SUSE-CU-2021:316-1: Security update of ses/7/prometheus-webhook-snmp

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Wed Sep 15 10:09:20 UTC 2021

SUSE Container Update Advisory: ses/7/prometheus-webhook-snmp
Container Advisory ID : SUSE-CU-2021:316-1
Container Tags        : ses/7/prometheus-webhook-snmp:1.4 , ses/7/prometheus-webhook-snmp: , ses/7/prometheus-webhook-snmp:latest , ses/7/prometheus-webhook-snmp:sle15.2.octopus
Container Release     : 1.315
Severity              : critical
Type                  : security
References            : 1102408 1138715 1138746 1176389 1177120 1182421 1182422 1184614
                        1184994 1185748 1188063 1188127 1188217 1188218 1188219 1188220
                        1188571 1189206 1189465 1189465 1189520 1189521 1189521 1189534
                        1189554 1189683 CVE-2020-26137 CVE-2021-22922 CVE-2021-22923
                        CVE-2021-22924 CVE-2021-22925 CVE-2021-33910 CVE-2021-36222 CVE-2021-3711
                        CVE-2021-3712 CVE-2021-3712 CVE-2021-38185 CVE-2021-38185 

The container ses/7/prometheus-webhook-snmp was updated. The following patches have been included in this update:

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2021:2404-1
Released:    Tue Jul 20 14:21:30 2021
Summary:     Security update for systemd
Type:        security
Severity:    moderate
References:  1184994,1188063,CVE-2021-33910
This update for systemd fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2021-33910: Fixed a denial of service in systemd via unit_name_path_escape() (bsc#1188063)
- Skip udev rules if 'elevator=' is used (bsc#1184994)

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2021:2439-1
Released:    Wed Jul 21 13:46:48 2021
Summary:     Security update for curl
Type:        security
Severity:    moderate
References:  1188217,1188218,1188219,1188220,CVE-2021-22922,CVE-2021-22923,CVE-2021-22924,CVE-2021-22925
This update for curl fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2021-22925: TELNET stack contents disclosure again. (bsc#1188220)
- CVE-2021-22924: Bad connection reuse due to flawed path name checks. (bsc#1188219)
- CVE-2021-22923: Insufficiently Protected Credentials. (bsc#1188218)
- CVE-2021-22922: Wrong content via metalink not discarded. (bsc#1188217)

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2021:2573-1
Released:    Thu Jul 29 14:21:52 2021
Summary:     Recommended update for timezone
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
References:  1188127
This update for timezone fixes the following issue:
- From systemd v249: when enumerating time zones the timedatectl tool will now consult the 'tzdata.zi' file shipped by
the IANA time zone database package, in addition to '', as before. This makes sure time zone aliases are
now correctly supported. This update adds the 'tzdata.zi' file (bsc#1188127).

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2021:2689-1
Released:    Mon Aug 16 10:54:52 2021
Summary:     Security update for cpio
Type:        security
Severity:    important
References:  1189206,CVE-2021-38185
This update for cpio fixes the following issues:

It was possible to trigger Remote code execution due to a integer overflow (CVE-2021-38185, bsc#1189206)

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2021:2763-1
Released:    Tue Aug 17 17:16:22 2021
Summary:     Recommended update for cpio
Type:        recommended
Severity:    critical
References:  1189465
This update for cpio fixes the following issues:

- A regression in last update would cause builds to hang on various architectures(bsc#1189465)
Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2021:2780-1
Released:    Thu Aug 19 16:09:15 2021
Summary:     Recommended update for cpio
Type:        recommended
Severity:    critical
References:  1189465,CVE-2021-38185
This update for cpio fixes the following issues:

- A regression in the previous update could lead to crashes (bsc#1189465)

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2021:2800-1
Released:    Fri Aug 20 10:43:04 2021
Summary:     Security update for krb5
Type:        security
Severity:    important
References:  1188571,CVE-2021-36222
This update for krb5 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2021-36222: Fixed KDC null deref on bad encrypted challenge. (bsc#1188571)

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2021:2817-1
Released:    Mon Aug 23 15:05:36 2021
Summary:     Security update for aws-cli, python-boto3, python-botocore, python-service_identity, python-trustme, python-urllib3
Type:        security
Severity:    moderate
References:  1102408,1138715,1138746,1176389,1177120,1182421,1182422,CVE-2020-26137
This patch updates the Python AWS SDK stack in SLE 15:


# aws-cli

- Version updated to upstream release v1.19.9
  For a detailed list of all changes, please refer to the changelog file of this package.

