SUSE-RU-2024:2620-1: moderate: Recommended update for ant, lucene, mysql-connector-java, univocity-parsers

Tue Jul 30 08:37:27 UTC 2024

# Recommended update for ant, lucene, mysql-connector-java, univocity-parsers

Announcement ID: SUSE-RU-2024:2620-1  
Rating: moderate  

Affected Products:

  * Development Tools Module 15-SP5
  * Development Tools Module 15-SP6
  * openSUSE Leap 15.5
  * openSUSE Leap 15.6
  * SUSE Enterprise Storage 7.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4 LTSS 15-SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP6
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP2
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP2 LTSS 15-SP2
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP3
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing ESPOS 15 SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing LTSS 15 SP3
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing LTSS 15 SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 5.5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP6
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 LTSS 15-SP2
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 LTSS 15-SP3
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 LTSS 15-SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP2
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP3
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP4
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP5
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP6
  * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5
  * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP6

An update that can now be installed.

## Description:

This update for ant, lucene, mysql-connector-java, univocity-parsers fixes the
following issues:


  * Add forgotten open-test-reporting/events to ant.d/junitlauncher

lucene was updated from version 8.5.0 to 8.11.2:

  * API Changes:

  * SimpleFSDirectory is deprecated in favor of NIOFSDirectory.

  * Removed ability to set DocumentsWriterPerThreadPool on IndexWriterConfig.
    The DocumentsWriterPerThreadPool is a packaged protected final class which
    made it impossible to customize.
  * MergeScheduler#merge doesn't accept a parameter if a new merge was found
  * SortFields are now responsible for writing themselves into index headers if
    they are used as index sorts.
  * Deprecate SimpleBindings#add(SortField).
  * MergeScheduler is now decoupled from IndexWriter. Instead it accepts a
    MergeSource interface that offers the basic methods to acquire pending
    merges, run the merge and do accounting around it.
  * QueryVisitor.consumeTermsMatching() now takes a Supplier<ByteRunAutomaton>
    to enable queries that build large automata to provide them lazily.
    TermsInSetQuery switches to using this method to report matching terms.
  * DocValues.emptySortedNumeric() no longer takes a maxDoc parameter
  * CodecUtil#checkFooter(IndexInput, Throwable) now throws a
    CorruptIndexException if checksums mismatch or if checksums can't be
  * TieredMergePolicy#setMaxMergeAtOnceExplicit is deprecated and the number of
    segments that get merged via explicit merges is unlimited by default.
  * Lucene's facet module's DocValuesOrdinalsReader.decode method is now public,
    making it easier for applications to decode facet ordinals into their
    corresponding labels
  * Field comparators for numeric fields and _doc were moved to their own
    package. TopFieldCollector sets TotalHits.relation to
    GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO, as soon as the requested total hits threshold is
    reached, even though in some cases no skipping optimization is applied and
    all hits are collected.
  * IndexingChain now accepts individual primitives rather than a
    DocumentsWriterPerThread instance in order to create a new DocConsumer.
  * Removed deprecation warning from IndexWriter#getFieldNames().
  * Change the getValue method from IntTaxonomyFacets to be protected instead of
    private. Users can now access the count of an ordinal directly without
    constructing an extra FacetLabel. Also use variable length arguments for the
    getOrdinal call in TaxonomyReader.
  * DrillSideways allows sub-classes to provide "drill down" FacetsCollectors.
    They may provide a null collector if they choose to bypass "drill down"
    facet collection.
  * Add a new Directory reader open API from indexCommit and a custom comparator
    for sorting leaf readers
  * Replaced the ScoreCachingWrappingScorer ctor with a static factory method
    that ensures unnecessary wrapping doesn't occur.

