SUSE-RU-2022:0273-1: important: Recommended update for google-guest-agent, google-guest-configs, google-guest-oslogin, google-osconfig-agent

sle-updates at sle-updates at
Tue Feb 1 17:20:24 UTC 2022

   SUSE Recommended Update: Recommended update for google-guest-agent, google-guest-configs, google-guest-oslogin, google-osconfig-agent

Announcement ID:    SUSE-RU-2022:0273-1
Rating:             important
References:         #1102408 #1192652 #1192653 #1193257 #1193258 
Affected Products:
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP3
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP2
                    SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1

   An update that has 5 recommended fixes can now be installed.


   This update for google-guest-agent, google-guest-configs,
   google-guest-oslogin, google-osconfig-agent contains the following fixes:

   Changes in google-guest-agent:
   - Update to version 20211116.00 (bsc#1193257, bsc#1193258)
     * dont duplicate logs (#146)
     * Add WantedBy network dependencies to google-guest-agent service (#136)
     * dont try dhcpv6 when not needed (#145)
     * Integration tests: instance setup (#143)
     * Integration test: test create and remove google user (#128)
     * handle comm errors in script runner (#140)
     * enforce script ordering (#138)
     * enable ipv6 on secondary interfaces (#133)
   - from version 20211103.00
     * Integration tests: instance setup (#143)
   - from version 20211027.00
     * Integration test: test create and remove google user (#128)

   - Update to version 20211019.00
     * handle comm errors in script runner (#140)
   - from version 20211015.00
     * enforce script ordering (#138)
   - from version 20211014.00
     * enable ipv6 on secondary interfaces (#133)
   - from version 20211013.00
     * dont open ssh tempfile exclusively (#137)
   - from version 20211011.00
     * correct linux startup script order (#135)
     * Emit sshable attribute (#123)
   - from version 20210908.1
     * restore line (#127)
   - from version 20210908.00
     * New integ test (#124)
   - from version 20210901.00
     * support enable-oslogin-sk key (#120)
     * match script logging to guest agent (#125)
   - from version 20210804.00
     * Debug logging (#122)
   - Refresh patches for new version
     * dont_overwrite_ifcfg.patch

   - Build with go1.15 for reproducible build results (bsc#1102408)

   - Update to version 20210707.00
     * Use IP address for calling the metadata server. (#116)
   - from version 20210629.00
     * use IP for MDS (#115)

   - Update to version 20210603.00
     * systemd-notify in agentInit (#113)
     * dont check status (#112)
   - from version 20210524.00
     * more granular service restarts (#111)
   - from version 20210414.00
     * (no functional changes)

   Changes in google-guest-configs:
   - Add missing pkg-config dependency to BuildRequires for SLE-12

   - Install modprobe configuration files into /etc again on SLE-15-SP2 and
     older since that's stil the default location on these distributions
   - Probe udev directory using the "udevdir" pkg-config variable on
     SLE-15-SP2 and older since the variable got renamed to "udev_dir" in
     later versions
   - Remove redundant pkgconfig(udev) from BuildRequires for SLE-12

   - Update to version 20211116.00 (bsc#1193257, bsc#1193258)
     * GCE supports up to 24 NVMe local SSDs, but the regex in the PROGRAM
       only looks for the last digit of the given string causing issues when
        there are >= 10  local SSDs. Changed REGEX to get the last number of
        the string instead to support the up to 24 local SSDs. (#30)
     * chmod+x google_nvme_id on EL (#31)
   - Fix duplicate installation of google_optimize_local_ssd and
   - Install google_nvme_id into /usr/lib/udev (bsc#1192652, bsc#1192653)

   - Update to version 20210916.00
     * Revert "dont set IP in etc/hosts; remove rsyslog (#26)" (#28)
   - from version 20210831.00
     * restore rsyslog (#27)
   - from version 20210830.00
     * Fix NVMe partition names (#25)
   - from version 20210824.00
     * dont set IP in etc/hosts; remove rsyslog (#26)
     * update OWNERS

   - Use %_modprobedir for modprobe.d files (out of /etc)
   - Use %_sysctldir for sysctl.d files (out of /etc)

   - Update to version 20210702.00
     * use grep for hostname check (#23)
   - from version 20210629.00
     * address set_hostname vuln (#22)
   - from version 20210324.00
     * dracut.conf wants spaces around values (#19)

