<div class="container">
<h1>Recommended update for azure-cli, azure-cli-core, python-adal, python-applicationinsights, python-azure-agrifood-farming, python-azure-agrifood-nspkg, python-azure-ai-anomalydetector, python-azure-ai-</h1>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
<th>Announcement ID:</th>
<li style="display: inline;">
<a href="https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1180930">bsc#1180930</a>
<li style="display: inline;">
<a href="https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1183865">bsc#1183865</a>
<li style="display: inline;">
<a href="https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1187881">bsc#1187881</a>
<li style="display: inline;">
<a href="https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1193394">bsc#1193394</a>
<li style="display: inline;">
<a href="https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1199282">bsc#1199282</a>
<li style="display: inline;">
<a href="https://jira.suse.com/browse/PM-3243">jsc#PM-3243</a>
<li style="display: inline;">
<a href="https://jira.suse.com/browse/SLE-24629">jsc#SLE-24629</a>
<th>Affected Products:</th>
<ul class="list-group">
<li class="list-group-item">Basesystem Module 15-SP5</li>
<li class="list-group-item">openSUSE Leap 15.5</li>
<li class="list-group-item">Public Cloud Module 15-SP2</li>
<li class="list-group-item">Public Cloud Module 15-SP3</li>
<li class="list-group-item">Public Cloud Module 15-SP4</li>
<li class="list-group-item">Public Cloud Module 15-SP5</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP5</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP2</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP3</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP4</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP5</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 5.5</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP5</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP2</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP3</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP4</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP5</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Manager Proxy 4.1</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Manager Proxy 4.2</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Manager Proxy 4.3</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Manager Retail Branch Server 4.1</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Manager Retail Branch Server 4.2</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Manager Retail Branch Server 4.3</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Manager Server 4.1</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Manager Server 4.2</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Manager Server 4.3</li>
<li class="list-group-item">SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5</li>
<p>An update that contains two features and has five fixes can now be installed.</p>
<p>This update for azure-cli, azure-cli-core, python-adal, python-applicationinsights, python-azure-agrifood-farming, python-azure-agrifood-nspkg, python-azure-ai-anomalydetector, python-azure-ai-formrecognizer, python-azure-ai-language-nspkg, python-azure-ai-language-questionanswering, python-azure-ai-metricsadvisor, python-azure-ai-nspkg, python-azure-ai-textanalytics, python-azure-ai-translation-document, python-azure-ai-translation-nspkg, python-azure-appconfiguration, python-azure-applicationinsights, python-azure-batch, python-azure-cognitiveservices-anomalydetector, python-azure-cognitiveservices-formrecognizer, python-azure-cognitiveservices-inkrecognizer, python-azure-cognitiveservices-knowledge-nspkg, python-azure-cognitiveservices-knowledge-qnamaker, python-azure-cognitiveservices-language-luis, python-azure-cognitiveservices-language-nspkg, python-azure-cognitiveservices-language-spellcheck, python-azure-cognitiveservices-language-textanalytics, python-azure-cognitiveservices-nspkg, python-azure-cognitiveservices-personalizer, python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-autosuggest, python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-customimagesearch, python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-customsearch, python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-entitysearch, python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-imagesearch, python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-newssearch, python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-nspkg, python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-videosearch, python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-visualsearch, python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-websearch, python-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-computervision, python-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-contentmoderator, python-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-customvision, python-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-face, python-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-nspkg, python-azure-common, python-azure-communication-administration, python-azure-communication-chat, python-azure-communication-identity, python-azure-communication-networktraversal, python-azure-communication-nspkg, python-azure-communication-phonenumbers, python-azure-communication-sms, python-azure-confidentialledger, python-azure-containerregistry, python-azure-core, python-azure-core-tracing-opencensus, python-azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry, python-azure-cosmos, python-azure-data-nspkg, python-azure-data-tables, python-azure-datalake-store, python-azure-devops, python-azure-digitaltwins-core, python-azure-digitaltwins-nspkg, python-azure-eventgrid, python-azure-eventhub, python-azure-eventhub-checkpointstoreblob, python-azure-eventhub-checkpointstoreblob-aio, python-azure-functions-devops-build, python-azure-graphrbac, python-azure-identity, python-azure-keyvault, python-azure-keyvault-administration, python-azure-keyvault-certificates, python-azure-keyvault-keys, python-azure-keyvault-nspkg, python-azure-keyvault-secrets, python-azure-loganalytics, python-azure-media-nspkg, python-azure-media-videoanalyzer-edge, python-azure-messaging-nspkg, python-azure-messaging-webpubsubservice, python-azure-mgmt, python-azure-mgmt-advisor, python-azure-mgmt-agfood, python-azure-mgmt-agrifood, python-azure-mgmt-alertsmanagement, python-azure-mgmt-apimanagement, python-azure-mgmt-app, python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration, python-azure-mgmt-applicationinsights, python-azure-mgmt-appplatform, python-azure-mgmt-attestation, python-azure-mgmt-authorization, python-azure-mgmt-automanage, python-azure-mgmt-automation, python-azure-mgmt-avs, python-azure-mgmt-azureadb2c, python-azure-mgmt-azurestack, python-azure-mgmt-azurestackhci, python-azure-mgmt-batch, python-azure-mgmt-batchai, python-azure-mgmt-billing, python-azure-mgmt-botservice, python-azure-mgmt-cdn, python-azure-mgmt-chaos, python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices, python-azure-mgmt-commerce, python-azure-mgmt-communication, python-azure-mgmt-compute, python-azure-mgmt-confluent, python-azure-mgmt-connectedvmware, python-azure-mgmt-consumption, python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance, python-azure-mgmt-containerregistry, python-azure-mgmt-containerservice, python-azure-mgmt-core, python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb, python-azure-mgmt-costmanagement, python-azure-mgmt-customproviders, python-azure-mgmt-databox, python-azure-mgmt-databoxedge, python-azure-mgmt-databricks, python-azure-mgmt-datadog, python-azure-mgmt-datafactory, python-azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics, python-azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg, python-azure-mgmt-datalake-store, python-azure-mgmt-datamigration, python-azure-mgmt-dataprotection, python-azure-mgmt-datashare, python-azure-mgmt-deploymentmanager, python-azure-mgmt-deviceupdate, python-azure-mgmt-devspaces, python-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs, python-azure-mgmt-digitaltwins, python-azure-mgmt-dns, python-azure-mgmt-documentdb, python-azure-mgmt-edgegateway, python-azure-mgmt-edgeorder, python-azure-mgmt-elastic, python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid, python-azure-mgmt-eventhub, python-azure-mgmt-extendedlocation, python-azure-mgmt-fluidrelay, python-azure-mgmt-frontdoor, python-azure-mgmt-guestconfig, python-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure, python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight, python-azure-mgmt-healthcareapis, python-azure-mgmt-hybridcompute, python-azure-mgmt-hybridkubernetes, python-azure-mgmt-hybridnetwork, python-azure-mgmt-imagebuilder, python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral, python-azure-mgmt-iothub, python-azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices, python-azure-mgmt-keyvault, python-azure-mgmt-kubernetesconfiguration, python-azure-mgmt-kusto, python-azure-mgmt-labservices, python-azure-mgmt-loadtestservice, python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics, python-azure-mgmt-logic, python-azure-mgmt-logz, python-azure-mgmt-machinelearningcompute, python-azure-mgmt-machinelearningservices, python-azure-mgmt-maintenance, python-azure-mgmt-managedservices, python-azure-mgmt-managementgroups, python-azure-mgmt-managementpartner, python-azure-mgmt-maps, python-azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering, python-azure-mgmt-media, python-azure-mgmt-mixedreality, python-azure-mgmt-mobilenetwork, python-azure-mgmt-monitor, python-azure-mgmt-msi, python-azure-mgmt-netapp, python-azure-mgmt-network, python-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs, python-azure-mgmt-nspkg, python-azure-mgmt-oep, python-azure-mgmt-orbital, python-azure-mgmt-peering, python-azure-mgmt-policyinsights, python-azure-mgmt-portal, python-azure-mgmt-powerbidedicated, python-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded, python-azure-mgmt-privatedns, python-azure-mgmt-purview, python-azure-mgmt-quantum, python-azure-mgmt-quota, python-azure-mgmt-rdbms, python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices, python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup, python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicessiterecovery, python-azure-mgmt-redhatopenshift, python-azure-mgmt-redis, python-azure-mgmt-regionmove, python-azure-mgmt-relay, python-azure-mgmt-reservations, python-azure-mgmt-resource, python-azure-mgmt-resourceconnector, python-azure-mgmt-resourcegraph, python-azure-mgmt-resourcehealth, python-azure-mgmt-resourcemover, python-azure-mgmt-scheduler, python-azure-mgmt-search, python-azure-mgmt-security, python-azure-mgmt-serialconsole, python-azure-mgmt-servermanager, python-azure-mgmt-servicebus, python-azure-mgmt-servicefabric, python-azure-mgmt-servicefabricmanagedclusters, python-azure-mgmt-servicelinker, python-azure-mgmt-signalr, python-azure-mgmt-sql, python-azure-mgmt-sqlvirtualmachine, python-azure-mgmt-storage, python-azure-mgmt-storagecache, python-azure-mgmt-storageimportexport, python-azure-mgmt-storagepool, python-azure-mgmt-storagesync, python-azure-mgmt-streamanalytics, python-azure-mgmt-subscription, python-azure-mgmt-support, python-azure-mgmt-synapse, python-azure-mgmt-testbase, python-azure-mgmt-timeseriesinsights, python-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager, python-azure-mgmt-videoanalyzer, python-azure-mgmt-vmwarecloudsimple, python-azure-mgmt-web, python-azure-mgmt-webpubsub, python-azure-mixedreality-authentication, python-azure-mixedreality-nspkg, python-azure-monitor, python-azure-monitor-nspkg, python-azure-monitor-query, python-azure-multiapi-storage, python-azure-nspkg, python-azure-purview-account, python-azure-purview-administration, python-azure-purview-catalog, python-azure-purview-nspkg, python-azure-purview-scanning, python-azure-schemaregistry, python-azure-schemaregistry-avroserializer, python-azure-sdk, python-azure-search-documents, python-azure-search-nspkg, python-azure-security-attestation, python-azure-security-nspkg, python-azure-servicebus, python-azure-servicefabric, python-azure-servicemanagement-legacy, python-azure-storage-blob, python-azure-storage-common, python-azure-storage-file, python-azure-storage-file-datalake, python-azure-storage-file-share, python-azure-storage-nspkg, python-azure-storage-queue, python-azure-synapse-accesscontrol, python-azure-synapse-artifacts, python-azure-synapse-monitoring, python-azure-synapse-nspkg, python-azure-synapse-spark, python-azure-template, python-msal, python-msal-extensions, python-msrest, python-msrestazure, python-opencensus-ext-azure, python-pydocumentdb, python-vsts, python-vsts-cd-manager contains the following fixes:</p>
<p>Changes in azure-cli:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.36.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.35.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.34.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.33.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.33.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<li>Add missing python-rpm-macros to BuildRequires</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.32.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.31.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.30.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update Requires from setup.py</li>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.29.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.28.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.27.2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.27.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.26.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release (bsc#1187881)</p>
<li>Version 2.25.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.24.2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.23.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.21.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.18.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update Requires from setup.py</li>
<p>Changes in azure-cli-core:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.36.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.35.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.34.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.33.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.33.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.32.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.31.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<li>Remove bogus python-PyYAML dependency from Requires (bsc#1193394)</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.30.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update Requires from setup.py</li>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.29.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.28.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.27.2</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.27.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.26.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release (bsc#1187881)</p>
<li>Version 2.25.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.24.2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.23.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.21.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.18.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rework patch to disable automatic check for updates to
fix a crash when calling "az --version" (bsc#1180930)</li>
<li>Update Requires from setup.py</li>
<p>Changes in python-adal:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.2.7</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.txt file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.2.6</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.txt file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.2.5</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.txt file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update HISTORY.txt from github releases page</li>
<p>Changes in python-applicationinsights:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 0.11.10</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-agrifood-farming:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-agrifood-nspkg:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-ai-anomalydetector:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 3.0.0b3</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-ai-formrecognizer:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-ai-language-nspkg:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-ai-language-questionanswering:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-ai-metricsadvisor:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b4</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b4</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b3</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update Requires from setup.py</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-ai-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Fix issues with Python multi-flavor builds</li>
<li>Create directories using %pythond_expand in %install section</li>
<p>Use canonical %{python_sitelib} path in %files section</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-ai-textanalytics:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 5.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 5.1.0b7</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 5.1.0b7</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 5.1.0b6</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 5.1.0b3</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-ai-translation-document:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b6</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b5</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b4</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<p>Version 1.0.0b3
Changes in python-azure-ai-translation-nspkg:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0
Changes in python-azure-appconfiguration:</li>
<p>Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.3.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.2.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.2.0b2</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.2.0b2</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.2.0b1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-applicationinsights:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 0.1.1</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-batch:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 12.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 11.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-anomalydetector:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-formrecognizer:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-inkrecognizer:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-knowledge-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Fix issues with Python multi-flavor builds</li>
<li>Create directories using %pythond_expand in %install section</li>
<p>Use canonical %{python_sitelib} path in %files section</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-knowledge-qnamaker:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.3.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-language-luis:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-language-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Fix issues with Python multi-flavor builds</li>
<li>Create directories using %pythond_expand in %install section</li>
<p>Use canonical %{python_sitelib} path in %files section</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-language-spellcheck:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-language-textanalytics:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 0.2.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Version 0.2.0</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Fix issues with Python multi-flavor builds</li>
<li>Create directories using %pythond_expand in %install section</li>
<p>Use canonical %{python_sitelib} path in %files section</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-personalizer:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-autosuggest:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-customimagesearch:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-customsearch:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-entitysearch:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-imagesearch:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-newssearch:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Fix issues with Python multi-flavor builds</li>