  * New Features:

  * Grouping by range based on values from DoubleValuesSource and

  * Add IndexWriter merge-on-commit feature to selectively merge small segments
    on commit, subject to a configurable timeout, to improve search performance
    by reducing the number of small segments for searching
  * Add IndexWriter merge-on-refresh feature to selectively merge small segments
    on getReader, subject to a configurable timeout, to improve search
    performance by reducing the number of small segments for searching.
  * Doc values now allow configuring how to trade compression for retrieval
  * Add FacetsConfig option to control which drill-down terms are indexed for a
  * RegExpQuery added case insensitive matching option.
  * Add CJKWidthCharFilter and its factory
  * Add utility class to retrieve facet labels from the taxonomy index for a
    facet field so such fields do not also have to be redundantly stored
  * Allow sorting an index after it was created. With SortingCodecReader,
    existing unsorted segments can be wrapped and merged into a fresh index
    using IndexWriter#addIndices API.
  * Custom order for leaves in IndexReader and IndexWriter
  * Added smoothingScore method and default implementation to Scorable abstract
    class. The smoothing score allows scorers to calculate a score for a
    document where the search term or subquery is not present. The smoothing
    score acts like an idf so that documents that do not have terms or
    subqueries that are more frequent in the index are not penalized as much as
    documents that do not have less frequent terms or subqueries and prevents
    scores which are the product or terms or subqueries from going to zero.
    Added the implementation of the Indri AND and the IndriDirichletSimilarity
    from the academic Indri search engine:
  * New LatLonPoint query that accepts an array of LatLonGeometries.
  * New XYPoint query that accepts an array of XYGeometries.
  * TypeAsSynonymFilter has been enhanced support ignoring some types, and to
    allow the generated synonyms to copy some or all flags from the original
  * A token filter to drop tokens that match all specified flags.
  * PatternTypingFilter has been added to allow setting a type attribute on
    tokens based on a configured set of regular expressions
  * FeatureField supports newLinearQuery that for scoring uses raw indexed
    values of features without any transformation.
  * LatLonPoint query support for spatial relationships.
  * New tool for creating a deterministic index to enable benchmarking changes
    on a consistent multi-segment index even when they require re-indexing.
  * New facet counting implementation for general string doc value fields
    (SortedSetDocValues / SortedDocValues) not created through FacetsConfig
  * The SimpleText codec now writes skip lists.
  * Analyzer and stemmer for Telugu language

  * Improvements:

  * Use same code-path for updateDocuments and updateDocument in IndexWriter and

  * Update dictionary version for Ukrainian analyzer to 4.9.1
  * PerFieldDocValuesFormat should not get the DocValuesFormat on a field that
    has no doc values.
  * Removed ThreadState abstraction from DocumentsWriter which allows pooling of
    DWPT directly and improves the approachability of the IndexWriter code.
  * Add an ID to SegmentCommitInfo in order to compare commits for equality and
    make snapshots incremental on generational files.
  * TotalHits' relation will be EQUAL_TO when the number of hits is lower than
    TopDocsColector's numHits
  * Metadata of the terms dictionary moved to its own file, with the '.tmd'
    extension. This allows checksums of metadata to be verified when opening
    indices and helps saveseeks when opening an index.
  * SegmentInfos#readCommit now always returns a CorruptIndexException if the
    content of the file is invalid.
  * Make FunctionScoreQuery use ScoreMode.COMPLETE for creating the inner query
    weight when ScoreMode.TOP_DOCS is requested.
  * Make FacetsConfig.DELIM_CHAR publicly accessible
  * UniformSplit supports encodable fields metadata.
  * Improved truncation detection for points.
