SUSE-RU-2020:0830-1: moderate: Recommended update for python-Whoosh, python-paramiko, python-pyOpenSSL

sle-updates at sle-updates at
Tue Mar 31 10:35:43 MDT 2020

   SUSE Recommended Update: Recommended update for python-Whoosh, python-paramiko, python-pyOpenSSL

Announcement ID:    SUSE-RU-2020:0830-1
Rating:             moderate
References:         #1138748 #962291 
Affected Products:
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP 12-SP1
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-SP1-LTSS
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12

   An update that has two recommended fixes can now be


   This update for python-Whoosh, python-paramiko, python-pyOpenSSL fixes the
   following issues:

   python-paramiko was updated to 2.1.3:

   * Make util.log_to_file append instead of replace.
   * SSHClient and Transport could cause a memory leak if there’s a
     connection problem or protocol error, even if Transport.close() is
   * Prior support for ecdsa-sha2-nistp(384|521) algorithms didn’t fully
     extend to covering host keys, preventing connection to hosts which only
     offer these key types and no others. This is now fixed.
   * Prefer newer ecdsa-sha2-nistp keys over RSA and DSA keys during host key
     selection. This improves compatibility with OpenSSH, both in terms of
     general behavior, and also re: ability to properly leverage
     OpenSSH-modified known_hosts files.
   * The RC4/arcfour family of ciphers has been broken since version 2.0; but
     since the algorithm is now known to be completely insecure, we are
     opting to remove support outright instead of fixing it.
   * Move sha1 above the now-arguably-broken md5 in the list of preferred MAC
     algorithms, as an incremental security improvement for users whose
     target systems offer both.
   * Writing encrypted/password-protected private key files was silently
     broken since 2.0 due to an incorrect API call Includes a directly
     related fix, namely adding the ability to read AES-256-CBC ciphered
     private keys (which is now what we tend to write out as it is
     Cryptography’s default private key cipher.)
   * Allow any type implementing the buffer API to be used with BufferedFile,
     Channel, and SFTPFile. This resolves a regression introduced in 1.13
     with the Python 3 porting changes, when using types such as memoryview.
   * Enhance default cipher preference order such that aes(192|256)-cbc are
     over blowfish-cbc.
   * SSHClient now requests the type of host key it has (e.g. from
     known_hosts) and does not consider a different type to be a
     “Missing” host key. This fixes a common case where an ECDSA key is
     in known_hosts and the server also has an RSA host key.

   update to 2.1.2:

   * Fix a bug in server-mode concerning multiple interactive auth steps
   * SSHClient now gives its internal Transport a handle on itself,
     preventing garbage collection of the client until the session is closed.
     Without this, some code which returns stream or transport objects
     without the client that generated them, would result in premature
     session closure when the client was GCd
   * Avoid test suite exceptions on platforms lacking errno.ETIME
   * weak how RSAKey.__str__ behaves so it doesn’t cause TypeError under
     Python 3.

   update to 2.1.1:

   * A tweak to the original patch implementing gh#398 was not fully applied,
     causing calls to ~paramiko.client.SSHClient.invoke_shell to fail with
     AttributeError. This has been fixed.
   * Fix the implementation of PKey.write_private_key_file (this method is
     only publicly defined on subclasses; the fix was in the private real
     implementation) so it passes the correct params to open()
   * Add an optional timeout parameter to Transport.start_clienti
     <paramiko.transport.Transport.start_client> (and feed it the value of
     the configured connection timeout when used within SSHClient
   * Catch AssertionError thrown by Cryptography when attempting to load bad
     ECDSA keys, turning it into an SSHException.
   * Add a missing .closed attribute (plus ._closed because reasons) to
     ProxyCommand <paramiko.proxy.ProxyCommand>
   * Make the subprocess import in lazy so users on platforms
     without it (such as Google App Engine) can import Paramiko successfully
   * Fix incorrect docstring/param-list for Transport.auth_gssapi_keyex
     <paramiko.transport.Transport.auth_gssapi_keyex> so it matches the real
   * Add an environment dict argument to Client.exec_command

   update to 2.0.2:

