033 (#12234)
     * tests/resource/aws_key_pair: Randomize name in test configurations
     * tests/data-source/aws_ssm_parameter: Randomize naming (#12174)
     * tests/resource/aws_launch_template: Randomize naming in network
       interface test configurations (#11959)
     * resource/aws_opsworks_stack: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002 (#12028)
     * tests/provider: Enable passing tfproviderlint v0.10.0 checks (#12088)
     * tests/resource/aws_ssm_activation: Remove broken ExpectError testing
       from TestAccAWSSSMActivation_expirationDate (#12173)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11720
     * service/ec2: Automatically retry on DetachVpnGateway calls receiving
       `InvalidParameterValue: This call cannot be completed because there
       are pending VPNs or Virtual Interfaces` (#11720)
     * provider: Additional hashibot pull request labeling (#12241)
     * Updates hashibot config to identify `apigatewayv2` service name
     * Update index.html.markdown (#12328)
     * tests/service/storagegateway: Refactor to use
       aws_ec2_instance_type_offering and aws_ssm_parameter data sources
     * tests/data-source/aws_internet_gateway: Remove hardcoded provider
       region and ExpectNonEmptyPlan (#12253)
     * tests/provider: Remove extraneously hardcoded provider configurations
       in test configurations (#12277)
     * docs: fix S3 ACL permissions
     * Correct test check function name.
     * Clean up function names -

     * Add TestAccAWSAPIGateway2Api_disappears acceptance test.
     * Fix website documentation errors.
     * Fix go.mod/go.sum conflicts.
     * r/aws_api_gateway2_api: Tag-on-create.
     * Add 'subcategory'.
     * Replace 'testAccMatchResourceAttrAnonymousRegionalARN' with
     * Use new internal/keyvaluetags functionality.
     * Add API Gateway v2 list tags code generation.
     * Terraform Plugin SDK migration.
     * Add 'execution_arn' attribute to 'aws_api_gateway2_api' resource.
     * Minor enhancement to error message.
     * Test API ARN in acceptance tests.
     * Add test sweeper.
     * API Gateway v2 API tags.
     * Better acceptance tests when all attributes are set.
     * Update resource name in tests.
     * More anonynous API ID for import example.
     * Get 'aws_api_gateway_v2_api' acceptance tests passing.
     * Add 'aws_api_gateway_v2_api' documentation.
     * Move 'aws_api_gateway_v2_route' to its own PR.
     * Rename resource methods to match CloudHSM v2 resource method naming.
     * Rename files to match CloudHSM v2 file naming.
     * Get tests to compile after rebase.
     * adding some routes
     * cleaning out some files
     * WIP on additional v2 resources
     * fixing tests
     * can create and delete
     * initial addition of v2 definition
     * Update module aws/aws-sdk-go to v1.29.20
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12273
     * resource/aws_flow_log: Add tags argument (#12273)
     * Add AT005 lint rule and fix tests (#12308)
     * docs/resource/aws_ram_resource_share_accepter: Fixed wrong resource
       name (#12314)
     * service/ec2: Finish refactoring to keyvaluetags package (#12289)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12309
     * resource/aws_globalaccelerator_accelerator: Add tags argument (#12309)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12290
     * resource/aws_vpc_endpoint_service: Support tag-on-create and add
       network_load_balancer_arns plan-time validation (#12290)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11972
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11972
     * resource/aws_appsync_graphql_api: Add xray_enabled argument (#11972)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12132
     * resource/aws_cloud9_environment_ec2: Add tags argument (#12132)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12133
     * resource/aws_ec2_traffic_mirror_filter: Add tags argument (#12133)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12134
     * resource/aws_ec2_traffic_mirror_session: Add tags argument (#12134)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12135
     *  resource/aws_ec2_traffic_mirror_target: Add tags argument and
        network_load_balancer_arn plan-time validation (#12135)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12288
     * resource/aws_vpc_endpoint: Support tag-on-create (#12288)
     * add disappears test case
     * suppress diff when expanded ipv6 address is the same
     * Updates naming of HSM v2 functions to match conventions
     * Corrects resource names in CHANGELOG
     * Renames documentation subcategory for API Gateway v1 to prepare for v2
     * docs/resource/aws_launch_template: Fix typo (#12244)
     * resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Clarify zone_awareness_enabled
       argument (#12296)
     * Securityhub is no longer in preview - update docs (#12256)
     * docs/resource/aws_sns_topic_policy: Update resource name to snake case
     * Update module golangci/golangci-lint to v1.23.8 (#12242)
     * service/workspaces: Refactor to use keyvaluetags package (#11645)
     * Cleanup after v2.52.0 release
     * v2.52.0
     * service/ec2: Refactor Security Group data sources and resources to use
       keyvaluetags package (#11918)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12280