<li>Create directories using %pythond_expand in %install section</li>
<p>Use canonical %{python_sitelib} path in %files section</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-videosearch:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-visualsearch:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-search-websearch:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-computervision:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 0.9.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.8.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-contentmoderator:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-customvision:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 3.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-face:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 0.6.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.5.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Fix issues with Python multi-flavor builds</li>
<li>Create directories using %pythond_expand in %install section</li>
<p>Use canonical %{python_sitelib} path in %files section</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-common:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.1.28</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.1.27</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.1.26</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-communication-administration:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0b4</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b3</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update Requires from setup.py</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-communication-chat:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Temporarily override package version to to allow
upgrades from the previous 1.0.0b5 version</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b5</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b4</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b3</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update Requires from setup.py</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-communication-identity:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<p>Version 1.0.1
Changes in python-azure-communication-networktraversal:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b2</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1
Changes in python-azure-communication-nspkg:</li>
<p>Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-communication-phonenumbers:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-communication-sms:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Temporarily override package version to to allow
upgrades from the previous 1.0.0b6 version</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b6</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b4</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update Requires from setup.py</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-confidentialledger:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<p>Version 1.0.0b1
Changes in python-azure-containerregistry:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b7</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b7</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b6</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b5</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b4</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b3</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-core:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)
- Add patch to lower typing-extensions version requirement in setup.py
+ ac_lower-typing-extensions-version.patch
- Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-core-tracing-opencensus:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b8</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b7</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b6</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Rename HISTORY.md to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b5</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b9</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update BuildRequires and Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b8</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b7</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.md to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-cosmos:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-data-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-data-tables:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 12.3.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename LICENSE.txt to LICENSE in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.2.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 12.0.0b7</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.0.0b7</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.0.0b6</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.0.0b5</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.0.0b4</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.0.0b3</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update Requires from setup.py</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-datalake-store:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 0.0.52</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.rst file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-devops:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Revert previous change use to %pyunittest to invoke testsuite</p>
<p>%check: use %pyunittest rpm macro</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-digitaltwins-core:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-digitaltwins-nspkg:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-eventgrid:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 4.7.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.7.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.6.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.5.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.4.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.3.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.2.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.1.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-eventhub:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 5.7.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 5.6.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 5.6.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 5.5.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 5.4.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 5.3.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 5.3.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-eventhub-checkpointstoreblob:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.1.4</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.1.3</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update BuildRequires and Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.1.2</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-eventhub-checkpointstoreblob-aio:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.1.4</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.1.3</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.1.2</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-functions-devops-build:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-graphrbac:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-identity:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.10.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Drop patches for issues fixed upstream</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.10.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.10.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Add patch to relax Python dependencies in setup.py</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.9.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.8.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.7.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.7.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.6.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.6.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.6.0b3</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.6.0b3</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.6.0b2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-keyvault:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-keyvault-administration:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 4.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 4.0.0b3</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.0.0b3</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-keyvault-certificates:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 4.3.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-keyvault-keys:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 4.5.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.5.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 4.5.0b6</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.5.0b6</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.5.0b5</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.5.0b4</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.4.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 4.4.0b4</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.4.0b4</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.4.0b3</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.3.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-keyvault-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Fix issues with Python multi-flavor builds</li>
<p>Switch to explicit namespace packages on Python 3 (PEP 420)</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-keyvault-secrets:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 4.3.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-loganalytics:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 0.1.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-media-nspkg:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<p>Version 1.0.0
Changes in python-azure-media-videoanalyzer-edge:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b4</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b3</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<p>Version 1.0.0b2
