RHBA-2024:11220: Low: SUSE Liberty Linux bugfix update for ant

Update Advisories for SUSE Liberty Linux suse-liberty-linux-updates at lists.suse.com
Wed Jan 8 16:05:58 UTC 2025

# bugfix update for ant

Announcement ID: RHBA-2024:11220
Rating: Low

Affected Products:

  * SUSE Liberty Linux 9

An update that solves various issues can now be installed.

## Description:

This bugfix update provides a functional equivalent of RHBA-2024:11220.
The original Red Hat(R) advisory is available from the Red Hat web site at

## Package List:

  * SUSE Liberty Linux 9:
    * ant 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-antlr 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-apache-bcel 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-apache-bsf 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-apache-oro 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-apache-regexp 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-apache-resolver 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-apache-xalan2 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-commons-logging 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-commons-net 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-javamail 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-jdepend 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-jmf 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-jsch 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-junit 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-junit5 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-lib 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-openjdk11 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-openjdk17 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-openjdk21 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-openjdk8 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-swing 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-testutil 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * ant-xz 1.10.9-11.el9_5
    * antlr-C++ 2.7.7-70.el9_5
    * antlr-tool 2.7.7-70.el9_5
    * apache-commons-logging 1.2-31.el9_5
    * apache-commons-net 3.6-15.el9_5
    * assertj-core 3.19.0-6.el9_5
    * bcel 6.4.1-11.el9_5
    * bsf 2.4.0-45.el9_5
    * byte-buddy 1.10.20-7.el9_5
    * byte-buddy-agent 1.10.20-7.el9_5
    * hamcrest 2.2-9.el9_5
    * jakarta-activation 1.2.2-6.el9_5
    * jakarta-mail 1.6.5-6.el9_5
    * jakarta-oro 2.0.8-36.el9_5
    * jdepend 2.9.1-29.el9_5
    * jsch 0.1.55-6.el9_5
    * junit 4.13.1-7.el9_5
    * junit5 5.7.1-6.el9_5
    * jzlib 1.1.3-21.el9_5
    * objectweb-asm 9.1-6.el9_5
    * opentest4j 1.2.0-10.el9_5
    * regexp 1.5-39.el9_5
    * univocity-parsers 2.9.1-6.el9_5
    * xerces-j2 2.12.1-8.el9_5
    * xml-commons-apis 1.4.01-37.el9_5
    * xml-commons-resolver 1.2-39.el9_5
    * xz-java 1.8-15.el9_5

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