[sles-beta] Issues on Beta4

Johannes Meixner jsmeix at suse.de
Tue Apr 29 08:04:42 MDT 2014

Hello Klaus,

the issue may become off-topic on this mailing list.
Personally I don't mind but perhaps other do?
If you like we can continue via personal mail.
On the other hand, the issue could be of general interest
because it could be an example how other software could
coexist with SLE12 standard software.

On Apr 29 12:38 Klaus Gmeinwieser wrote (excerpt):
> our product is a complete printing solution supporting from input
> modules to driving multiple printers. For compatibility to older
> versions, we also have e.g. lpr, ipp modules.
> With SLE10 and SLE11 only cups-client and cups-libs was
> installed/required and this was fine with us....

I still cannot imagine what real conflict there could be
between your software and CUPS.

Currently I could only imagine file conflicts.
I.e. when your software provides same files as CUPS.
In particular when your software provides binaries like
/usr/bin/lp that are also provided by the cups-client RPM.

But as you wrote an installed cups-client RPM did not cause
a conflict with your software, I do not understand what in
the cups RPM causes a real conflict with your software.

For example - as far as I see - the cupsd in the cups RPM
does not cause a real conflict with any other IPP server
when that other IPP server is not installed as /usr/sbin/cupsd.

Of course a running cupsd conflicts with with any other running
IPP server (i.e. any other listener on port 631) but that is
not a conflict with the /usr/sbin/cupsd file in the cups RPM.

>From my current point of view I have the gut feeling that what
looks like a hard conflict between your software and CUPS
is perhaps basically "false alarm" and actually your software
could coexist with an installed CUPS regardless whether or not
having CUPS installed without running cupsd makes much sense.

As far as I currently see: If your software and CUPS do not have
same files, your software could be "just installed" on a standard
SLE12 system.

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH -- Maxfeldstrasse 5 -- 90409 Nuernberg -- Germany
HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg) GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendoerffer

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