[Deepsea-users] timeout disengage.safety

Joshua Schmid jschmid at suse.de
Wed Aug 8 02:20:25 MDT 2018

Alan Johnson <alanj at supermicro.com> wrote on Tue, 07. Aug 21:40:
> I see the same thing so what I did was to run the disengage safety in one window and then recall the command prior to the minute elapsing until the cluster started to purge, but I agree one minute is too short - could it be made configurable such as passing an argument?

We have a reference implementation for exactly this. 


We can get it in if we find out that this is really needed.

Are you saying that when you run `salt-run disengage.safety; salt-run state.orch ceph.purge` 
the purge process is not going through?

> Thx
> Alan
Joshua Schmid
Software Engineer
SUSE Enterprise Storage

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