  * Let MultiCollector handle minCompetitiveScore
  * Add a new ExpressionValueSource which will enforce only one value per name
    per hit in dependencies, ExpressionFunctionValues will no longer recompute
    already computed values
  * Fix CheckIndex to print an invalid non-zero norm as unsigned long when
    detecting corruption.
  * FieldInfo#checkConsistency called twice from
    Lucene50(60)FieldInfosFormat#read; Removed the (redundant?) assert and do
    these checks for real.
  * In BooleanQuery rewrite, always remove MatchAllDocsQuery filter clauses when
  * Improve coverage for Asserting* test classes: make sure to handle singleton
    doc values, and sometimes exercise Weight#scorer instead of
    Weight#bulkScorer for top-level queries.
  * Include StoredFieldsWriter in DWPT accounting to ensure that it's heap
    consumption is taken into account when IndexWriter stalls or should flush
  * Include TermVectorsWriter in DWPT accounting to ensure that it's heap
    consumption is taken into account when IndexWriter stalls or should flush
  * In query shapes over shape fields, skip points while traversing the BKD tree
    when the relationship with the document is already known.
  * Use more compact datastructures to represent sorted doc-values in memory
    when sorting a segment before flush and in SortingCodecReader.
  * WordDelimiterGraphFilter should order tokens at the same position by
    endOffset to emit longer tokens first. The same graph is produced.
  * Optimize facet counting for single-valued SSDV / StringValueFacetCounts.
  * GlobalOrdinalsWithScore should not compute occurrences when the provided min
    is 1.
  * ICUNormalizer2CharFilter no longer requires normalization-inert characters
    as boundaries for incremental processing, vastly improving worst-case
  * ExitableTermsEnum should sample timeout and interruption check before
    calling next().
  * Make CheckIndex concurrent by parallelizing index check across segments.
  * Add compression to terms dict from SortedSet/Sorted DocValues.
  * Binary doc values fields now expose their configured compression mode in the
    attributes of the field info.
  * BM25FQuery was extended to handle similarities beyond BM25Similarity. It was
    renamed to CombinedFieldQuery to reflect its more general scope.
  * Reduce index size by increasing allowable exceptions in PForUtil from 3 to
  * Hunspell support improvements: add API for spell-checking and suggestions,
    support compound words, fix various behavior differences between Java and
    C++ implementations, improve performance
  * The BEST_SPEED compression mode now trades more compression ratio in
    exchange of faster reads.
  * Enable bulk merge for stored fields with index sort.
  * Allow DrillSideways users to provide their own CollectorManager without also
    requiring them to provide an ExecutorService.
  * Extend DrillSideways to support exposing FacetCollectors directly.
  * Support for multi-value fields in LongRangeFacetCounts and
  * Added QueryProfilerIndexSearcher and ProfilerCollector to support debugging
    query execution strategy and timing.
  * Operations.getCommonSuffix/Prefix(Automaton) is now much more efficient,
    from a worst case exponential down to quadratic cost in the number of states
    + transitions in the Automaton. These methods no longer use the costly
    determinize method, removing the risk of TooComplexToDeterminizeException
  * Operations.determinize now throws TooComplexToDeterminizeException based on
    too much "effort" spent determinizing rather than a precise state count on
    the resulting returned automaton, to better handle adversarial cases like
    det(rev(regexp("(.*a){2000}"))) that spend lots of effort but result in
    smallish eventual returned automata.
  * Stop sorting determinize powersets unnecessarily.
  * Evaluate score in DrillSidewaysScorer.doQueryFirstScoring
  * Decrease default for LRUQueryCache's skipCacheFactor to 10. This prevents
    caching a query clause when it is much more expensive than running the top-
    level query.
  * Make QueryCache respect Accountable queries

