[sles-beta] lynx & perl-DBD-ODBC

Mark Post mpost at suse.com
Mon Jun 9 14:23:33 MDT 2014

>>> On 6/9/2014 at 03:32 PM, Wendy Palm <wendy at cray.com> wrote: 
> Ah, I looked up a bit, and w3m is another text-based browser.
> I'm checking with the site to see if it's a suitable replacement for lynx.
> However, lynx has indeed been in SLE 11 sp3 SDK.

Just to clarify some terminology, when you say "in SLES" that doesn't include the SDK.  The SDK is an unsupported set of packages, separate from SLES (or SLED).  So you are correct in that lynx was in the SLE11 SDK, but not in the SLE12 SDK.  Thorsten is also correct that lynx was "never part of SLES."  The different mind set about what gets called what can be confusing if you're not familiar with it.

Why it's not part of the SLE12 SDK, I have no idea.  That is likely worth opening an SR to find out.  It could very well have been a mistake.

Mark Post

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