[caasp-beta] Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: has realy someone tried the installation ?

Thorsten Kukuk kukuk at suse.com
Tue Apr 4 08:17:26 MDT 2017

On Tue, Apr 04, Sebastian.Zielenski at edeka.de wrote:

> Hi Thorsten,
> To be honest I don't want to setup cloud-init on my windows machine or an
> external connection to get the password into your pre configured  VM.

You don't need to "setup" cloud-init. All you need to do is to create
a USB-stick (or USB-stick image) with the configuration file.

> How difficult is it to put the initial password into the first login screen ?

That's not that difficult, we do that with JeOS. But while JeOS is
a multiple purpose operating system, where you normally do not start
many new machines at the same time, CaaSP is designed to start quickly
a huge amount of new machines, which then should be added to the cluster.
So letting the administrator go around and enter the root password
everywhere will not scale.
The feedback we got upfront was pretty clear: new nodes in the cluster
should not require any manual interaction beside pressing the power button.

> But anyway my first option is it still to install the CAAS in a testlab. And
> believe my I just followed  the installation introduction in the official
> document  and waited a long time before I tried to open the web browser but the
> result is always the same the VM isn't available from the outside so I couldn't
> start the web browser ore even  ssh into the caas Controler from the  outside.

Ok, if you installed with the DVD, you had to specify a root password
and you are now able to login on the administration node.
If you login, are there any error messages in /var/log/messages,
what does "docker ps" show?


Thorsten Kukuk, Distinguished Engineer, Senior Architect SLES & CaaSP
SUSE LINUX GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany
GF: Felix Imendoerffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton, HRB 21284 (AG Nuernberg)

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