   * [Bug] #758: Apply type definitions to _winapi module from
     3.6.1. This should address issues on Windows platforms that often result
     in errors like ArgumentError: [...] int too long to convert. Thanks to
     @swohlerLL for the report and Jason R. Coombs for the patch.
   * [Bug] #774: Add a _closed private attribute to Channel objects so that
     they continue functioning when used as proxy sockets under Python 3
     (e.g. as direct-tcpip gateways for other Paramiko connections.)
   * [Bug] #673: (via #681) Fix protocol banner read errors (SSHException)
     which would occasionally pop up when using ProxyCommand gatewaying.
     Thanks to @Depado for the initial report and Paul Kapp for the fix.

   update to 2.0.1:

   * [Bug] #537: Fix a bug in BufferedPipe.set_event which could cause
     deadlocks/hangs when one uses against Channel objects (or
     otherwise calls Channel.fileno after the channel has closed).
   * [Bug] #520: (Partial fix) Fix at least one instance of race condition
     driven threading hangs at end of the Python interpreter session.
     (Includes a docs update as well - always make sure to .close() your

   update to 2.0.0:

   * Add support for 384- and 512-bit elliptic curve groups in ECDSA key
     types (aka ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 / ecdsa-sha2-nistp521).
   * Due to an earlier bugfix, less-specific Host blocks' ProxyCommand values
     were overriding ProxyCommand none in more-specific Host blocks. This has
     been fixed in a backwards compatible manner (i.e. ProxyCommand none
     continues to appear as a total lack of any proxycommand key in parsed
     config structures).
   * Fix a backwards incompatibility issue that cropped up in
     SFTPFile.prefetch <~paramiko.sftp_file.prefetch> re: the erroneously
     non-optional file_size parameter. Should only affect users who manually
     call prefetch.
   * Replace PyCrypto with the Python Cryptographic Authority (PyCA)
     'Cryptography' library suite. This improves security, installability,
     and performance; adds PyPy support; and much more.
   * Fix stalled/hung SFTP downloads by cleaning up some threading lock
   * Fix a Python 3 compatibility issue when handling two-factor
   * Clean up to always use setuptools, not doing so was a
     historical artifact from bygone days.
   * Update the module in charge of handling SSH moduli so it's consistent
     with OpenSSH behavior re: prime number selection.
   * Fix up ~paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError so it pickles
     correctly, and fix a related Python 3 compatibility issue.
   * Update to 3.4.1 to fix some errors related to ctypes on
     Windows platforms.
   * Annotate some public attributes on such as
   * Fix logic bug in the SFTP client's callback-calling functionality;
     previously there was a chance the given callback would fire twice at the
     end of a transfer.
   * Identify & work around a race condition in the test for handshake
     timeouts, which was causing frequent test failures for a subset of
     contributors as well as Travis-CI (usually, but not always, limited to
     Python 3.5).
   * Remove whitespace in our's install_requires as it triggers
     occasional bugs in some versions of setuptools.
   * Strip trailing/leading whitespace from lines when parsing SSH config
     files - this brings things in line with OpenSSH behavior.
   * Fix behavior of gssapi-with-mic auth requests so they fail gracefully
     (allowing followup via other auth methods) instead of raising an
   * Add missing file-like object methods for ~paramiko.file.BufferedFile and

   update to version 1.16.0:

   * Streamline use of stat when downloading SFTP files via SFTPClient.get
     <paramiko.sftp_client.SFTPClient.get>; this avoids triggering bugs in
     some off-spec SFTP servers such as IBM Sterling. Thanks to @muraleee for
     the initial report and to Torkil Gustavsen for the patch.
   * Fully enable two-factor authentication (e.g. when a server requires
     AuthenticationMethods pubkey,keyboard-interactive). Thanks to
     @perryjrandall for the patch and to @nevins-b and Matt Robenolt for
     additional support.
   * Fix 'exec' requests in server mode to use get_string instead of get_text
     to avoid UnicodeDecodeError on non-UTF-8 input. Thanks to Anselm Kruis
     for the patch & discussion.
   * Fix line number reporting in log output regarding invalid known_hosts
     line entries. Thanks to Dylan Thacker-Smith for catch & patch.

   update to version 1.15.2 (bsc#962291)