  * Optimizations:

  * UniformSplit keeps FST off-heap.

  * DoubleValuesSource and QueryValueSource now use a TwoPhaseIterator if one is
    provided by the Query.
  * UsageTrackingQueryCachingPolicy no longer caches DocValuesFieldExistsQuery.
  * FST.Arc.BitTable reads directly FST bytes. Arc is lightweight again and
    FSTEnum traversal faster.
  * Fail precommit on unparameterised log messages and examine for wasted
  * Speed up geometry queries by specialising Component2D spatial operations.
    Instead of using a generic relate method for all relations, we use
    specialize methods for each one. In addition, the type of triangle is
    computed at deserialization time, therefore we can be more selective when
    decoding points of a triangle.
  * Build always trees with full leaves and lower the default value for
    maxPointsPerLeafNode to 512.
  * Points now write their index in a separate file.
  * Add an ability for field comparators to skip non-competitive documents.
    Creating a TopFieldCollector with totalHitsThreshold less than
    Integer.MAX_VALUE instructs Lucene to skip non-competitive documents
    whenever possible. For numeric sort fields the skipping functionality works
    when the same field is indexed both with doc values and points. To indicate
    that the same data is stored in these points and doc values
    SortField#setCanUsePoints method should be used.
  * ConstantValuesSource now shares a single DoubleValues instance across all
  * Stored fields now get higer compression ratios on highly compressible data.
  * FunctionMatchQuery now accepts a "matchCost" optimization hint.
  * Indexing with an index sort is now faster by not compressing temporary
    representations of the data.
  * Enhance DocComparator to provide an iterator over competitive documents when
    searching with "after". This iterator can quickly position on the desired
    "after" document skipping all documents and segments before "after".
  * QueryParser: re-use the LookaheadSuccess exception.
  * WANDScorer now supports queries that have a 'minimumNumberShouldMatch'
  * Reduced memory usage for OrdinalMap when a segment has all values.
  * Faster decoding of postings for some numbers of bits per value.
  * Substantially improve RAM efficiency of how MemoryIndex stores postings in
    memory, and reduced a bit of RAM overhead in IndexWriter's internal postings
  * Speed up merging of stored fields and term vectors for smaller segments.
  * Performance improvement for BKD index building
  * Improved memory efficiency of IndexWriter's RAM buffer, in particular in the
    case of many fields and many indexing threads.
  * Lucene90DocValuesFormat was using too many bits per value when compressing
    via gcd, unnecessarily wasting index storage.
  * Rewrite empty DisjunctionMaxQuery to MatchNoDocsQuery.
  * Slightly faster segment merging for sorted indices.
  * Improve IntroSorter with 3-ways partitioning
  * FacetsCollector will not request scores if it does not use them