     * resource/aws_eks_cluster: Add encryption_config configuration block
     * Update module aws/aws-sdk-go to v1.29.18 (#12258)
     * service/ec2: Refactor aws_internet_gateway data source and resource to
       use keyvaluetags package (#11907)
     * Update module bflad/tfproviderlint to v0.11.0 (#12259)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #3728
     * s3 bucket grant implementation: fix fmt
     * Update module aws/aws-sdk-go to v1.29.16 (#12214)
     * tests/resource/aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm: Blacklist usw2-az4 AZ for
       instance testing
     * tests/resource/aws_eks_node_group: Update
       TestAccAWSEksNodeGroup_ReleaseVersion argument value (#12172)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12171
     * resource/aws_lambda_function_event_invoke_config: Retry on additional
       IAM eventual consistency error with SNS Topic destinations (#12171)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12170
     * resource/aws_media_store_container: Prevent ValidationException on
       creation when no tags are configured (#12170)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12139
     * New Data Sources: aws_ec2_instance_type_offering and
       aws_ec2_instance_type_offerings (#12139)
     * docs/resource/aws_msk_cluster: Correct default value for client-broker
       encryption setting. (#12177)
     * docs/data-source/aws_pricing_product: Add capacitystatus filter
     * service/elastictranscoder: Fix tfproviderlint R009 check in
       structure.go (#12137)
     * default EBS Volume type (#12155)
     * docs/resource/aws_cloudtrail: Fix spelling typo (#12180)
     * fixup(cloudwatch_log_group) documentation (#12193)
     * docs/data-source/aws_subnet_ids: Fixing example resource (#12224)
     * docs/resource/aws_s3_bucket_notification: Fix race condition in
       examples (#12228)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11141
     * resource/aws_lb_target_group: Add `load_balancing_algorithm_type`
       argument (support Least Outstanding Requests algorithm for Application
       Load Balancers) (#11141)
     * provider: Replace local version of schema validators with identical
       versions from terraform-plugin-sdk helper/validation package (#12207)
     * internal/keyvaluetags: Support Quicksight service (#12220)
     * resource/aws_vpc_peering_connection: Refactor to use keyvaluetags
       package (#11935)
     * service/ec2: Refactor Spot Instance and Fleet resources to use
       keyvaluetags package (#11934)
     * service/ec2: Refactor aws_route_table(s) data sources and resource to
       use keyvaluetags package (#11915)
     * service/ec2: Refactor VPC Endpoint (Service) data sources and resource
       to use keyvaluetags package (#11931)
     * resource/aws_vpn_connection: Refactor to use keyvaluetags package
     * service/ec2: Refactor Network ACL data source and resources to use
       keyvaluetags package (#11913)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11919
     * resource/aws_iam_service_linked_role: Allow aws_service_name
       validation to accept values in AWS partitions outside AWS Commercial
       and AWS GovCloud (US) (#11919)
     * docs/provider: Fix invalid HCL in example configurations (#12209)
     * Skips CloudFormation StackSets acceptance tests when not supported
     * Fixes naming of CloudFormation StackSet
     * Skips CloudFormation StackSet sweepers when not supported
     * add dms elasticsearch target
     * Update (#12211)
     * resource/aws_globalaccelerator_accelerator: go fmt
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11670
     * resource/aws_globalaccelerator_accelerator: Add dns_name and
       hosted_zone_id attributes (#11670)
     * Update module aws/aws-sdk-go to v1.29.12 (#12128)
     * Update module golangci/golangci-lint to v1.23.7 (#12205)
     * Cleanup after v2.51.0 release
     * v2.51.0
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11080
     * New Data Source: aws_sfn_activity (#11080)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12116
     * resource/aws_lambda_function: Support plan-time validation for runtime
       argument ruby2.7 value (#12116)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11415
     * service/directconnect: Refactor tagging logic to keyvaluetags package
       and add 'amazon_side_asn' attribute (#11415)
     * service/ec2: Refactor aws_network_interface(s) data sources and
       resource to use keyvaluetags package (#11912)
     * resource/aws_ec2_client_vpn_endpoint: Refactor to use keyvaluetags
       package (#11917)
     * data-source/aws_iam_server_certificate: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002
     * service/cloudwatchlogs: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002 (#11921)
     * service/cognito: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002 (#11943)
     * service/elastictranscoder: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002 (#11944)
     * resource/aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment: Fixes for tfproviderlint
       R002 (#11945)
     * service/ec2: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002 (#11947)
     * Adds validation on CloudFront distribution georestriction type
     * Adds `.go-version` file and sets version to 1.13.7
     * Fixes Elastic Beanstalk sweeper names to match resource and prevent
       warnings in sweeper runs
     * s3 bucket grant implementation: fix docs and tests
     * tests/resource/aws_s3_access_point: Fix log.Printf linting issue
     * resource/aws_s3_access_point: Address minor PR #11276 feedback
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11276
     * New Resource: aws_s3_access_point (#11276)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11837
     * resource/aws_workspaces_directory: Prevent panic and remove resource
       from Terraform state if removed outside Terraform (#11837)
     * docs/provider: Fix aws_ec2_traffic_mirror_* location in
     * Fix example of IP ranges usage (#11320)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12115
     * resource/aws_glue_job: Add notification_property configuration block
     * docs/resource/aws_glue_job: Updating pythonshell details (#12114)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11451
     * resource/aws_msk_cluster: Support Cluster expansion and Open
       Monitoring (#11451)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11100
     * resource/aws_lambda_event_source_mapping: Adding
       ParallelizationFactor, MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds,
       BisectBatchOnFunctionError, MaximumRetryAttempts, DestinationConfig
     * Update CHANGELOG for #10932
     * New Data Source: aws_sfn_state_machine (#10932)
     * tests/resource/aws_ec2_traffic_mirror_session: Fix
     * Fix CHANGELOG for #9372
     * Update CHANGELOG for #9372
     * service/ec2: New Resources for EC2 Traffic Mirroring (#9372)
     * Update module aws/aws-sdk-go to v1.29.7 (#11893)
     * resource/aws_glacier_vault: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002 (#11946)
     * tests/provider: Enable tfproviderlint R006 check (#12048)
     * tests/service/elasticache: Replace deprecated cache.m1 with cache.t3,
       refactor data source testing (#11956)
     * resource/aws_iot_certificate: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002 (#12026)
     * resource/aws_iam_saml_provider: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002 (#12027)
     * resource/aws_redshift_security_group: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002
     * resource/aws_proxy_protocol_policy: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002
     * resource/aws_route53_record: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002 (#12031)
     * resource/aws_ses_receipt_rule: Fixes for tfproviderlint R002 (#12032)
     * Cleanup after v2.50.0 release
     * v2.50.0
     * docs/resource/aws_codestarnotifications_notification_rule: Fixed
       spacing and spelling (#12109)
     * resource/aws_transfer_server: Minor adjustments to new host_key
     * Update CHANGELOG for #8913
     * resource/aws_transfer_server: Add host_key argument and
       host_key_fingerprint attribute (#8913)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11144
     * resource/aws_iam_access_key: Add ses_smtp_password_v4 attribute
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11211
     * resource/aws_lambda_function: Publish new version on config-only
       function updates (#11211)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #10402
     * Update CHANGELOG for #9490
     * data-source/aws_lambda_alias: Modernization for codebase and testing
       changes since submission, use name instead of alias_name to match
     * Update default EBS Volume type (#12092)
     * Make weight in default_capacity_provider_strategy optional. (#12091)
     * docs/guides/custom-service-endpoints: Use fully HTML list for
       Terraform Registry compatibility (#12004)
     * tests/resource/aws_launch_template: Add sweeper (#11962)
     * tests/resource/aws_organizations_policy: Add missing
       testAccOrganizationsAccountPreCheck (#12035)
     * resource/aws_codedeploy_deployment_group: Fixes for tfproviderlint
       R006 (#12042)
     * resource/aws_iam_policy_attachment: Fixes for tfproviderlint R006
     * resource/aws_lambda_permission: Fixes for tfproviderlint R006 (#12044)
     * resource/aws_redshift_snapshot_copy_grant: Fixes for tfproviderlint
       R006 (#12045)
     * resource/aws_ssm_document: Fixes for tfproviderlint R006 (#12046)
     * service/sfn: Fixes for tfproviderlint R006 (#12047)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12052
     * internal/naming: New package for shared naming logic (#12052)
     * Limits directories for sweepers to just `./aws`
     * Update module bflad/tfproviderlint to v0.10.0 (#12074)
     * Update module hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk to v1.7.0 (#12012)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11924
     * changes
     * Fix Doc: InvalidParameterValue: 'MaxAgeRule' and 'MaxCountRule' cannot
       be enabled simultaneously. (#12064)
     * Be clear about type for aws_subnet_ids (#12020)
     * Update the syntax of the examples in sns_topic_subscription to
       terraform (#12068)
     * update r/aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group documentation (#12063)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11562
     * resource/aws_ram_resource_share_accepter: Minor PR review feedback
     * add acceptance tests
     * Cleanup after v2.49.0 release
     * v2.49.0