Changes in python-azure-messaging-nspkg:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-messaging-webpubsubservice:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Remove temporary version override</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b2</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires</li>
<p>Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires</p>
<p>Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires</p>
<p>Remove all version constraints in Requires</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires</p>
<li>Update version numbers for component packages in Requires</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-attestation >= 0.2.0</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-billing >= 1.0.0</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-communication >= 1.0.0b4</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 18.0.0</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 10.1.0</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-datafactory >= 0.14.0</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-datamigration >= 4.1.0</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 2.0.0</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-healthcareapis >= 0.2.0</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-kusto >= 0.10.0</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics >= 2.0.0</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-media >= 3.0.0</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-netapp >= 0.14.0</li>
<li>python-azure-mgmt-policyinsights >= 0.6.0</li>
<p>python-azure-mgmt-security >= 0.6.0</p>
<p>Update version numbers for component packages in Requires</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-advisor:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-agfood:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-agrifood:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-alertsmanagement:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-apimanagement:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 3.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-app:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.1.0b2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-applicationinsights:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 3.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Remove temporary version override</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-appplatform:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 7.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 6.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-attestation:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.2.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Remove temporary version override</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-authorization:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-automanage:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-automation:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.1.0b1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-avs:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-azureadb2c:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-azurestack:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-azurestackhci:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 6.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Remove temporary version override</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0rc1</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-batch:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 16.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 16.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 15.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 14.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-batchai:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 7.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-billing:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 6.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-botservice:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 0.3.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<p>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-cdn:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 12.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 11.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 10.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-chaos:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 13.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 13.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 11.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-commerce:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 6.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-communication:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b4</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b4</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update Requires from setup.py</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-compute:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 26.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 26.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 25.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 24.0.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 24.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 23.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 23.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 22.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 22.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 21.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 20.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 19.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-confluent:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-connectedvmware:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-consumption:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 9.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Downgrade to previous upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>Required to unbreak Azure CLI packages (bsc#1183865)</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-containerregistry:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 9.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.2.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 8.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-containerservice:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 19.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 19.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 18.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 17.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 16.4.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 16.3.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 16.2.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 16.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 16.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 15.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 15.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 14.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 10.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-core:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.3.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.3.0b3</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.3.0b3</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.3.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 7.0.0b2</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.4.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.3.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.2.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-costmanagement:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 3.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Remove temporary version override</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-customproviders:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-databox:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-databoxedge:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>Update file list in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-databricks:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-datadog:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Remove temporary version override</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b3</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b3</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-datafactory:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.3.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.2.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.2.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.15.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.14.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Fix issues with Python multi-flavor builds</li>
<li>Create directories using %pythond_expand in %install section</li>
<p>Use canonical %{python_sitelib} path in %files section</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-datalake-store:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-datamigration:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 10.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-dataprotection:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-datashare:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-deploymentmanager:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-deviceupdate:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b3</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-devspaces:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-digitaltwins:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 6.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-dns:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 8.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-documentdb:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-edgegateway:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-edgeorder:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-elastic:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 10.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 10.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-eventhub:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 10.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-extendedlocation:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b2</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-fluidrelay:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-frontdoor:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