  * Bugs fixed:

  * Fix corruption of the new gen field infos when doc values updates are
    applied on a segment created externally and added to the index with

  * Holding levenshtein automata on FuzzyQuery can end up blowing up query
    caches which use query objects as cache keys, so building the automata is
    now delayed to search time again.
  * Fix wrong NGramFilterFactory argument name for preserveOriginal option
  * DocValuesRewriteMethod.visit wasn't visiting its embedded query
  * DocTermsIndexDocValues assumed it was operating on a SortedDocValues (single
    valued) field when it could be multi-valued used with a SortedSetSelector
  * Ensure IW processes all internal events before it closes itself on a
  * Return default value from objectVal when doc doesn't match the query in
  * Fix for potential NPE in TermFilteredPresearcher for empty fields
  * Wait for #addIndexes merges when aborting merges.
  * Ensure CMS updates it's thread accounting datastructures consistently. CMS
    today releases it's lock after finishing a merge before it re-acquires it to
    update the thread accounting datastructures. This causes threading issues
    where concurrently finishing threads fail to pick up pending merges causing
    potential thread starvation on forceMerge calls
  * Single-document monitor runs were using the less efficient
    MultiDocumentBatch implementation.
  * Fix equality check in ExpressionValueSource#rewrite. This fixes rewriting of
    inner value sources.
  * IndexWriter incorrectly calls closeMergeReaders twice when the merged
    segment is 100% deleted.
  * Tessellator might build illegal polygons when several holes share the shame
  * Tessellator might build illegal polygons when several holes share are
    connected to the same vertex.
  * Fix ordered intervals over interleaved terms
  * The UnifiedHighlighter was closing the underlying reader when there were
    multiple term-vector fields. This was a regression in 8.6.0.
  * Prevent DWPTDeleteQueue from referencing itself and leaking memory. The
    queue passed an implicit this reference to the next queue instance on flush
    which leaked about 500byte of memory on each full flush, commit or getReader
  * Fix a regression where the unified highlighter didn't produce highlights on
    fuzzy queries that correspond to exact matches.
  * Fix NRTCachingDirectory to use Directory#fileLength to check if a file
    already exists instead of opening an IndexInput on the file which might
    throw a AccessDeniedException in some Directory implementations.
  * Fixed a bug in IndexSortSortedNumericDocValuesRangeQuery where it could
    violate the DocIdSetIterator contract.
  * Include field in ComplexPhraseQuery's toString()
  * Fix TermRangeQuery when there is no upper bound and the lower bound is the
    empty string excluded. This would previously match no strings at all while
    it should match all non-empty strings.
  * Fix NPE in SpanWeight#explain when no scoring is required and SpanWeight has
    null Similarity.SimScorer.
  * DocumentsWriter was only stalling threads for 1 second allowing documents to
    be indexed even the DocumentsWriter wasn't able to keep up flushing. Unless
    IW can't make progress due to an ill behaving DWPT this issue was barely
  * Japanese tokenizer should discard the compound token instead of disabling
    the decomposition of long tokens when discardCompoundToken is activated.
  * Make Component2D#withinPoint implementations consistent with ShapeQuery
  * Wrap boolean queries generated by shape fields with a Constant score query.
  * Fix per-field memory leak in IndexWriter.deleteAll(). Reset next available
    internal field number to 0 on FieldInfos.clear(), to avoid wasting FieldInfo
  * BM25FQuery - Mask encoded norm long value in array lookup.
  * When encoding triangles in ShapeField, make sure generated triangles are CCW
    by rotating triangle points before checking triangle orientation.
  * Fix deadlock in TermsEnum.EMPTY that occurs when trying to initialize
    TermsEnum and BaseTermsEnum at the same time
  * NPE on a degenerate query in MinimumShouldMatchIntervalsSource
  * DoubleValuesSource.fromQuery (also used by FunctionScoreQuery.boostByQuery)
    could throw an exception when the query implements TwoPhaseIterator and when
    the score is requested repeatedly.
  * BytesRefHash.equals/find is now thread safe, fixing a Luwak/Monitor bug
    causing registered queries to sometimes fail to match.
  * Fix Circle2D intersectsLine t-value (distance) range clamp
  * Fixed parameter use in RadixSelector.
  * LongValueFacetCounts should count each document at most once when
    determining the total count for a dimension. Prior to this fix, multi-value
    docs could contribute a > 1 count to the dimension count.
  * Fixed performance regression for boolean queries that configure a minimum
    number of matching clauses.
  * FlattenGraphFilter is now more robust when handling incoming holes in the
    input token graph
  * Duplicate long values in a document field should only be counted once when
    using SortedNumericDocValuesFields
  * Do not throw NullPointerException while trying to handle another exception
    in ReplicaNode.start
  * Fix DrillSideways correctness bug
  * Fix edge case failure in TestStringValueFacetCounts
  * CombinedFieldQuery can fail with an exception when document is missing some
  * Respect ignoreCase in CommonGramsFilterFactory
  * DocComparator should not skip docs with the same docID on multiple sorts
    with search after
  * Fix CombinedFieldQuery equals and hashCode, which ensures query rewrites
    don't drop CombinedFieldQuery clauses.
  * Correct CombinedFieldQuery scoring when there is a single field.
  * Counting bug fixed in StringValueFacetCounts.
  * Ensure DrillSidewaysQuery instances never get cached.
  * Skip deleted docs when accumulating facet counts for all docs
  * KoreanTokenizer should check the max backtrace gap on whitespaces.
  * Sort optimization can wrongly skip the first document of each segment
  * MultiCollector now handles single leaf collector that wants to skip low-
    scoring hits but the combined score mode doesn't allow it
  * Missing calculating the bytes used of DocsWithFieldSet in NormValuesWriter
  * Missing calculating the bytes used of DocsWithFieldSet and currentValues in
  * Sort optimization with search_after can wrongly skip documents whose values
    are equal to the last value of the previous page
  * Sort optimization with a chunked bulk scorer can wrongly skip documents
  * ConcurrentSortedSetDocValuesFacetCounts shouldn't share liveDocs Bits across
  * NumericLeafComparator to define getPointValues
  * Ensure that the minimum competitive score does not decrease in concurrent
  * Highlighter: WeightedSpanTermExtractor.extractWeightedSpanTerms to
    Query#rewrite multiple times if necessary
  * Make sure SparseFixedBitSet#or updates ramBytesUsed

