[sles-beta] Changing lan adapter names, get stuck rebooting

Marius Tomaschewski mt at suse.de
Wed Mar 19 19:03:03 MDT 2014

Am 19.03.2014 19:07, schrieb Allen Beddingfield:
> So, to clarify - with the next beta, the expectation is that we should be able
 > to go in and rename our interfaces in yast, without additional 
mucking around
 > with the config files?  That would be great.

When you want to rename, use an udev rule and just rename all nics to
something like nic0, nic1, nic2... or lanX, dmzX.

Important is basically to not use the "eth" scheme as exactly this is
causing problems: the kernel is assigning to them in random (detection)
order. You find eth0 which has to be to eth1, but before you've renamed 
kernel detects eth1 which has to be eth0 [more interfaces, more fun].
When the interface is up already, the rename fails, ...

IMO the systemd scheme is better than biosdevname, but not much.

Gruesse / Regards,
  Marius Tomaschewski <mt at suse.de>, <mt at suse.com>
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg),
  GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer,
  Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany

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