# python-boto3

- Version updated to upstream release 1.17.9
  For a detailed list of all changes, please refer to the changelog file of this package.

# python-botocore

- Version updated to upstream release 1.20.9
  For a detailed list of all changes, please refer to the changelog file of this package.

# python-urllib3

- Version updated to upstream release 1.25.10
  For a detailed list of all changes, please refer to the changelog file of this package.

# python-service_identity

- Added this new package to resolve runtime dependencies for other packages.
  Version: 18.1.0

# python-trustme

- Added this new package to resolve runtime dependencies for other packages.
  Version: 0.6.0

Security fixes:

# python-urllib3:
- CVE-2020-26137: urllib3 before 1.25.9 allows CRLF injection if the attacker controls the HTTP request method, as demonstrated
  by inserting CR and LF control characters in the first argument of putrequest() (bsc#1177120)

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2021:2830-1
Released:    Tue Aug 24 16:20:18 2021
Summary:     Security update for openssl-1_1
Type:        security
Severity:    important
References:  1189520,1189521,CVE-2021-3711,CVE-2021-3712
This update for openssl-1_1 fixes the following security issues:

- CVE-2021-3711: A bug in the implementation of the SM2 decryption code
  could lead to buffer overflows. [bsc#1189520]

- CVE-2021-3712: a bug in the code for printing certificate details could
  lead to a buffer overrun that a malicious actor could exploit to crash
  the application, causing a denial-of-service attack. [bsc#1189521]

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2021:2938-1
Released:    Fri Sep  3 09:19:36 2021
Summary:     Recommended update for openldap2
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
References:  1184614

This update for openldap2 fixes the following issue:

- openldap2-contrib is shipped to the Legacy Module. (bsc#1184614)

Advisory ID: SUSE-SU-2021:2966-1
Released:    Tue Sep  7 09:49:14 2021
Summary:     Security update for openssl-1_1
Type:        security
Severity:    low
References:  1189521,CVE-2021-3712
This update for openssl-1_1 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2021-3712: This is an update for the incomplete fix for CVE-2021-3712. 
  Read buffer overruns processing ASN.1 strings (bsc#1189521).

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2021:3001-1
Released:    Thu Sep  9 15:08:13 2021
Summary:     Recommended update for netcfg
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
References:  1189683
This update for netcfg fixes the following issues:

- add submissions port/protocol to services file for message submission over TLS protocol [bsc#1189683]

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2021:3030-1
Released:    Tue Sep 14 09:27:45 2021
Summary:     Recommended update for patterns-base
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
References:  1189534,1189554

This update of patterns-base fixes the following issue:

- The fips pattern should also install 'openssh-fips' if 'openssh' is installed (bsc#1189554 bsc#1189534)

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2021:3034-1
Released:    Tue Sep 14 13:49:23 2021
Summary:     Recommended update for python-pytz
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
References:  1185748
This update for python-pytz fixes the following issues:

- Add %pyunittest shim for platforms where it is missing.
- Remove real directory of %{python_sitelib}/pytz/zoneinfo when upgrading, before it is replaced by a symlink. (bsc#1185748)

- update to 2021.1:
  * update to IANA 2021a timezone release 

- update to 2020.5:
  * update to IANA 2020e timezone release 
- update to 2020.4:
  * update to IANA 2020d timezone release

- update to version 2020.1:
  * Test against Python 3.8 and Python 3.9
  * Bump version numbers to 2020.1/2020a
  * use .rst extension name
  * Make FixedOffset part of public API

- Update to 2019.3
  * IANA 2019c

- Add versioned dependency on timezone database to ensure the correct data is installed
- Add a symlink to the  system timezone database

- update to 2019.2
 *	IANA 2019b
 * 	Defer generating case-insensitive lookups

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