[sle-beta] SLES15 beta 6, initial observation

Joe Doupnik jrd at netlab1.net
Sun Feb 4 11:58:47 MST 2018

On 04/02/2018 18:36, Joe Doupnik wrote:
> Two installation tests today, as a fresh virtual machine within ESXi 
> v6.0.
>     The first test put the installer on one CD drive and the package 
> on another. That resulted in the installer getting to the end of the 
> green screen with progress bar and just sit there doing nothing for a 
> long time. I repeated this with only one CD (the installler) and then 
> the system would progress into the regular details. Clearly, with two 
> CD drives the installer became confused.
>     The second test was with one CD, as just mentioned. The peculiar 
> item observed thus far was when partitioning. I said please redo the 
> layout with the offered existing partitions, I removed all shown for 
> the only drive, and I created my usual three of BOOT (/boot, EXT2, 
> 128MB), SWAP (swap, 512MB), and ROOT (/, 6.xGB). Then a message popped 
> up saying (using my memory here) there was no separate disk with a 
> peculiarly named boot partition, did I wish to proceed anyway. Hmmm, 
> that's new and seemingly a design bug. I elected to proceed anyway, 
> and as I write this note the software is busily installing. Also, I 
> notice there is still no offered /boot choice amongst partitions in 
> the pull down menu.
>     Thanks,
>     Joe D.
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     A brief follow up. The system installed but could not reboot, 
saying no o/s. The virtual machine has two CD drives, only one connected 
and holding the installer image. Playing about with them produced no 
progress.  Booting with the installer and choosing the Rescue option 
leads to the same stalled system as noted in the first test in my msg 
above. Thus I conclude the presence of two CD drives during installation 
leads to internal confusion and a mis-configured system. Tomorrow I will 
try again with a fresh virtual machine having only a single CD drive.
     Joe D.

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