     * Adds `terraform-remote-s3-test` pattern for S3 backend
     * Compiles regexp once
     * Converts LB subnets to use splat expressions
     * Passes correct number of subnets to test
     * Updates Elastic Transcoder bucket names to match S3 sweeper patterns
     * Updates Macie S3 association bucket names to match S3 sweeper patterns
     * Updates Global Accelerator flow log bucket names to match S3 sweeper
     * Updates Redshift bucket names to match S3 sweeper patterns
     * Updates Athena database and Athena named query bucket names to match
       S3 sweeper patterns
     * Updates ALB and NLB access log bucket names to match S3 sweeper
     * Updates ELB access log bucket names to match S3 sweeper patterns
     * Adds default S3 bucket name to S3 sweeper
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12009 and #9810
     * resource/aws_launch_configuration: Allow missing EC2 Image during root
       block device lookup (#12009)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12000
     * resource/aws_batch_job_definition: Prevent extraneous differences with
       container properties missing environment, mount point, ulimits, and
       volumes configuration (#12000)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #12001
     * resource/aws_cognito_user_pool: Allow admin_create_user_config
       configuration block unused_account_validity_days to be omitted (#12001)
     * Update module golangci/golangci-lint to v1.23.6 (#11981)
     * service/s3: Refactor S3 Bucket Object data source and resource to use
       keyvaluetags package (#11964)
     * tests/resource/aws_instance: Refactor TestAccAWSInstance_hibernation
       to use aws_ami data source and launch with encrypted volume instead of
       copying AMI
     * Update CHANGELOG for #6961
     * resource/aws_instance: Add `hibernation` argument (#6961)
     * tests/resource/aws_launch_configuration: Refactor
       TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_withInstanceStoreAMI to use Amazon Linux
       and filter root device by instance-store
     * Update CHANGELOG for #9810
     * resource/aws_launch_configuration: Fix regression from version 2.22.0
       with instance store AMIs returning an unexpected error (#9810)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #6552
     * resource/aws_launch_template: Add `cpu_options` configuration block
       (support disabling multithreading) (#6552)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11874
     * docs/provider: Fix and enable markdownlint rules MD003, MD018, MD019,
       MD026, MD030, MD033, and MD046 (#12002)
     * Removes hardcoded partition checks and uses error values and
       acceptance pre-check to control test skip
     * internal/keyvaluetags: Fix CodestarnotificationsUpdateTags generation
       from old pull request
     * Update CHANGELOG for #10991
     * New Resource: aws_codestarnotifications_notification_rule (#10991)
     * docs/resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Fixed Splunk
       configuration option description (#11995)
     * tests/provider: Increase make test timeout for Docker environments
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11953
     * data-source/aws_route53_zone: Filter on tags is containment, not exact
       equality. (#11953)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11731
     * resource/aws_neptune_cluster: Add deletion_protection argument (#11731)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #8461
     * resource/aws_db_instance: Add delete_automated_backups argument (#8461)
     * docs/data-source/aws_api_gateway_rest_api: Alphabetize attributes and
       add missing execution_arn attribute
     * Update CHANGELOG for 10971
     * data-source/aws_api_gateway_rest_api: Add attributes (#10971)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11472
     * resource/aws_db_instance: Enable RDS MSSQL agent log export to
       CloudWatch (#11472)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11790
     * resource/aws_rds_global_database: Allow Aurora MySQL 5.7 as a Global
       Database Engine (#11790)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11949
     * resource/aws_neptune_cluster: Add enable_cloudwatch_logs_exports
       argument (support audit logging) (#11949)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11895
     * aws/resource_aws_route53_record.go: update change record set to use
       SDK backoff (#11895)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11559
     * resource/aws_gamelift_fleet: Add tags argument (#11559)
     * docs/resource/aws_lb_listener_rule: Fix attribute names (#11985)
     * Adds TEST_COUNT makefile parameter
     * Add documentation on custom keyvaluetags functions. (#11974)
     * Update module golangci/golangci-lint to v1.23.4 (#11979)
     * Fix CHANGELOG entry for #9877
     * docs/resource/aws_codebuild_project: Fix documentation example for
       'source_version' attribute. (#11975)
     * docs/data-source/aws_kms_secrets: use identical text string for file
       and string arguments (#11980)
     * Update module bflad/tfproviderdocs to v0.5.0 (#11978)
     * New Service: WorkMail (#11958)
     * Refactors to use keyvaluetags package
     * Removes panics adding during debugging
     * r/_aws_s3_bucket_metric: Refactor to use keyvaluetags package.
