SUSE-RU-2021:3315-1: moderate: Recommended update for go1.17

sle-updates at sle-updates at
Wed Oct 6 22:21:37 UTC 2021

   SUSE Recommended Update: Recommended update for go1.17

Announcement ID:    SUSE-RU-2021:3315-1
Rating:             moderate
References:         #1190589 #1190649 
Affected Products:
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15-SP3
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15-SP2

   An update that solves one vulnerability and has one errata
   is now available.


   This update for go1.17 fixes the following issues:

   This is the initial go 1.17 shipment.

   go1.17.1 (released 2021-09-09) includes a security fix to the archive/zip
   package, as well as bug fixes to the compiler, linker, the go command, and
   to the crypto/rand, embed, go/types, html/template, and net/http
   packages.  (bsc#1190649)

   CVE-2021-39293: Fixed an overflow in preallocation check that can cause
   OOM panic in archive/zip (bsc#1190589)

   go1.17 (released 2021-08-16) is a major release of Go.

   go1.17.x minor releases will be provided through August 2022.


   Most changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and
   libraries. As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise
   of compatibility. We expect almost all Go programs to continue to compile
    and run as before. (bsc#1190649)

   * See release notes Excerpts relevant to
     OBS environment and for SUSE/openSUSE follow:
   * The compiler now implements a new way of passing function arguments and
     results using registers instead of the stack. Benchmarks for a
     representative set of Go packages and programs show performance
     improvements of about 5%, and a typical reduction in binary size of
     about 2%. This is currently enabled for Linux, macOS, and Windows on the
     64-bit x86 architecture (the linux/amd64, darwin/amd64, and
     windows/amd64 ports). This change does not affect the functionality of
     any safe Go code and is designed to have no impact on most assembly code.
   * When the linker uses external linking mode, which is the default when
     linking a program that uses cgo, and the linker is invoked with a -I
     option, the option will now be passed to the external linker as a
     -Wl,--dynamic-linker option.
   * The runtime/cgo package now provides a new facility that allows to turn
     any Go values to a safe representation that can be used to pass values
     between C and Go safely. See runtime/cgo.Handle for more information.
   * ARM64 Go programs now maintain stack frame pointers on the 64-bit ARM
     architecture on all operating systems. Previously, stack frame pointers
     were only enabled on Linux, macOS, and iOS.
   * Pruned module graphs in go 1.17 modules: If a module specifies go 1.17
     or higher, the module graph includes only the immediate dependencies of
     other go 1.17 modules, not their full transitive dependencies. To
     convert the go.mod file for an existing module to Go 1.17 without
     changing the selected versions of its dependencies, run: go mod tidy
     -go=1.17 By default, go mod tidy verifies that the selected versions of
     dependencies relevant to the main module are the same versions that
     would be used by the prior Go release (Go 1.16 for a module that
     specifies go 1.17), and preserves the go.sum entries needed by that
     release even for dependencies that are not normally needed by other
     commands. The -compat flag allows that version to be overridden to
     support older (or only newer) versions, up to the version specified by
     the go directive in the go.mod file. To tidy a go 1.17 module for Go
     1.17 only, without saving checksums for (or checking for consistency
     with) Go 1.16: go mod tidy
     -compat=1.17 Note that even if the main module is tidied with
      -compat=1.17, users who require the module from a go 1.16 or earlier
      module will still be able to use it, provided that the packages use
     only compatible language and library features. The go mod graph
      subcommand also supports the -go flag, which causes it to report the
      graph as seen by the indicated Go version, showing dependencies that
      may otherwise be pruned out.
   * Module deprecation comments: Module authors may deprecate a module by
     adding a // Deprecated: comment to go.mod, then tagging a new version.
     go get now prints a warning if a module needed to build packages named
     on the command line is deprecated. go list -m -u prints deprecations for
     all dependencies (use -f or -json to show the full message). The go
     command considers different major versions to be distinct modules, so
     this mechanism may be used, for example, to provide users with migration
     instructions for a new major version.
   * go get -insecure flag is deprecated and has been removed. To permit the
     use of insecure schemes when fetching dependencies, please use the
     GOINSECURE environment variable. The -insecure flag also bypassed module
     sum validation, use GOPRIVATE or GONOSUMDB if you need that
     functionality. See go help environment for details.
   * go get prints a deprecation warning when installing commands
     outside the main module (without the -d flag). go install cmd at version
      should be used instead to install a command at a specific version,
      using a suffix like @latest or @v1.2.3. In Go 1.18, the -d flag will
      always be enabled, and go get will only be used to change dependencies
      in go.mod.
   * go.mod files missing go directives: If the main module's go.mod file
     does not contain a go directive and the go command cannot update the
     go.mod file, the go command now assumes go 1.11 instead of the current
     release. (go mod init has added go directives automatically since Go
     1.12.) If a module dependency lacks an explicit go.mod file, or its
     go.mod file does not contain a go directive, the go command now assumes
     go 1.16 for that dependency instead of the current release.
     (Dependencies developed in GOPATH mode may lack a go.mod file, and the
     vendor/modules.txt has to date never recorded the go versions indicated
     by dependencies' go.mod files.)
   * vendor contents: If the main module specifies go 1.17 or higher, go mod
     vendor now annotates vendor/modules.txt with the go version indicated by
     each vendored module in its own go.mod file. The annotated version is
     used when building the module's packages from vendored source code. If
     the main module specifies go 1.17 or higher, go mod vendor now omits
     go.mod and go.sum files for vendored dependencies, which can otherwise
     interfere with the ability of the go command to identify the correct
     module root when invoked within the vendor tree.
   * Password prompts: The go command by default now suppresses SSH password
     prompts and Git Credential Manager prompts when fetching Git
     repositories using SSH, as it already did previously for other Git
     password prompts. Users authenticating to private Git repos with
