SUSE-CU-2022:111-1: Recommended update of trento/trento-web

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Thu Feb 3 07:49:35 UTC 2022

SUSE Container Update Advisory: trento/trento-web
Container Advisory ID : SUSE-CU-2022:111-1
Container Tags        : trento/trento-web:0.8.1 , trento/trento-web:0.8.1-rev1.0.0 , trento/trento-web:0.8.1-rev1.0.0-build150300.2.2.23 , trento/trento-web:latest
Container Release     : 150300.2.2.23
Severity              : moderate
Type                  : recommended
References            : 

The container trento/trento-web was updated. The following patches have been included in this update:

Advisory ID: SUSE-OU-2021:4162-1
Released:    Wed Dec 22 16:28:38 2021
Summary:     Feature update for trento-premium
Type:        optional
Severity:    moderate

This update ships 'trento-premium' monitoring solution for SLES 4 SAP.

Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2022:314-1
Released:    Wed Feb  2 15:01:42 2022
Summary:     Recommended update for trento-premium
Type:        recommended
Severity:    moderate
This update for trento-premium fixes the following issues:

Release 0.8.1 fixes these issues:

- web pod crashing when receiving unexpected data
- Recover and handle panics in projectors
- Fix parse azure cloud data

Release 0.8.0 fixes these issues:

- Cloud provider name is missing from the host's Cloud Detail section 
- Allow --help as non-root for 
- 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' are missing in Filters 'Health status...' 
- Cross reference the related variables between the helm charts 
- Add mTLS agent/server configuration to the installers and the helm chart 
- Run npx prettier formatting on e2e test files 
- Add new e2e tests for the checks catalog view 
- Add provider field in the cloud details section 
- Check results pruning command and cron job 
- Store runner check results in the database 
- Projected events are skipped if events are coming almost in parallel 
- Filters not visualized when they are set in the URI 
- Individual checks are not properly highlighted when selected in the cluster settings modal 
- DB address appears as `<nil>` in the demo environment 
- Health overview should give information about all the hosts 
- Premium badge in the checks catalog out of place 
- Obsolete database info in Hosts detail view after un\_registration 
- Duplicate database after unregistration and registration process 
- page 'Pacemaker Clusters' not reloaded automatically after tag removed 
- Fix tag removal when filtering 
- Fix health container numbers and pagination numbers 
- Set table filters properly when the page is reloaded in a new tab 
- Fix checkbox not shown as selected inside tables 
- Replace premium check position to description column 
- Fix error in prune checks chart declaration 
- Create the premium detecion service mocks properly 
- Telemetry context: `apiHost` is a confusing name 
- Add tests to the cmd line and env variables usage 

The following package changes have been done:

- trento-premium-0.8.1+git.dev69.1643724601.92fd00b-150300.3.5.1 updated

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