     * Tidy up use of keyvaluetags.
     * Revert "r/aws_s3_bucket_object: Refactor to use keyvaluetags package."
     * Replace 'tagsMapToHash' with 'KeyValueTags.Hash' method.
     * r/aws_s3_bucket_object: Refactor to use keyvaluetags package.
     * Cleanup after v2.48.0 release
     * Fixes Route 53 resolver endpoint sweeper to return errors. Adds
       sweepers for Route 53 resolver rules and resolver rule associations
     * v2.48.0
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11407
     * tests/resource/aws_batch_job_queue: Revert errant ImportState testing
       in _disappears test
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11649
     * resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Allow processor
       clearing (#11649)
     * removing unnecessary nil check
     * go fmt
     * update to re-create resoure when lambda policy sid not found
     * fixing bugs, adding tests, updating docs
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11617
     * resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_stream: Prevent early state removal
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11612
     * services/organization: Support TAG_POLICY type in policy and policy
       attachment resources (#11612)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11650
     * resource/aws_default_security_group: Ensure description attribute is
       written into Terraform state (#11650)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11544
     * resource/aws_network_acl_rule: Fix provider error when missing rule
     * docs/provider: Fixed link and modified sentence in README (#11816)
     * fix typo in aws_lb_listener_rule doc (#11856)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11847
     * resource/aws_fsx_lustre_file_system: Lower minimum storage cap to
       1200Gb (#11847)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11889
     * resource/aws_ec2_client_vpn_endpoint: Ensure dns_servers attribute is
       refreshed in Terraform state (#11889)
     * deps: Update renovate ignoreDeps to include, remove
       unused dependencies, and alphabetize list (#11886)
     * service/ec2: Refactor aws_vpn_gateway data source and resource to use
       keyvaluetags package (#11909)
     * service/ec2: Refactor aws_nat_gateway data source and resource to use
       keyvaluetags package (#11908)
     * service/ec2: Refactor aws_customer_gateway data source and resource to
       use keyvaluetags package (#11906)
     * resource/aws_glacier_vault: Refactor to use keyvaluetags package
     * r/aws_s3_bucket: Refactor to use keyvaluetags package.