   Changes in google-guest-oslogin:
   - Update to version 20211013.00 (bsc#1193257, bsc#1193258)
     * remove deprecated binary (#79)
   - from version 20211001.00
     * no message if no groups (#78)
   - from version 20210907.00
     * use sigaction for signals (#76)
   - from version 20210906.00
     * include cstdlib for exit (#75)
     * catch SIGPIPE in authorized_keys (#73)
   - from version 20210805.00
     * fix double free in ParseJsonToKey (#70)
   - from version 20210804.00
     * fix packaging for authorized_keys_sk (#68)
     * add authorized_keys_sk (#66)
   - Add google_authorized_keys_sk to %files section
   - Remove google_oslogin_control from %files section

   Changes in google-osconfig-agent:
   - Update to version 20211117.00 (bsc#1193257, bsc#1193258)
     * Add retry logic for RegisterAgent (#404)
   - from version 20211111.01
     * e2e_test: drop ubuntu 1604 image as its EOL (#403)
   - from version 20211111.00
     * e2e_test: move to V1 api for OSPolicies (#397)
   - from version 20211102.00
     * Fix context logging and fix label names (#400)
   - from version 20211028.00
     * Add cloudops example for gcloud (#399)

   - Update to version 20211021.00
     * Added patch report logging for Zypper. (#395)
   - from version 20211012.00
     * Replace deprecated instance filters with the new filters (#394)
   - from version 20211006.00
     * Added patch report log messages for Yum and Apt (#392)
   - from version 20210930.00
     * Config: Add package info caching (#391)
   - from version 20210928.00
     * Fixed the runWithPty function to set ctty to child's filedesc (#389)
   - from version 20210927.00
     * e2e_tests: fix a test output mismatch (#390)
   - from version 20210924.00
     * Fix some e2e test failures (#388)
   - from version 20210923.02
     * Correctly check for folder existance in package upgrade (#387)
   - from version 20210923.01
     * ReportInventory: Fix bug in deb/rpm inventory, reduce calls to append
   - from version 20210923.00
     * Deprecate old config directory in favor of new cache directory (#385)
   - from version 20210922.02
     * Fix rpm/deb package formating for inventory reporting (#384)
   - from version 20210922.01
     * Add centos stream rocky linux and available package tests (#383)
   - from version 20210922.00
     * Add more info logs, actually cleanup unmanaged repos (#382)
   - from version 20210901.00
     * Add E2E tests for Windows Application (#379)
     * Return lower-case package name (#377)
     * Update Terraform scripts for multi-project deployments tutorial. (#378)
   - from version 20210811.00
     * Support Windows Application Inventory (#371)
   - from version 20210723.00
     * Send basic inventory with RegisterAgent (#373)
   - from version 20210722.1
     * e2e_tests: move to manually generated osconfig library (#372)
   - from version 20210722.00
     * Create OWNERS file for examples directory (#368)
   - from version 20210719.00
     * Update Zypper patch info parsing (#370)

   - Build with go1.15 for reproducible build results (bsc#1102408)

   - Update to version 20210712.1
     * Skip getting patch info when no patches are found. (#369)
   - from version 20210712.00
     * Add Terraform scripts for multi-project deployments (#367)
   - from version 20210709.00
     * Add examples/Terraform directory. (#366)
   - from version 20210707.00
     * Fix bug in printing packages to update, return error for zypper patch
   - from version 20210629.00
     * Add CloudOps examples for CentOS (#364)

   - Update to version 20210621.00
     * chore: Fixing a comment. (#363)
   - from version 20210617.00
     * Use exec.CommandContext so that canceling the context also kills any
       running processes (#362)
   - from version 20210608.1
     * e2e_tests: point to official osconfig client library (#359)
   - from version 20210608.00
     * e2e_tests: deflake tests (#358)
   - from version 20210607.00
     * Fix build on some architectures (#357)
   - from version 20210603.00
     * Create win-validation-powershell.yaml (#356)
   - from version 20210602.00
     * Agent efficiency improvements/bugfixes/logging updates (#355)
     * e2e_tests: add tests for ExecResource output (#354)
   - from version 20210525.00
     * Run fieldalignment on all structs (#353)
   - from version 20210521.00
     * Config Task: add error message and ExecResource output recording (#350)
     * e2e_tests: remove Windows server 1909 and add server 20h2 (#352)
     * Added a method for logging structured data (#349)

Patch Instructions:

   To install this SUSE Recommended Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods
   like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".

   Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP3:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP3-2022-273=1

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP2:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP2-2022-273=1

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1:

      zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP1-2022-273=1

Package List:

   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP3 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP3 (noarch):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP2 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP2 (noarch):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64):


   - SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15-SP1 (noarch):



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