[sles-beta] NCC => SCC ?? novell/center invalid??

Simona Arsene sarsene at suse.com
Tue May 27 02:46:14 MDT 2014

Hi Urs, 

I just want to ensure you that we have not changed anything. SCC and NCC use 
a common solution acting as a SSO (single sign on) and it looks like last evening the 
NCC parts was not working properly. 

This is an issue with our current Customer Center and one of the reasons
why we have invested a lot of time in cleaning this up and building SCC. 

I want to ensure you that we have not removed any access to NCC and 
we'll not do that without communication. 

I would like to encourage you to contact Sascha directly so that he can work on 
the login issue that we're facing. 

Once again, I would like to apologize for this inconvenient, I know that this 
should never happen and I understand your position. At the moment, I can 
assure you that the SCC team is working really hard in putting together the 
pieces for the new SUSE customer center. 

Thank you for your understanding, 

>>> On 5/26/2014 at 05:56 PM, in message
<40637DBB36AF3941B243A286A432CA0B0F99DB0E at HXMB12.pnet.ch>, <urs.frey at post.ch>
> Hi 
> I am desperately trying to log in tot he already longtime known URL  
> http://www.novell.com/center 
> Login not possible. URL seems to be dead 
> BUT when I try to log in to https://scc.suse.com I get an authentication  
> mask from SUSE and after successful login I am in my NCC account! 
> HOW and why this? 
> Why without communication? 
> This is really not nice. I have something I need to do or to message in NCC  
> and then just because SCC and NCC is messed up I need to play test-rabbit? 
> I do not like that. Please issue a change, when productive environment gets  
> modified. 
> NCC is productive for all of us having servers registered 
> Thanks 
> Best regards 
> Urs Frey                                              
> Post CH AG 
> Informationstechnologie 
> IT Betrieb 
> Webergutstrasse 12 
> 3030 Bern (Zollikofen) 
> Telefon : ++41 (0)58 338 58 70 
> FAX     : ++41 (0)58 667 30 07 
> E-Mail:   urs.frey at post.ch 

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