[sles-beta] [ANNOUNCE] SLES 11 SP3 GMC2 available

Thorsten Kukuk kukuk at suse.de
Tue Jun 18 02:24:57 MDT 2013


Dear Beta Tester,

unfortunately, the BIOS/EFI firmwares bugs today are getting worse
and the outcome of this bugs are such severe, that they can
break your hardware. For that reason we had to redo the GMC to
lower even more the possibility that customer will run into this.

This means that we had to create a GMC2 for
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 and the SDK.

The changes compared to GMC are:
- Modify UEFI anti-bricking code (bnc#822080).
- Disable ERST pstore by default (bnc#816892).
- powerpc: Add isync to copy_and_flush (bnc#823191).
- x86, avx: don't use avx instructions with "noxsave" boot param

Additonal, we updated the release-notes-sles package and fixed the
font of the PDFs of the sles-*_{ja,ko,zh_CN,zh_TW} packages.

On the SDK we fixed inkscape:
- Upgraded the private Boehm garbage collector to version 7.2d.
  This is a probable fix for bnc#819794.

ISO images are now available for download now. Please go to
http://www.novell.com/beta and select "View my beta page".
Here you should see all Beta's you are part of.

We offer 3 DVD ISOs: DVD1 contains the binaries, the second
DVD the sources and the third DVD the debuginfo packages. 
The final product will not contain the debuginfo packages on the media.

Please verify the md5sum of the ISO using the MD5SUMS file, which can
be found in the same directory on the download servers.

Thanks for all your testing

	Your SUSE Linux Enterprise Team

Thorsten Kukuk, Project Manager/Release Manager SLES
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg
GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)

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