HISTORY.txt file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-guestconfig:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-healthcareapis:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.2.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-hybridcompute:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 7.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 7.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-hybridkubernetes:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-hybridnetwork:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-imagebuilder:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 9.0.0b1</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-iothub:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.2.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-keyvault:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 9.3.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.2.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-kubernetesconfiguration:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-kusto:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.10.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-labservices:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-loadtestservice:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 13.0.0b2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 11.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 10.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-logic:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-logz:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-machinelearningcompute:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-machinelearningservices:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-maintenance:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-managedservices:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 6.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 6.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-managementgroups:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-managementpartner:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-maps:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-media:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 7.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 3.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-mixedreality:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-mobilenetwork:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-monitor:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 3.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 3.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-msi:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 6.0.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Updates Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-netapp:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 7.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.0.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 5.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 5.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.15.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-network:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 19.3.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 19.2.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 19.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 19.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 18.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 8.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Fix issues with Python multi-flavor builds</li>
<li>Create directories using %pythond_expand in %install section</li>
<p>Use canonical %{python_sitelib} path in %files section</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-oep:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-orbital:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-peering:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-policyinsights:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.6.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-portal:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-powerbidedicated:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-privatedns:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-purview:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-quantum:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-quota:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-rdbms:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 10.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 10.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 9.1.0b1</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.1.0b1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 9.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 8.1.0b4</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.1.0b4</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.1.0b2</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 8.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 5.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.2.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.1.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 4.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 3.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.11.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.10.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicessiterecovery:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-redhatopenshift:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-redis:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 13.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 13.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-regionmove:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-relay:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-reservations:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-resource:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 20.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 20.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 19.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 18.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 16.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Downgrade to previous upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.0.0</li>
<li>Required to unbreak Azure CLI packages</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-resourceconnector:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-resourcegraph:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 8.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-resourcehealth:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-resourcemover:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.1.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-scheduler:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-search:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 8.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-security:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-serialconsole:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-servermanager:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-servicebus:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 7.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-servicefabric:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-servicefabricmanagedclusters:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-servicelinker:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b2</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-signalr:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b2</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-sql:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 4.0.0b2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 3.0.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 3.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-sqlvirtualmachine:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-storage:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 20.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 19.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 19.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 18.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 17.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 17.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-storagecache:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.2.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.5.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Summary and %description from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-storageimportexport:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-storagepool:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-storagesync:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-streamanalytics:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0rc1</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-subscription:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-support:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 6.0.0b1</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 6.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-synapse:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 2.1.0b2</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.6.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-testbase:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-timeseriesinsights:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b1</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename HISTORY.rst to CHANGELOG.md in %files section</li>
<li>Rename README.rst to README.md in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-videoanalyzer:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b3</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-vmwarecloudsimple:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-web:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 6.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 6.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 5.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mgmt-webpubsub:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<p>Version 1.0.0