  * Documentation:

  * Add a performance warning to AttributeSource.captureState javadocs

  * Changes in runtime behaviour:

  * SortingCodecReader now doesn't cache doc values fields anymore. Previously,
    SortingCodecReader used to cache all doc values fields after they were
    loaded into memory. This reader should only be used to sort segments after
    the fact using IndexWriter#addIndices.

  * Other changes:

  * Always keep FST off-heap. FSTLoadMode, Reader attributes and
    openedFromWriter removed.

  * Checksums of the terms index are now verified when LeafReader#checkIntegrity
    is called rather than when opening the index.
  * Update Javadoc about normalizeEntry in the Kuromoji DictionaryBuilder.
  * Make TestLatLonMultiPolygonShapeQueries more resilient for CONTAINS queries.
  * Adjust TestLucene60PointsFormat#testEstimatePointCount2Dims so it does not
    fail when a point is shared by multiple leaves.
  * ByteBufferIndexInput was refactored to work on top of the ByteBuffer API.
  * Make LineFileDocs's random seeking more efficient, making tests using
    LineFileDocs faster
  * Refactors SimpleBindings to improve type safety and cycle detection
  * Change the way the multi-dimensional BKD tree builder generates the
    intermediate tree representation to be equal to the one dimensional case to
    avoid unnecessary tree and leaves rotation.
  * release script can handle HTTPS mirrors.
  * Fix or suppress 13 resource leak precommit warnings in lucene/replicator
  * Always keep BKD index off-heap. BKD reader does not implement Accountable
    any more.
  * Refactor BKD point configuration into its own class.
  * Make TestXYMultiPolygonShapeQueries more resilient for CONTAINS queries.
  * Move LockFactory stress test to be a unit/integration test.
  * Removes some unused code and replaces the Point implementation on
    ShapeField/ShapeQuery random tests.
  * Removed the pure Maven build. It is no longer possible to build artifacts
    using Maven (this feature was no longer working correctly). Due to migration
    to Gradle for Lucene/Solr 9.0, the maintenance of the Maven build was no
    longer reasonable. POM files are generated for deployment to Maven Central
    only. Please use "ant generate-maven-artifacts" to produce and deploy
    artifacts to any repository.
  * Migrate Maven tasks to use "maven-resolver-ant-tasks" instead of the no
    longer maintained "maven-ant-tasks".
  * Upgrade jetty to 9.4.41
  * Fix WANDScorer assertion error.
  * Add docs/links to GermanAnalyzer describing how to decompound nouns
  * Update Jetty to 9.4.34

mysql-connector-java was updated to version 8.4.0:

  * Removed OpenTelemetry support, which was added upstream
  * Avoid producing dupplicate maven data
  * Changes in version 8.4.0:

  * Added support for VECTOR data type.

  * Fixed tests failing due to removal of deprecated features.
  * Fixed join condition for retrieval of imported primary keys.
  * GPL License Exception Update.
  * Updated
  * Replaced StringBuffer with StringBuilder in ValueEncoders
  * Fixed DatabaseMetaData that specifies incorrect extra name characters.
  * Fixed setting the FetchSize on a Statement object does not affect.
  * Removed support for FIDO authentication
  * Only call Messages.getString(...) when it's needed (when the SQLException is

  * Includes changes from 8.3.0:

  * Fixed redundant "Reset stmt" when setting useServerPrepStmts&cachePrepStmts
    to true

  * Fixed setting a large timeout leads to errors when executing SQL.
  * Upgrade 3rd party libraries and tools.
  * Upgrade Protocol Buffers dependency to protobuf*java-3.25.1.
  * Fixed issue with mysql-connector-j 8.0.33 connector (XDEVAPI) - getsession
    is slow.
  * Fixed CallableStatement::getParameterMetaData reports incorrect
  * Fixed executeUpdate throws SQLException on queries that are only comments.
  * getWarnings() of StatementImpl contains all warnings.
  * Fixed Unexpected list of permitted ciphers.
  * Fixed jdbc.MysqlParameterMetadata#isNullable doesnt check whether to be
  * Fixed Parameter metadata inferred incorrectly when procedure or function
    doesn't exist.
  * Fixed execution of a stored procedure if exists function with same name.

  * Changes in version 8.2.0:

  * Added the missing implementation for Connection.releaseSavepoint()

  * Connector/J now supports WebAuthn Authentication. See Connecting Using Web
    Authentication (WebAuthn) Authentication for details.
  * The auto-deserialization function for BLOB objects, deprecated since release
    8.1.0, is now removed.
  * The SessionStateChanges objects failed to provide proper values for section
    state changes. This was because Connector/J parsed the OK_Packet
    incorrectly, and this patch fixes the issue.
  * Using javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet#getDate() or
    javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet#getTimestamp() on DATETIME fields resulted in
    a ClassCastException. It was because the default return type of DATETIME
    fields by ResultSet.getObject() was java.time.LocalDateTime instead of
    java.sql.Timestamp. To prevent the exception, a new connection property,
    treatMysqlDatetimeAsTimestamp, now allows the return type of DATETIME by
    ResultSet.getObject() to be changed to java.sql.Timestamp
  * Obtaining a connection from a MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource made Connector/J
    reset its connection state unless the connection property paranoid was set
    to be true. During the reset, the autocommit mode of the session was
    restored to the default value specified on the server by the system variable
    autocommit, while the JDBC specification mandates that autocommit be always
    enabled for a freshly created connection. With this patch, the connection
    reset will always enable autocommit in the situation.

  * Changes in version 8.1.0:

  * Deprecated autoDeserialize feature.

