[sle-beta] SUSEConnect --rollback

Waite, Dick (External) Dick.Waite at softwareag.com
Wed Mar 28 01:32:54 MDT 2018

Grand Wet Morning,

I have a virtual machine at SLES12 SP-3 with up-2-pdate patches applied. It's SCC entry is attached, without keys, showing the full story.

Using a RC-2 installer I run an UPDATE (Migration) to SLES15 RC-2. bar some V3 keys nags which we have had for months, it worked.

I run a couple of tests, looked grand.

I issue SUSEConnect --rollback which from the messages on the virtual machine and the SCC worked but not as I thought, or maybe as I thought.

I wanted to "rollback" the SLES15 RC-2 environment to the original SLES12 SP-3, so that I can amend the SP-3 enviroment and try the UPDATE (Migration) again. It's simple to put the virtual machine back to SP-3 from the snap-shot, but I want to have the SCC back in-sync too so that I could try again.

The SCC did some work, but in the end it's still at SLES15 RC-2, shown in the attached files.

The attached files show the full story.

Question: should the SUSEConnect --rollback command put the SCC back to SLES12 SP-3 after a UPDATE (Migration), if so then I'll create a bug report, if not then how does one get the SCC back in-sync with the virtual machine when it's reloaded with the SLES12 SP-23 snap shot. I did suggest another SCC command which loads the SCC from the machines /etc/zypp area, which would reflect the correct environment, but --rollback was suggested.

Wishing you all a grand day...


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