Changes in python-azure-mixedreality-authentication:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-mixedreality-nspkg:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-monitor:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-monitor-nspkg:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-monitor-query:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b3</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b3</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-multiapi-storage:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 0.9.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
README.rst file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.8.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
README.rst file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.7.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
README.rst file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.6.2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
README.rst file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Fix issues with Python multi-flavor builds</li>
<li>Create directories using %pythond_expand in %install section</li>
<p>Use canonical %{python_sitelib} path in %files section</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-purview-account:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-purview-administration:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b1</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-purview-catalog:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b3</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-purview-nspkg:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 2.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-purview-scanning:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b2</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-schemaregistry:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 1.0.0b3</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b3</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-schemaregistry-avroserializer:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b4</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update file paths in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0b3</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-sdk:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires</li>
<li>Remove packages that are included via python-azure-mgmt from Requires</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-search-documents:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 11.2.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Remove temporary version override</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 11.2.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Override upstream version with to ensure
proper upgrade from previous version 11.2.0b2</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 11.2.0b2</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 11.1.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-search-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Fix issues with Python multi-flavor builds</li>
<li>Create directories using %pythond_expand in %install section</li>
<p>Use canonical %{python_sitelib} path in %files section</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-security-attestation:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-security-nspkg:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.0</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-servicebus:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 7.6.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.5.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.4.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.3.4</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.3.3</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.3.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.3.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.1.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.1.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 7.0.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-servicefabric:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-servicemanagement-legacy:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-storage-blob:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)
- Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-storage-common:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-storage-file:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-storage-file-datalake:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 12.6.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename LICENSE.txt to LICENSE in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.5.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.4.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.3.1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.3.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.2.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update Requires from setup.py</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-storage-file-share:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 12.7.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Rename LICENSE.txt to LICENSE in %files section</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.6.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.5.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.4.1</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.4.0b1</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 12.3.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<li>Update Requires from setup.py</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-storage-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-storage-queue:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)
- Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-synapse-accesscontrol:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 0.7.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.6.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.4.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-synapse-artifacts:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 0.12.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.11.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.10.0</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Update Requires from setup.py</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.9.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.8.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.6.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.5.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.4.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-synapse-monitoring:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-synapse-nspkg:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-azure-synapse-spark:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>New upstream release</li>
<li>Version 0.7.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.6.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.5.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.4.0</li>
<p>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-azure-template:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>New upstream release</p>
<li>Version 0.1.0b1438905</li>
<li>For detailed information about changes see the
CHANGELOG.md file provided with this package</li>
<p>Changes in python-msal:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Update to version 1.17.0</li>
<li>New: Define some Cloud Instance constants and the usage
pattern of using them (#221, #433)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Lazy-load dependencies so that the start-up
and run time will usually be faster. (#423, #454)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Bubble up token refresh exceptions (#431, #434)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Documents a simpler http_cache usage pattern (#439)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Expose authority discovery error for troubleshooting (#443)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Actionable exception message when local machine
time error is detected (#446, #449, #453)</li>
<p>Enhancement: Actionable exception message when username
password flow encounters errors with ADFS (#456, #458)</p>
<p>Update to version 1.16.0</p>
<li>New feature: Introducing a new http_cache parameter, whose documentation
is available by searching http_cache (dict) from our API Reference Doc
(Implementation #407). If an app utilizes this feature, it will also
address #80 & #334.</li>
<li>Improvement: Prevent concurrent interactive flows listening on same port
when running on Windows (#427)</li>
<li>Improvement: Detecting Regional Endpoint from env var. Also ensure the
entire regional endpoint behavior needs to opt in. (#425)</li>
<li>from version 1.15.0</li>
<li>New feature: Now both initiate_auth_code_flow() and acquire_token_interactive()
accept a new optional parameter max_age which is the allowable elapsed time
in seconds since the last time the End-User was actively authenticated. If
the elapsed time is greater than this value, Microsoft identity platform
will actively re-authenticate the End-User. (#381, #389)</li>
<li>Improvement: MSAL will now automatically utilize a backup authentication
system, to provide better resiliency. (#376, #395, #409)</li>
<li>Improvement: Previously, acquire_token_interactive() was not able to be aborted
by CTRL+C when running on Windows. It is now fixed. (#393, #404)</li>
<li>Bugfix: The http cache feature shipped in #379 came with an unexpected side
effect to slow down the Device Code Flow. Now fixed. (#408, #410)</li>
<li>Change: Adopting cryptography 35.0.0 (#414)</li>
<li>from version 1.14.0
UPDATE: There was a bug in this version, being fixed in subsequent
1.15.0. We recommend everyone to upgrade to msal>=1.15.0,<2.
There is no API-level change in this MSAL release. So, all existing
apps do not need any code changes. Just upgrade, and your app will
gain the following behaviors.</li>
<li>Behavior Change: By default, MSAL Python will launch Edge browser when
running on Linux, when Edge is installed on current desktop. (#388)</li>
<li>Behavior Change: MSAL Python will use an in-memory http-level cache.
