SUSE-RU-2023:3492-1: moderate: Recommended update for yast2-sap-ha and yast2-cluster

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Wed Aug 30 16:30:05 UTC 2023

# Recommended update for yast2-sap-ha and yast2-cluster

Announcement ID: SUSE-RU-2023:3492-1  
Rating: moderate  

  * #1202112
  * #1207740
  * #1209204
  * #1209602
  * #1211027

Affected Products:

  * SAP Applications Module 15-SP3
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP3
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP3
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 Business Critical Linux 15-SP3
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP3
  * SUSE Manager Proxy 4.2
  * SUSE Manager Retail Branch Server 4.2
  * SUSE Manager Server 4.2

An update that has five recommended fixes can now be installed.

## Description:

This update for yast2-sap-ha and yast2-cluster fixes the following issues:

yast2-cluster: \- Fixed issue when corosync configuration has changed but the
changes were not written. (bsc#1209602) \- Fixed the agent naming from OpenAIS
to Corosync to avoid misleading information. (bsc#1209602) \- Fixes an issue
when the obsolete 'openais' agent is called and caused errors in log.
(bsc#1209602) \- Add 'csync2.socket' replacing the wrongly declared
'csync2.service'. (bsc#1209602)

yast2-sap-ha: \- Fix evaluation CustOpt settings and take over in best practice
guide. (bsc#1209204) \- Fixes an issue when 'yast2-sap-ha' can't configure
firewall. (bsc#1211027) \- New function to get the primary hostname on the
master. \- Fix setting secondary and primary hostname for the template \- Do not
enbale and start 'csync2' by installing the package. \- Fixed an issue when
adjusting global.ini for the production system was not possible. (bsc#1207740)
\- Enable 'csync2' configuration. (bsc#1202112)

## Patch Instructions:

To install this SUSE Moderate update use the SUSE recommended installation
methods like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".  
Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

  * SAP Applications Module 15-SP3  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-SAP-Applications-15-SP3-2023-3492=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP3  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-HA-15-SP3-2023-3492=1

## Package List:

  * SAP Applications Module 15-SP3 (noarch)
    * yast2-sap-ha-4.3.0-150300.10.6.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP3 (noarch)
    * yast2-cluster-4.3.8-150300.3.6.2

## References:


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