[sles-beta] Issues on Beta4

Johannes Meixner jsmeix at suse.de
Wed Apr 30 04:21:59 MDT 2014

Hello Klaus,

On Apr 29 17:22 Klaus Gmeinwieser wrote (excerpt):
> The coexistence with SLES standard software is not the problem at all.
> As we install a production printing suite on the SLES it is required
> from our side, that any misconfiguration is prevented on best effort
> (what is not installed cannot be started or used accidentally).
> Having both software packages installed is just one part of the conflict
> (a started cups server will block the TCP/IP ports for our software as
> first problem). As we are shipping to customers worldwide, the existence
> of the cups software (especially the server) will conflict with our
> policies not to use the SLES for any other purpose. This is also true
> for the apache server not to be allowed on our installations for use of
> ports 80/443.
> We had several severe issues on (so called) "experts" using/trying
> cups/apache in parallel with our software (not going into details).
> This is also an issue of better supportability for our service people.

Now I understand and
(Gnome has a hard RPM requirement for the whole CUPS)
makes even more sense now.

I wonder to what extent nowadays desktop systems and application programs
"just assume" that CUPS is available as base printing system?

I mean to what extent nowadays desktops and applications that are linked
with CUPS libraries can work in a usable way when only the CUPS libraries
are installed (so that the programs are able to run technically) but when
the rest of CUPS is not available to what extent those programs are still
able to provide actually useful printing functionality to the user
(e.g. to print something or choose a printer and so on)?

> In my opinion, the best way is not to install any unwanted service or to
> be urged to do so. As an example I would point to the rsh/rexec which is
> also not installed (I know for security) or the apache server - if I
> want to use it I have to install it. I cannot see the difference between
> a print server being a fixed part of the SLES and any other service
> being not? (Anyway I cannot see any requirement for cups server on an
> enterprise machine except a print server)

A running cupsd is needed for "usual" printing on client systems.
I.e. CUPS is usually needed.
Therefore CUPS is installed by default.

In contrast a HTTP server is usually not needed.

But since SLE12 the cupsd is no longer started by default, see
(systemd-presets-branding-SLE: have cups disabled by default)
i.e. there is no "cups" in

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH -- Maxfeldstrasse 5 -- 90409 Nuernberg -- Germany
HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg) GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendoerffer

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