This would improve the latency in normal cases, and improve responsiveness
for invalid requests and outage. (#159, #379)</li>
<li>Behavior Change: MSAL Python will no longer use env var REGION_NAME as
the Azure region name. (#394, #382)</li>
<li>Bugfix: MSAL Python will no longer throw exception when your app
excludes the profile scope. (#387, #390)</li>
<li>from version 1.13.0</li>
<li>New feature: MSAL supports a confidential client being authenticated
by a pre-signed assertion. Usage:
cca = ConfidentialClientApplication(
client_credential={"client_assertion": "...a JWT with claims aud, exp, iss, jti, nbf, and sub..."},
This can be useful for where the signing takes place externally for
example using Azure Key Vault (AKV). AKV sample included (#161, #271).</li>
<p>Improvement: Skip unnecessary and repetitive region detection. (#372, #373)</p>
<p>Update to version 1.12.0</p>
<li>New feature: MSAL Python supports ConfidentialClientApplication(..., azure_region=...).
If your app is deployed in Azure, you can use this new feature to pin a region.
(#295, #358)</li>
<li>New feature: Historically MSAL Python attempts to acquire a Refresh Token (RT) by
default. Since this version, MSAL Python supports ConfidentialClientApplication(...,
excluse_scopes=["offline_access"]) to opt out of RT (#207, #361)</li>
<li>Improvement: acquire_token_interactive(...) can also trigger browser when
running inside WSL (8d86917)</li>
<li>Adjustment: get_accounts(...) would automatically combine equivalent accounts,
so that your account selector widget could be easier to use (#349)</li>
<li>Document: MSAL Python has long been accepting acquire_token_interactive(..., prompt="create"),
now we officially documented it. (#356, #360)</li>
<li>from version 1.11.0</li>
<li>Enhancement: ConfidentialClientApplication also supports
acquire_token_by_username_password() now. (#294, #344)</li>
<li>Enhancement: PublicClientApplication's acquire_token_interactive() also supports WSL Ubuntu
18.04 (#332, #333)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Enable a retry once behavior on connection error. (But this is only available
from the default http client. If your app supplies your customized http_client via MSAL
constructors, it is your http_client's job to decide whether retry.) (#326)</li>
<li>Enhancement: MSAL improves the internal telemetry mechanism. (#137, #175, #329, #345)</li>
<p>Bugfix: Better compatibility on handling SAML token when using
acquire_token_by_username_password() with ADFS. (#336)</p>
<p>Update to version 1.10.0</p>
<li>Enhancement: Proactive access token (AT) refreshing. Previously, an AT is
either valid or expired. If an AT expires and your network happens to have
a glitch, your app wouldn't be able to auth. Now, MSAL Python attempts to
refresh some AT (typically long-lived AT) half way towards their expiration,
and silently ignores the error and retries next time, so that your app would
be more resilient. All these happen automatically, without any code change
to your app. (#176, #312, #320)</li>
<li>Adjustment: MSAL Python will keep RT in token cache even when its usage
encounters an "invalid_grant" error, so that the RT would likely still
be used by other requests. (#314, #315)</li>
<li>from version 1.9.0</li>
<li>Enhancement: Starting from this version, MSAL will be compatible with both
PyJWT 1.x and PyJWT 2.x (#293, #296)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Better support for upcoming Azure CLI's SSH extension (#300, #298)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Better deprecation message for get_authorization_request_url()
and acquire_token_by_authorization_code(). (#301, #303)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Better exception message when using incorrect case in client_id.
(#304, #307)</li>
<p>Other improvements.</p>
<p>Update to version 1.8.0</p>
<li>New feature: A new extra_scopes_to_consent parameter is introduced
to the acquire_token_interactive(...) API (#212, #286)</li>
<li>Adjustment to previous version 1.7.0: Lazy import webbrowser module
only when necessary (#287, #288)</li>
<li>from version 1.7.0</li>
<li>New feature: A new initiate_auth_code_flow() & acquire_token_by_auth_code_flow()
API, which automatically provides PKCE protection for you (#276, #255).
