[caasp-beta] Antwort: Re: has realy someone tried the installation ?

Thorsten Kukuk kukuk at suse.com
Tue Apr 4 06:25:39 MDT 2017


On Tue, Apr 04, Sebastian.Zielenski at edeka.de wrote:

> Hi Thorsten,
> How should I set a password via cloud-init  when I can't login ?

You don't need to login to set a password with cloud-init. 
Cloud-init is looking for "external" configuration files during

> The option with a local vmdk file is actually not what I want to do. My first
> option is to set up the Beta in a REAL environment but up to the problems I
> described before it doesn't seams to work.

>From your email it is not really clear to me how you tried to do the

Our suggestion is:
- Boot from the DVD (this works even inside VMware) and install the
  administration node/dashboard.
- Connect to the machine with a web browser. You need to wait some
  minutes until all containers for the dashboard are started. Create
  an account and login.
- Follow the instructions, how to install the additional cluster nodes
  from DVD with autoyast.


Thorsten Kukuk, Distinguished Engineer, Senior Architect SLES & CaaSP
SUSE LINUX GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany
GF: Felix Imendoerffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton, HRB 21284 (AG Nuernberg)

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