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11894
     * resource/aws_s3_bucket: Retry read after creation for 404 status code
     * tests/provider: Enable tfproviderlint R004 check (#11499)
     * Update website/aws.erb
     * service/ec2: Refactor aws_vpc_dhcp_options data source and resource to
       use keyvaluetags package (#11904)
     * internal/keyvaluetags: Use build constraint with custom implementation
       files, add gencheck Makefile target and add to CI (#11638)
     * data-source/aws_route53_zone: Refactor to use keyvaluetags package
     * resource/aws_vpc_endpoint: Refactor to use keyvaluetags package
     * Update CHANGELOG for #10381
     * New Resource: aws_datasync_location_smb (#10381)
     * Add missing aws_ in #10017 CHANGELOG entry
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11488
     * resource/aws_batch_job_definition: Properly set container_properties
       and name into Terraform state and fix basic test (#11488)
     * docs/provider: Fix markdownlint MD032 failures and enable rule (#11875)
     * Sets `Force` parameter when deleting CloudWatch event targets and
       event rules. Allows deletion of managed resources
     * Inlines `tags` field definition
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11648
     * Addresses code review comments
     * Adds documentation navigation link
     * Add resource documentation links which is omitted (#11877)
     * Update module golangci/golangci-lint to v1.23.3 (#11876)
     * awsproviderlint: Initial implementation with AWSAT001 check (#11532)
     * deps: Migrate from to internal
       implementation (#11822)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11726
     * resource/aws_cloudformation_stack_set: Wait for update operation
       completion and report any errors (#11726)
     * tests/service/cloudformation: Add sweepers and export randomization
     * tests/resource/aws_guardduty_detector: Add sweeper (#11722)
     * tests/provider: Enable new passing tfproviderlint checks (#11873)
     * docs/provider: Add information for tfproviderdocs, tfproviderlint, and
       yaml.v2 in Maintaining Guide Dependency Updates section (#11820)
     * docs/provider: Fix markdownlint MD031 failures and enable rule (#11861)
     * Adds documentation
     * Adds `TESTARGS` parameter to `make test` to narrow unit tests
     * Implements Import operation
     * Implements flattening and expansion of Storage Class Analytics values
     * Update CHANGELOG for #9877
     * resousrce/aws_codebuild_project: Add source_version argument (#9877)
     * tests/resource/aws_cloud9_environment_ec2: Remove dependency on
       Default VPC and blacklist usw2-az4 (#11704)
     * tests/resource/aws_lb_target_group_attachment: Refactoring for
       region/partition agnostic and blacklist usw2-az4 (#11714)
     * tests/resource/aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment: Refactoring and
       modernization (#11702)
     * Update module golangci/golangci-lint to v1.23.2 (#11851)
     * Update module bflad/tfproviderlint to v0.9.0 (#11860)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11701
     * resource/aws_ecs_cluster: Delay check of ECS Cluster status during
       creation for ECS eventual consistency (#11701)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11693
     * resource/aws_appautoscaling_scheduled_action: Automatically retry
       creation on `ValidationException: ECS service doesn't exist` for ECS
       eventual consistency (#11693)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11692
     * resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Skip ResourceNotFoundException during
       deletion (#11692)
     * tests/resource/aws_ssm_maintenance_window: Add sweeper (#11689)
     * tests/provider: Add markdownlint to website-lint target (#11838)
     * initial commit
     * Update to use keyvaluetags.
     * Update Changelog for #10017
     * resource/elasticache_cluster: Add Computed flag for Port property and
       set to true (#10017)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #9486
     * New Data Source: aws_ssm_patch_baseline (#9486)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11671
     * resource/aws_placement_group: Additional handling for creation and
       deletion eventual consistency (#11671)
     * Fix broken documentation formatting for
       ssm_patch_baseline.html.markdown (#11825)
     * Update CHANGELOG for #10952
     * resource/aws_codebuild_project: Implements git_submodules_config block
     * Update CHANGELOG for #11819
     * resource/aws_appautoscaling_target: Prevent state removal at creation
     * Adds storage class analysis data export parameters to resource. Adds
       tests for empty case
     * Prevents acc tests and sweeper for AWS Glue workflows in GovCloud,
       since it's not supported
     * Update module yaml to v2.2.8 (#11740)
     * Update module aws/aws-sdk-go to v1.28.9 (#11753)
     * Update module hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk to v1.6.0 (#11802)
     * Update module bflad/tfproviderlint to v0.8.0 (#11815)
     * Cleanup after v2.47.0 release
     * Adds test for removing filter
     * Adds tests for filter with tags and combined prefix and tags
     * Adds tests for filter with prefix. Since the API only has a Put
       operation, use a single function for Create and Update
     * Updates test S3 bucket name to match sweeper patterns
     * Prevents empty filter parameter
     * Adds tests for basic update with `ForceNew` parameters
     * Adds wait function for deletes
     * Adds basic CRD operations for the resource with only required fields
     * Updates tests for Terraform v0.12 format
     * Renames test values to remove "foo" and "bar". Some additional
     * r/aws_appmesh_route: Add support for HTTP header-based routing and
       route priorities.
     * add docs
     * add tags to acm cert data source
     * add import step to all tests
     * add import support refactor errors + tests
     * Adds `BLUE_GREEN` deployment type as needed to tests. AWS ignores
       `blue_green_deployment_config` if it is not set
     * r/aws_egress_only_internet_gateway: Support tagging.