(You are recommended to use these 2 new APIs to replace the previous
get_authorization_request_url() and acquire_token_by_authorization_code().)</li>
<li>New feature: A new acquire_token_interactive() (#138, #260, #282), comes with
a sample (#283)</li>
<p>Bugfix: Now MSAL Python can properly access those Refresh Tokens which were
keyed slightly differently by different apps. (#279, #280)</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-msal-extensions:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Update to version 1.0.0</li>
<li>New: Add a new platform-independent build_encrypted_persistence() API. (#87, #110)</li>
<li>Remove: Old TokenCache API which has been deprecated for 2 years. (#110)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Make all platform-dependent parameters optional (#103)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Provide PersistenceEncryptError and PersistenceDecryptError,
currently raised when encryption on Windows fails. (#108)</li>
<p>Enhancement: The data file will be created with 600 permission when
running in Unix-like systems. (#107)</p>
<p>Update to version 0.3.1</p>
<li>Enhancement: Better concurrency (#61, #63, #100)</li>
<li>Bugfix: Now supports user home dir in drive root on Windows (#83, #84)</li>
<li>Enhancement: This package can now be run inside container</li>
<li>Enhancement: Improvement compatibility with PyInstaller 3.5 on Python 2.7 (#85, #91)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Catchable exception when persistence is unavailable (#92, #93)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Support dependency portalocker 2.0+ (#94, #97)</li>
<li>Enhancement: Improve documentation (#77, #102)</li>
<p>Including license in release package (#76)</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-msrest:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-msrestazure:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-opencensus-ext-azure:</p>
<p>Include in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Update to 1.1.0</p>
<li>Enable AAD authorization via TokenCredential (#1021)</li>
<li>Implement attach rate metrics via Statsbeat (#1053)</li>
<li>Implement network metrics via Statsbeat - Success count (#1059)</li>
<li>Implement network metrics via Statsbeat - Others (#1062)</li>
<li>Implement feature and instrumentation metrics via Statsbeat
<li>Support stamp specific redirect in exporters (#1078)</li>
<li>Release 1.0.8</li>
<li>Fix logger.exception with no exception info throwing error
<li>Add enable_local_storage to turn on/off local storage + retry +
flushing logic (#1016)</li>
<li>Release 1.0.7</li>
<li>Hotfix (#1004)</li>
<li>Release 1.0.6</li>
<li>Disable heartbeat metrics in exporters (#984)</li>
<li>Loosen instrumentation key validation to GUID (#986)</li>
<li>Release 1.0.5</li>
<li>Attach rate metrics via Heartbeat for Web and Function apps
<li>Attach rate metrics for VM (#935)</li>
<li>Add links in properties for trace exporter envelopes (#936)</li>
<li>Fix attach rate metrics for VM to only ping data service on
retry (#946)</li>
<li>Added queue capacity configuration for exporters (#949)</li>
<li>Release 1.0.4</li>
<li>Remove dependency rate from standard metrics (#903)</li>
<li>Implement customEvents using AzureEventHandler (#925)</li>
<li>Release 1.0.3</li>
<li>Change default path of local storage (#903)</li>
<li>Add support to initialize azure exporters with proxies (#902)</li>
<li>Remove mock</li>
<p>Avoid extensions namespace clash</p>
<p>Initial build</p>
<li>Version 1.0.2
Changes in python-pydocumentdb:</li>
<p>Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<p>Changes in python-vsts:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<li>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</li>
<p>Changes in python-vsts-cd-manager:
- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)</p>
<p>Remove unnecessary python-mock dependency from Requires</p>
<p>python-mock is not required for build</p>
<p>Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater</p>
<h2>Patch Instructions:</h2>
To install this SUSE update use the SUSE recommended
installation methods like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".<br/>
Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:
<ul class="list-group">
<li class="list-group-item">
openSUSE Leap 15.5
<code>zypper in -t patch openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-1314=1</code>
<li class="list-group-item">
Basesystem Module 15-SP5
<code>zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-SP5-2024-1314=1</code>
<li class="list-group-item">
SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5
<code>zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Packagehub-Subpackages-15-SP5-2024-1314=1</code>
<li class="list-group-item">
Public Cloud Module 15-SP2
<code>zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP2-2024-1314=1</code>
<li class="list-group-item">
Public Cloud Module 15-SP3
<code>zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP3-2024-1314=1</code>
<li class="list-group-item">
Public Cloud Module 15-SP4
<code>zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP4-2024-1314=1</code>
<li class="list-group-item">
Public Cloud Module 15-SP5
<code>zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP5-2024-1314=1</code>
<h2>Package List:</h2>
openSUSE Leap 15.5 (noarch)
openSUSE Leap 15.5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
Basesystem Module 15-SP5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
SUSE Package Hub 15 15-SP5 (noarch)
Public Cloud Module 15-SP2 (noarch)
Public Cloud Module 15-SP2 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
Public Cloud Module 15-SP3 (noarch)
Public Cloud Module 15-SP3 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
Public Cloud Module 15-SP4 (noarch)
Public Cloud Module 15-SP4 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
Public Cloud Module 15-SP5 (noarch)
Public Cloud Module 15-SP5 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
<a href="https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1180930">https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1180930</a>
<a href="https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1183865">https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1183865</a>
<a href="https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1187881">https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1187881</a>
<a href="https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1193394">https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1193394</a>
<a href="https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1199282">https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1199282</a>
<a href="https://jira.suse.com/browse/PM-3243">https://jira.suse.com/browse/PM-3243</a>
<a href="https://jira.suse.com/browse/SLE-24629">https://jira.suse.com/browse/SLE-24629</a>