   * [Bug] #320: Update our win_pageant module to be Python 3 compatible
   * [Bug] #429: Server-level debug message logging was overlooked during the
     Python 3 compatibility update; Python 3 clients attempting to log SSH
     debug packets encountered type errors. This is now fixed
   * [Bug] #459: Tighten up agent connection closure behavior to avoid
     spurious ResourceWarning display in some situations
   * [Bug] #266: Change numbering of Transport channels to start at 0 instead
     of 1 for better compatibility with OpenSSH & certain server
     implementations which break on 1-indexed channels
   * [Support] #419: Modernize a bunch of the codebase internals to leverage
     decorators. Props to @beckjake for realizing we’re no longer
     on Python 2.2 :D
   * [Support] #421: Modernize threading calls to user newer API
   * [Support] #422: Clean up some unused imports
   * [Support] #431: Replace handrolled ssh_config parsing code with use of
     the shlex module
   * [Bug] #415: Fix ssh_config parsing to correctly interpret ProxyCommand
     none as the lack of a proxy command, instead of as a literal command
     string of "none"
   * [Bug] #428: Fix an issue in BufferedFile (primarily used in the SFTP
     modules) concerning incorrect behavior by readlines on files whose size
     exceeds the buffer size
   * [Bug] #455: Tweak packet size handling to conform better to the OpenSSH
     RFCs; this helps address issues with interactive program cursors
   * [Bug] #413: (also #414, #420, #454) Be significantly smarter about
     polling & timing behavior when running proxy commands, to avoid
     unnecessary (often 100%!) CPU usage

   new upsteam version 1.15.1

   * fixed from previous version: [Bug] #399: SSH agent forwarding would hang
     due to incorrect values passed into the new window size arguments for
   * detailed changelog available on pramiko website:

   python-pyOpenSSL was updated to version 17.1.0.

   Backward-incompatible changes:

   * Removed the deprecated ``OpenSSL.rand.egd()`` function. Applications
     should prefer ``os.urandom()`` for random number generation. `#630
   * Removed the deprecated default ``digest`` argument to
     ``OpenSSL.crypto.CRL.export()``. Callers must now always pass an
     explicit ``digest``. `#652 <>`_
   * Fixed a bug with ``ASN1_TIME`` casting in ``X509.set_notBefore()``,
     ``X509.set_notAfter()``, ``Revoked.set_rev_date()``,
     ``Revoked.set_nextUpdate()``, and ``Revoked.set_lastUpdate()``. You must
     now pass times in the form ``YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ``. ``YYYYMMDDhhmmss+hhmm``
     and ``YYYYMMDDhhmmss-hhmm`` will no longer work. `#612


    * Deprecated the legacy "Type" aliases: ``ContextType``,
      ``ConnectionType``, ``PKeyType``, ``X509NameType``,
      ``X509ExtensionType``, ``X509ReqType``, ``X509Type``,
      ``X509StoreType``, ``CRLType``, ``PKCS7Type``, ``PKCS12Type``,
      ``NetscapeSPKIType``. The names without the "Type"-suffix should be
      used instead.


    * Added ``OpenSSL.crypto.X509.from_cryptography()`` and
      ``OpenSSL.crypto.X509.to_cryptography()`` for converting X.509
      certificate to and from pyca/cryptography objects. `#640
    * Added ``OpenSSL.crypto.X509Req.from_cryptography()``,
      ``OpenSSL.crypto.CRL.from_cryptography()``, and
      ``OpenSSL.crypto.CRL.to_cryptography()`` for converting X.509 CSRs and
      CRLs to and from pyca/cryptography objects. `#645
    *  Added ``OpenSSL.debug`` that allows to get an overview of used library
       versions (including linked OpenSSL) and other useful runtime
       information using ``python -m OpenSSL.debug``. `#620
    * Added a fallback path to ``Context.set_default_verify_paths()`` to
      accommodate the upcoming release of ``cryptography`` ``manylinux1``
      wheels. `#633 <>`_

   python-Whoosh is shipped in version 2.7.4.

Patch Instructions:

   To install this SUSE Recommended Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods
   like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".

   Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP 12-SP1:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-SAP-12-SP1-2020-830=1

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-SP1-LTSS:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-SERVER-12-SP1-2020-830=1

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-12-2020-830=1

Package List:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP 12-SP1 (noarch):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-SP1-LTSS (noarch):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12 (noarch):



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