[caasp-beta] [ANNOUNCE] SUSE Container as a Service Platform 1.0 Beta 2 is available!

SUSE CaaSP Team caasp-beta at lists.suse.com
Thu Mar 30 11:14:45 MDT 2017

== Beta 2 of the SUSE Container as a Service Platform[1]
We are happy to announce our first public Beta  of the SUSE Container as a Service Platform 1.0:

== More informations
Things to consider for this Beta:


    Your DHCP server should provide resolveable hostnames. If this is not the case like 
    with libvirt/KVM, you should consider providing one yourself by appending this kernel
    parameter "hostname=HOSTNAME" during installation.

    However, the kubeconfig file downloaded from the Dashboard could contain an incorrect
    "server" hostname that should be replaced with the IP address of your Master.
    For more information read: https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Linuxrc#Network_Configuration


    If you install via autoyast or one of the provided VMX beta images (KVM,Xen,VMware,...)
    please set a password or SSH key via cloud-init to be able to login.

    We recommend downloading kubectl config before rebooting the cluster.

Release schedule[3]
Release Notes[4]

Have fun beta testing!
  Your SUSE Linux Enterprise Team

  Please refer to our dedicated SUSE CaaSP Beta Program webpage[1] for any general
  information. However, do not hesitate to contact us at
  beta-programs at lists.suse.com if you have any questions.

  You received this email because you're signed up to get updates from us.
  Please send an email to beta-programs at lists.suse.com if you want to

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