     * Allows deleting `deployment_style`, and resets to default values
     * Allows deleting `load_balancer_info` blocks
     * Remove unneeded argument + fix import still not working
     * Fix Read operation since invitations are purged after 7 days
     * formatting fix
     * Add import support for aws_batch_job_definition
     * Add import support for aws_batch_job_queue #11207
     * Detect and handle DynamoDB resource IDs pointing to an index
     * Add failing testcase
     * Various aws_cognito_identity_provider improvements
     * allow snapshot copy grants to be imported
     * data/aws_lambda_alias: added docs
     * data/aws_lambda_alias: added basic test
     * data/aws_lambda_alias: new data source
     * fix lint
     * docs update
     * aws_dms_endpoint: Add support for Kinesis target endpoint
     * removed unused validator
     * fix docs
     * change grant to schema.HashSet type, re-evaluate grant logic, fix
       minor comments
     * Error check on fallback
     * add tests
     * add docs
     * add import functionality
     * Add dms_event_subscription resource
     * r/aws_lb_target_group: use diff.ForceNew
     * Fix diff.GetChange on previous commit
     * r/lb_target_group health chk proto chg req taint
     * Implementation of acl grants and update in docs

   - Update to version 2.47.0: NOTES:
     * resource/aws_efs_file_system: Tagging API calls have been refactored
       to the AWS standardized `TagResource` and `UntagResource` API calls
       (from `CreateTags` and `DeleteTags` respectively). Restrictive IAM
       Policies for Terraform execution may require updates.
       ues/11654)) ENHANCEMENTS:
     * data-source/aws_api_gateway_vpc_link: Add `description`, `status`,
       `status_message`, `tags`, and `target_arns` attributes
     * data-source/aws_dynamodb_table: Add `server_side_encryption`
       `kms_key_arn` attribute
     * data-source/aws_efs_file_system: Add `lifecycle_policy`,
       `provisioned_throughput_in_mibps`, and `throughput_mode` attributes
     * data-source/aws_kms_key: Add `customer_master_key_spec` attribute
     * resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Add `server_side_encryption`
       configuration block `kms_key_arn` argument (support customer managed
       CMKs for server-side encryption)
     * resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Support in-place updates for
       `server_side_encryption` configurations
     * resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Add `domain_endpoint_options`
       configuration block (support enforcing HTTPS)
     * resource/aws_gamelift_fleet: Add `fleet_type` argument (support Spot
     * resource/aws_kms_key: Add `customer_master_key_spec` argument and
       plan-time validation support for `key_usage` value `SIGN_VERIFY`
       (support asymmetric keys)
     * resource/aws_sagemaker_notebook_instance: Add `direct_internet_access`
     * resource/aws_ssm_activation: Add `automation_target_parameter_name`
     * resource/aws_ssm_document: Add `target_type` argument
     * resource/aws_ssm_maintenance_window: Add `description` argument
     * resource/aws_storagegateway_gateway: Add `cloudwatch_log_group_arn`
       ues/10939)) BUG FIXES:
     * data-source/aws_api_gateway_rest_api: Fixes `root_resource_id` not
       being set on correctly when REST API contains more than 25 resources
     * resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter: Perform eventual
       consistency retries
       on update
     * resource/aws_cognito_user_pool: Deprecate
       `unused_account_validity_days` argument and add support for
       `temporary_password_validity_days` argument
     * resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Automatically retry resource
       creation on additional error messages relating to eventual consistency
     * resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Ensure in-place version upgrade is
       fully successful before returning
     * resource/aws_emr_instance_group: Wait for `RUNNING` status on creation
     * resource/aws_ssm_activation: Properly trigger resource recreation when
       deleted outside Terraform
     * resource/aws_ssm_parameter: Prevent `KeyId` error when switching
       `type` value from `SecureString` to `String`
     * service/efs: Generate proper `dns_name` attribute hostname suffix in
       AWS China, AWS C2S, and AWS SC2S partitions
   - For the changes between 2.29.0 and 2.47.0, see included in
     this package
   - Update _service file
   - Include in %doc section
   - Increase golang API in BuildRequires to > 1.13

Patch Instructions:

   To install this SUSE Recommended Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods
   like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".

   Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP1-2020-1629=1

Package List:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1 (aarch64 s390x x86_64):



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