     password-protected SSH may configure an ssh-agent to enable the go
     command to use password-protected SSH keys.
   * go mod download: When go mod download is invoked without arguments, it
     will no longer save sums for downloaded module content to go.sum. It may
     still make changes to go.mod and go.sum needed to load the build list.
     This is the same as the behavior in Go 1.15. To save sums for all
     modules, use: go mod download all
   * The go command now understands //go:build lines and prefers them over //
     +build lines. The new syntax uses boolean expressions, just like Go, and
     should be less error-prone. As
     of this release, the new syntax is fully supported, and all Go files
      should be updated to have both forms with the same meaning. To aid in
      migration, gofmt now automatically synchronizes the two forms. For more
      details on the syntax and migration plan, see
   * go run now accepts arguments with version suffixes (for example, go run at v1.0.0). This causes go run to build and run packages in
     module-aware mode, ignoring the go.mod file in the current directory or
     any parent directory, if there is one. This is useful for running
     executables without installing them or without changing dependencies of
     the current module.
   * The format of stack traces from the runtime (printed when an uncaught
     panic occurs, or when runtime.Stack is called) is improved.
   * TLS strict ALPN: When Config.NextProtos is set, servers now enforce that
     there is an overlap between the configured protocols and the ALPN
     protocols advertised by the client, if any. If there is no mutually
     supported protocol, the connection is closed with the
     no_application_protocol alert, as required by RFC 7301. This helps
     mitigate the ALPACA cross-protocol attack. As an exception, when the
     value "h2" is included in the server's Config.NextProtos, HTTP/1.1
     clients will be allowed to connect as if they didn't support ALPN. See
     issue go#46310 for more information.
   * crypto/ed25519: The crypto/ed25519 package has been rewritten, and all
     operations are now approximately twice as fast on amd64 and arm64. The
     observable behavior has not otherwise changed.
   * crypto/elliptic: CurveParams methods now automatically invoke faster and
     safer dedicated implementations for known curves (P-224, P-256, and
     P-521) when available. Note that this is a best-effort approach and
     applications should avoid using the generic, not constant-time
     CurveParams methods and instead use dedicated Curve implementations such
     as P256. The P521 curve implementation has been rewritten using code
     generated by the fiat-crypto project, which is based on a
     formally-verified model of the arithmetic operations. It is now
     constant-time and three times faster on amd64 and arm64. The observable
     behavior has not otherwise changed.
   * crypto/tls: The new Conn.HandshakeContext method allows the user to
     control cancellation of an in-progress TLS handshake. The provided
     context is accessible from various callbacks through the new
     ClientHelloInfo.Context and CertificateRequestInfo.Context methods.
     Canceling the context after the handshake has finished has no effect.
     Cipher suite ordering is now handled entirely by the crypto/tls package.
     Currently, cipher suites are sorted based on their security,
     performance, and hardware support taking into account both the local and
     peer's hardware. The order of the Config.CipherSuites field is now
     ignored, as well as the Config.PreferServerCipherSuites field. Note that
     Config.CipherSuites still allows applications to choose what TLS
     1.0–1.2 cipher suites to enable. The 3DES cipher suites have been
     moved to InsecureCipherSuites due to fundamental block size-related
     weakness. They are still enabled by default but only as a last resort,
     thanks to the cipher suite ordering change above. Beginning in the next
     release, Go 1.18, the Config.MinVersion for crypto/tls clients will
     default to TLS 1.2, disabling TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 by default.
     Applications will be able to
     override the change by explicitly setting Config.MinVersion. This will
      not affect crypto/tls servers.
   * crypto/x509: CreateCertificate now returns an error if the provided
     private key doesn't match the parent's public key, if any. The resulting
     certificate would have failed to verify.
   * crypto/x509: The temporary GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 flag has been removed.
   * crypto/x509: ParseCertificate has been rewritten, and now consumes ~70%
     fewer resources. The observable behavior has not
     otherwise changed, except for error messages.
   * crypto/x509: Beginning in the next release, Go 1.18, crypto/x509 will
     reject certificates signed with the SHA-1 hash function. This doesn't
     apply to self-signed root certificates. Practical attacks against SHA-1
     have been demonstrated in 2017 and publicly trusted Certificate
     Authorities have not issued SHA-1 certificates since 2015.
   * go/build: The new Context.ToolTags field holds the build tags
     appropriate to the current Go toolchain configuration.
   * net/http package now uses the new (*tls.Conn).HandshakeContext with the
     Request context when performing TLS handshakes in the client or server.
   * syscall: On Unix-like systems, the process group of a child process is
     now set with signals blocked. This avoids sending a SIGTTOU to the child
     when the parent is in a background process group.
   * time: The new Time.IsDST method can be used to check whether the time is
     in Daylight Savings Time in its configured location.
   * time: The new Time.UnixMilli and Time.UnixMicro methods return the
     number of milliseconds and microseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970
     UTC respectively.
   * time: The new UnixMilli and UnixMicro functions return the local Time
     corresponding to the given Unix time.

   - Add bash scripts used by go tool commands to provide a more complete
     cross-compiling go toolchain install.

Patch Instructions:

   To install this SUSE Recommended Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods
   like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".

   Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15-SP3:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Development-Tools-15-SP3-2021-3315=1

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15-SP2:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Development-Tools-15-SP2-2021-3315=1

Package List:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15-SP3 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15-SP3 (aarch64 x86_64):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15-SP2 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15-SP2 (aarch64 x86_64):



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