  * Fix KeyManagementException: FIPS mode: only SunJSSE TrustManagers may be
  * Fixed Issue in JDBC PreparedStatement on adding NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES in


  * Add Automatic-Module-Name to the manifest

## Patch Instructions:

To install this SUSE update use the SUSE recommended installation methods like
YaST online_update or "zypper patch".  
Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

  * openSUSE Leap 15.6  
    zypper in -t patch openSUSE-SLE-15.6-2024-2620=1

  * Development Tools Module 15-SP5  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Development-Tools-15-SP5-2024-2620=1

  * Development Tools Module 15-SP6  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Development-Tools-15-SP6-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Packagehub-Subpackages-15-SP5-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP6  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Packagehub-Subpackages-15-SP6-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP2 LTSS 15-SP2  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-HPC-15-SP2-LTSS-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing LTSS 15 SP3  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-HPC-15-SP3-LTSS-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing ESPOS 15 SP4  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-HPC-15-SP4-ESPOS-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing LTSS 15 SP4  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-HPC-15-SP4-LTSS-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4 LTSS 15-SP4  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLED-15-SP4-LTSS-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 LTSS 15-SP2  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLES-15-SP2-LTSS-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 LTSS 15-SP3  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLES-15-SP3-LTSS-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 LTSS 15-SP4  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLES-15-SP4-LTSS-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP2  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLES_SAP-15-SP2-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP3  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLES_SAP-15-SP3-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP4  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLES_SAP-15-SP4-2024-2620=1

  * SUSE Enterprise Storage 7.1  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-Storage-7.1-2024-2620=1

  * openSUSE Leap 15.5  
    zypper in -t patch openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2620=1

## Package List:

  * openSUSE Leap 15.6 (noarch)
    * ant-junit5-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-xz-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-backward-codecs-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-memory-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-monitor-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-codecs-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * univocity-parsers-javadoc-2.9.1-150200.3.7.8
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-classification-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-xalan2-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-testutil-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-analyzers-smartcn-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-analyzers-common-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * univocity-parsers-2.9.1-150200.3.7.8
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-grouping-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-queryparser-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-sandbox-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-imageio-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-highlighter-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-join-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * mysql-connector-java-8.4.0-150200.3.21.1
    * ant-jsch-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-analyzers-stempel-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-commons-net-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-core-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-queries-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-spatial3d-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * openSUSE Leap 15.6 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
    * lucene-misc-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
  * Development Tools Module 15-SP5 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * Development Tools Module 15-SP6 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5 (noarch)
    * lucene-queryparser-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-sandbox-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-core-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-analyzers-smartcn-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-analyzers-common-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-queries-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
  * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
    * lucene-misc-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
  * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP6 (noarch)
    * ant-junit5-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-queryparser-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-sandbox-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-jsch-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-xz-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-xalan2-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-net-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-core-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-testutil-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-analyzers-smartcn-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-analyzers-common-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-queries-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * univocity-parsers-2.9.1-150200.3.7.8
  * SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP6 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
    * lucene-misc-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP2 LTSS 15-SP2 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing LTSS 15 SP3 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing ESPOS 15 SP4 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing LTSS 15 SP4 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4 LTSS 15-SP4 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 LTSS 15-SP2 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 LTSS 15-SP3 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 LTSS 15-SP4 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP2 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP3 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP4 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * SUSE Enterprise Storage 7.1 (noarch)
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * openSUSE Leap 15.5 (noarch)
    * ant-junit5-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-javamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-xz-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-log4j-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-regexp-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-antlr-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-backward-codecs-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-memory-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-monitor-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-junit-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-codecs-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * univocity-parsers-javadoc-2.9.1-150200.3.7.8
    * ant-scripts-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-classification-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-jmf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-xalan2-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-testutil-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-bsf-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-analyzers-smartcn-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-analyzers-common-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-apache-bcel-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * univocity-parsers-2.9.1-150200.3.7.8
    * ant-apache-resolver-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-grouping-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-queryparser-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-commons-logging-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-sandbox-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-imageio-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-apache-oro-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * ant-jakartamail-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-highlighter-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-jdepend-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-join-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * mysql-connector-java-8.4.0-150200.3.21.1
    * ant-jsch-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-analyzers-stempel-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-commons-net-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-core-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-swing-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
    * lucene-queries-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * lucene-spatial3d-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1
    * ant-manual-1.10.14-150200.4.28.1
  * openSUSE Leap 15.5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
    * lucene-misc-8.11.2-150200.4.7.1

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